private humming melodies // snowshadow

periwinklepaw | 06 months | demi-boy | he/they | physically easy (pacifist) | mentally easy | attack in bold #ccccff
With hyacinthbreaths exile and wisteriapaw's death, periwinklepaw finds himself clinging ever tighter to the blood relations he has left. To the family he has left, he corrects himself, bloodline or not. It is for this reason that once he's been given the all clear by their medicine cat he seeks out Snowshadow, uncertain at first as he approaches, before he takes a deep calming breath and forces down the anxiety and replaces wit with sheer determination. []"S-snowsh-adow- "[/b] he starts, words coming out a bit jumbled at first, hoping to catch the warriors attention. He wants to thank him - for saving him, for being there when the fox was about to hurt him, to hurt vuluturemask. But he doesn't know how - the words simply won't come.

// @Snowshadow