backwritten Hunt down the good in me ♡ Adderpaw

Mar 30, 2024
*+:。.。 //Pre-murder

Splinters flew like angry hornets as he slashed at every wayward-looking tree. His namesake shined true in deep, boiling blue eyes as he raged against fate and consequences, his only form of solace in the gash marks he produced in the trunks of his homeland's flora. To have stood back like a coward - another slash - this whole time he'd worked to define what a true Thunderclanner was, but he couldn't help but feel he was more worthless than the kitty-pets! With a heaving breath, he gouged another mark into the tree, loathing the memory of Howlingstar and the rest of his clanmates jeering over the loss of some of Thunderclan's finest. He's only pulled from his rage when pain suddenly lances through his paw.

Sitting back, Wrathpaw pouts as he examines his bloodied claw, torn too close to the quick. Sighing, he licks at the minor wound, glaring hatefully at the tree that countered him.

  • // I'm so sorry this is so short! it's a tad rushed!

    DMAB— He/Him
    9 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Brother to Lovelight, Joywing, Laughblossom || Pridepaw, Merrypaw
    Thunderclan — Kit
    Mentored by Wildheart

    Physically mediocre | mentally easy
    Attack in bold #4a59ff
    injuries: None currently
/ mobile + no worries! & sorry this is late ;-;

Adderpaw found the forest to — in a shocking twist of events — be his source of comfort, a place where he could blend into the shadows and be able to forget his problems. And now that he had passed his assessment and the start of his warriorhood just around the corner, he didn’t have to worry about getting up at StarClan—forsaken hours of the morning to get as much training accomplished as possible, so he could go into the forest as he pleases. Because of this, the boy was slinking amongst the undergrowth of the forest with his thoughts running hog—wild in blissful ignorance. The fact that he would be receiving his warrior name, when only five moons ago Mossywing deemed him ‘unteachable’ and left him — a lost heap of scrap that just needed to be cared for—

He took a deep breath to stop the crashing waves of anger, moons of built—up hatred flooding into his senses in an overwhelming fashion. Mossywing would see him now as a warrior of ThunderClan, and he would make Howlingstar see him as a vital warrior to the clan. He had to prove himself.


The sound of claws against bark hit his ears like a monster trying to skid to a halt, Adderpaw dropping quickly into a crouch in response. Who would be out here clawing at a tree unless it was the traitors, or the rogues that seemed to be hiding amongst their greenery? Finding an opening in the branches to peer his brightly—colored narrowed eyes through, he quizzically raised a brow at the sight of Wrathpaw seeming to hold the same deep—rooted hatred that had been holding him down for so long. Squinting his eyes further in suspicion, Adderpaw wondered what could have driven the younger boy to such a point. He seemed to have such an easy life, surrounded by a family that loved and cared for him — what was he so upset about? What right did he have?

’Too far,’ the words bounced off the walls of his mind in echoes, guilt now gnawing away at his heart with a bite of his lip. Wrathpaw was. . . a friend. He was allowed to have his own feelings, too, even if they were different.

Emerging from the shadows, Adderpaw noticed the distraught posture of Wrathpaw as he snuck up from behind, unaware of the damage the boy had accidentally inflicted on himself. He cocked his head in confusion before shaking it off, using a claw to tap Wrathpaw on the left side of his shoulder while sitting on his haunches instead to the right of him. "Heya," he grinned, anticipating Wrathpaw’s reaction with. . . excitement until he saw the torn claw, immediately feeling queasy to the stomach. ”Uh. . . ya should probably see Gen’lest—orm for that." The tomcat paused, hesitating before asking his next question. "Are you. . . okay?"