pafp HUG ME || gross mushy gay cats

GREAT STARCLAN ABOVE, it was here. The day was finally here! Sunfreckle would be joining him back in the warriors den!! He was over the moon! The sun couldn't set any faster. His heart was racing and he was jittering with excitement.

The past few moons were uncomfortable in the warriors den. They were terrible!! He was all alone!!! Well, not really. He had his clanmates.

But NOBODY. NOBODY!!!! Could replace Sunfreckle as a snuggle buddy!!! He was soft and warm and Rabbitnose always melted in his embrace.

And he missed it so, so much. Sleeping alone was terrible. He has spent too many nights curled up alone! His seperation anxiety was unparalleled.

And so he waited in his nest, eyes pinned to the entrance, waiting for his beloved to arrive.

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The benefits of having a mate already in the warrior's den was not having to remake his nest when he returned, so after his first outing he padded back into camp with his head up and his one mouse dropped onto the freshkill pile before making his way over to the den. It wasn't much, but he was still shaking off the rust and any food at this point was prey worth catching, so he told himself. Now that he was able to hunt again he could practice more, strive to improve his limited abilities and maybe actually learn to fight one day. As of right now he mostly stood there and just pushed cats around using his weight and size, and it was acceptable enough for the time being.
The world had opened back up and he had so many possibilities he could look into once again, faintly he remembered once wanting to be a permanent queen in the nursery but the idea of it now made him almost want to wretch. No. Rabbitnose would be lucky if he got a second litter anytime soon. Maybe when they were both almost senior warriors, but right now...if the blue tom even wiggled an eyebrow at him he'd maul him.
Speaking of blue toms...

A more excited cat he'd never find again in his lifetime and the red tabby smiled at the spotted tom waiting for him with a comically thumping tail. He'd never meet another cat who loved him as much as Rabbitnose and the feeling was quite mutual.

"Did you miss me? Oh, you fixed our nest back too! Good!"
He walked further into the den, pausing to lower his head to he could bump it up against the other toms.


The word 'nest' flitted along the air, and Berryheart's ears swivelled to attention. There he witnessed Nifty closing in on Bubbles through the threshold of the warrior's den, where the former would finally be moving back after being in the nursery for so long. Away did his mind drift for a moment, thinking of how much of a bother having kits seemed... not all cats had the privilege of being an uncle, but he would bet it was much more palatable than being a father.

What had really snagged him had been Nifty's announcement that the nest had been fixed, and askew eyes moved to study the handiwork. He supposed one would want to put in a lot of effort for a returning mate, and- though it was not the most outstanding effort Berryheart had ever laid eyes on, it was certainly well-made. And above all it seemed that Nifty was appreciative of it- that was the main thing, wasn't it?

Sloepaw watched the display with a cotton-full head, the thought of any kind of intimacy knitting more fluff through his mind. He was happy for the pair, glad to see clanmates so content but it all felt so foreign. Endeveared to remain polite, the sable-footed apprentice summoned a small smile.

"Nothing like a fresh nest." He shook a leaf from his shoulder, the snow crusted intruder falling from the sky with surprising force. When his eyes rose back to gaze across the clearing, Sunfreckle and Rabbitnose were brushing against each other in greeting. The civility sloughed from his face, whiskers tilted in discomfort. All that- touching- it wasn't for him. Sloepaw wondered if it ever would be.

Trying to disguise the almost childish aversion, he shoved his paw across his face and began to wash. A sheepish glance clocked Berryheart, trying to see what the older tom thought of it all.

For Burnpaw the opposite had proved true. While he had loved his siblings, his mother, he found that having his own nest was significantly better than being woken up by his littermates loud snores, or by a kick to the chest, someone chewing on his ear in their sleep. Having his own nest by himself was a blessing straight from Star Clan themselves. Though if he was being honest sometimes he did yearn to press himself against his mother familiar black pelt, to pretend like he was just a kit again and he was enveloped in her embrace. Safe and warm. He would never say this out loud though.

The black apprentice sticks out a tongue, mimicking a gag. The site of Sunfreckle and Rabbitnose cuddling was just enough to make him want to throw up what little food he had for breakfast. “Get a den you two” he says, his tone taking on an annoyed lithe but he does not say these words unkindly. He is still a child, after all, not quite able to understand the need for grown ups to display their affections to one another. Besides, he had known Sunfreckle his whole life. The tom had always lived in the nursery and it felt wrong to see him out of it.
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The moment Sunfreckle got close enough he wrapped his front legs around him in an embrace, and then pulling him down into the nest with him and nuzzling his face into his fur, purring.

"I missed you so much!! IM SO HAPPY YOURE BACK I WAS SO LONELY DONT EVER LEAVE ME AGAIN" He practically shouted into his fur with joy.

He was so happy!!!! So happy in fact, that as he heard Burnpaw tell them to get a den, he simply had to respond.

"We're already in one!" He said, and gave Sunfreckle the biggest lick on the cheek.

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The excited chatter of two lovers, their shrill squeals of laughter and happiness, it was nice to see some of that around again. Every day seemed to grow colder, and the sparks that ignited between Sunfreckle and Rabbitnose was enough to melt the every snow beneath their paws. Stormchaser had been lounging outside of the Warrior's Den, picking at what remained of a scrawny vole that went cold awhile ago. But, good was food around this time of year. He glanced within the warrior's den about the time Rabbitnose fell to the ground with his mate, caressing him with a warm embrace and loving licks. It was sweet.
Burnpaw had mimicked a signified gag, followed by a light-hearted taunt to the couple. The blue tom chuckled with a shake of his head. Then he got an idea. He stood, stretching his limbs to get the blood back flowing after laying again the frozen ground. "Oh, c'mon Burnpaw. Don't be jealous of them. If you felt left out, just say that." He teased lightly, a toothy grin pulling back his lips. "You want some lovin'? I'll give ya a smooch, too!" He then proceeded to twist his face and puckered up his lips to mimick a kissy face, acting as if we're going to give Burnpaw a big kiss on the cheek. Of course, he'd never actually do such a thing, but seeing the look on the dark apprentice's face would be more than well worth it.

Burnpaws face twists up in an uncomfortable grimace as Rabbitnose once again falls upon Sunfreckle. This was even worse than watching his own mom and dad swoon over each other, at least they had never been as much as this. If Little Wolf and Blazestar's love was the equivalent to a gentle but steady rain, Rabbitnose and Sunfreckle's were a torrential downpour. The kind you cursed the stars about because it was annoying. "I meant a den all of us aren't in! So we don't have to look at ya" he says then sticks his tongue out at the pair in a snooty but teasing way before turning back to the task at hand, cleaning nests. He just wanted to finish his apprentice duties in here and move on but oh that was not to be.

Stormchaser, to his horror, offers to give him a kiss, and quickly Burnpaw dodges out of the way. "Ha! You'll have to be quicker than that I've been dodging my mom's baths since I could walk!" he taunts then playfully reaches out to swat at the gray tom with a sheathed paw. "I ain't gettin' cooties from no one!" he declares proudly, boastfully even.