camp hungry like the wolf / ooooo code breaker.... ?

🕊️ Her skin itched under her fur. Not in the way that Ferndance's fleas itched when she had caught them (oh, how happy she was after they had practically frozen off in the mountains) but in the way that her skin itched when Betonyfrost had insulted Chilledstar and Emberpaw in one fell swoop. It itched angrily, an aggravated itch that enticed her claws to score the earth. The itch was not contained, either. Her belly was warm and her tail curled up uncomfortably tight. All of her muscles seemed to be contracting at once as if she were ready to pounce, even though she was just in her nest. The morning sun hadn't even risen and here she was, shredding parts of her shared nest out of some hidden anger. Was she still mad at Chilledstar, Skunktail, Lilacfur, Pipit? Was she thinking about Siltcloud or Granitepelt without really knowing it?

It was an odd feeling, the sort of feeling that only came around during her hungriest of moments. A bit perturbed by the sudden onslaught of aggravation, she resigned to herself to rasping her tongue over her pinkening belly before getting up for the day.

As she had thought, sunrise was not quite upon the marshlands yet. Cats still dozed semi-peacefully in their assorted dens whilst the freshkill pile stood fresh and untouched from the night's various patrols. Without another care in the world, Needledrift hustled towards the food, her stomach roaring its empty demands. Frog, bird, little black racer snake, it didn't matter what she would put in her mouth, she was just so HUNGRY! Forget the code, she needed to eat right now. speech is in #B9D0F5
Frostbite is minding his own business and enjoying the cold morning air when he sees Needledrift close in on the fresh kill pile. Normally he would pay no mind, but there's something in the way she moves that surprises him. Now, he knows there's a law in place that says kits and elders eat first... But Needledrift looks like she's about to eat her entire meal including the bones in one bite and that makes him wonder if she's been skipping meals. And you NEVER get between a hungry shadowclanner and their prey. Or else you might get eaten too.

He approaches her quietly, knowing there are still plenty cats asleep right now and he's not going to be the one who wakes everyone up.

"Good morning, Needledrift." He greets her. "You haven't been skipping meals, have you? You look like you're about to swallow the whole pile whole." He says. He imagines she's pretty stressed about recent happenings too, regardless of which side she's on so he makes sure not to crowd her.​
જ➶ Dual toned eyes flicker and move across the dark expanse of the warrior den. The comfortable warmth has left his side and he sighs softly as he drifts in and out of consciousness. The morning has yet to arrive and thus he doesn't want to wake. But the warmth is something he misses and so he pushes himself from the nest that he shares. One kn which he does find peace. Trembling jaw parts as he yawns and with ease he steps out of the den, shaking himself before his gaze finds Frostbite and a rather ravenous looking Needledrift. Concern floats in his his gaze as he steps forward. His lip twitching as he stares and then looks away toward the pile that still has what appears to be fresh food from hunts prior. "You should have something. Don't want you chewing off a leg. I can make up for it."

Yes yes, he can bring back a rat or two to throw onto the pile. He is sure no one is opposed to letting cats having their first meal of the morning. Running on an empty belly and weak could be a death sentence.

Cold weather interacts with the body in curious ways. Bones are brought to a brittle brink and muscles are turned to stone. Meals fall short of satisfaction in a manner difficult to explain; the mind then numbs to lucidity as despair settles inside. A lethargy steals over the marshland, brought to the world and weeping beneath a skeletal treetops. Leaf-bare takes flesh and soul prisoner in its wintry clutch. It's a tale the deputy has observed here, and experienced firsthand, time-and-time again. To endure Leaf-bare requires perseverance, tempered grit and a calm heart—in ShadowClan, these virtues were not as abundant as one might hope.

Considering the season's adverse effects, however, fortune tilted a smidgeon in Smogmaw's favour. Both a fleecy coat and steely resolve provide adequate shelter against the bite in the air, and keep the tomcat's dire impulses at bay (for the most part, anyway).

Such cannot be equally expressed about his clanmates, yet it cannot be held against them. Needledrift slithering towards the fresh-kill pile does not originate from malicious intent; the molly is desperate, as they all are, and hunger slashes at her belly with a firm insistence. To admonish her for the pitiful attempts at soothing pain would be a hypocrisy, even should the code demand it.

Snow envelops paw-fur as he shuffles close, following in the other warriors' wake. Outfitted by an inoffensive posture and listless eyes, Smogmaw slips gingerly into Needledrift's peripheral. "You may eat, Needledrift," he attests, mounting Chittertongue's suggestion with his endorsement. Clouds puff from his lips as his phlegmy throat is hawked and cleared. "After walking mountains for this clan, rest assured you deserve it."

It is the least he can offer. Those who returned from the harrowing journey received not the hero's welcome they rightfully warranted, only news of continued tragedy. Smogmaw is still of the mind the efforts ought to be recognised. "You'll make up for it later, surely." Amber-glazed eyes cast over the meagre pile at her clawtips. "Much of this season still remains, so catch double whatever you eat now."

🕊️ She is surrounded immediately, a veritable swarm of others. The reprimands would come any moment and her head lowered in preparation for her lecture.. but it never came. Warm words greeted her this morning, each of her friends (friends, you stupid cat, not lecturers) encouraging her to eat.

Needledrift blinked. She had expected more anger and vitriol, especially after her outburst to their leader and her unwavering support of her nursery-bound mate. She expected... well, she had imagined... spiteful glares and hissed warnings for any action of hers. What had made her think so little of her clanmates that she expected them to attack her just for getting breakfast?

She did not care to think about the heavy buzz of a summer-storm that still resided in the corner of her mind this morning.

Whiskers twitch eagerly as she crouches down to collect a small field mouse from the pile, a little less eager to answer Frostbite's question. He knew he too well. Of course he knew that she would skip meals in order to pass on a few more morsels to Ferndance or Wisteriapaw. Of course he would notice, he always noticed when she wasn't eating.

Chittertongue and Smogmaw egg a smile onto her face, at first because she hadn't realized how ravenous she seemed and then because of the idea of working for her own way. She could now. She proved she could.

"It'll be a good lesson for Lividpaw, hunting in snow. We can practice some things I picked up from Hailstorm and Stormywing." speech is in #B9D0F5
It's early - perhaps too early for kittens and their energy - however that will not stop little Snowykit from breaking free of the nursery and surveying camp with a glint in her eyes. The exit is a no-no. She learned that from Skunktail (though how truthful are his law?) but what of the other holes and spots to be? There's a leader's den, she knows, and one for warriors...

Her trail of thought abruptly stops when she finds Needledrift off in the distance (in truth only a few foxlengths away.) She's with Chittertongue, a tom she knows vaguely, as well as Smogmaw and Frostbite - two more toms she knows, but only truthfully by name and legacy (taught by her mothers.) Their visages are odd to put names to, but she can ignore the disparity to join her mother with a quickness.

"Ma!" she squeals, diving in between the bicolored she-cat's forelegs, "Gooooood mor-ning!" she then cheers, as if the shadows about camp do not cloud her excitement. "Can I go hunt in the snow? It's - It's my name! I should be able to!"

Lividpaw had always been one who woke up early sometimes even before the sun had started to rise. It was a simply fact that he prefered to be up early before most had even got up from their nests. It was the only time of the day he could be alone with his thoughts undisturbed. This morning was no different. He had been seating by the apprentice den exit for a while now to observe the situation that unfold itself by the fresh kill pile which his mentor happened to be involved in. He watched closely like there was something he wished to learn from this encounter between his mentor and his clanmates. By the time the potential tension had solved itself rather smoothly with no judgement at all Lividpaw took the opportunity to leave the den to join them. His time for a peaceful morning had gone with the wind anyway.

" Morning." he greeted, his dull emotionless eyes focused on Needledrift even though his greeting had been meant for everyone. How much truth had there been in what Frostbite had said?. Did Needledrift have a history of neglecting to eat?. Lividpaw stared long at his mentor hoping so not were the case. It might become troublesome if that was true. Lividpaw did not like the possibility of unnecessery obsticles to his training, and this time of the year was known to be merciless cruel. Perhaps he should keep an extra eye on his mentor for the time being to make sure she eat her share of the prey that got brought in for them all to eat.

If anything he was ready for the hunting lesson Needledrift just had mentioned knowing he would need all the practise in the world when it come to learn how to overcome the most difficult obsticle there was for him to face right now. Snow. It hadn't been here for long but he already longed for the day it would leave the marsh land. But first Needledrift needed to finish her meal and the bonding session with her...daughter. Lividpaw watched the two with unblinking eyes.