sensitive topics HUNT WELL, OR DIE WELL &. patrol


chilledstar grumbled quietly to themself as their paw steps led them upon a path, to s decent hunting spot. as if any spot within their pathetically barren home could be considered decent. despite their like for the prey within the territory, they would easily kill for something thicker. heartier. a nice and thick mouse, or even a crow trapped between their charcoal paws. anything else. but they were not favored this day. they've caught but one piece of prey, and that wasn't even that great. they stop in their tracks, nose twitching at the smell of rain that hung in the air. it was going to a heavy one... was that why all the prey seemed to be gone? frogs would come out upon the downpour but not just yet. they clicked their tongue with a snort, looking over at the rest of the patrol, trying to gadge how they were doing.


@smogmaw @Needledrift @Ravenwatcher. . needledrift will be finding ghostpaw's body but let it be known that granitepaw will not be caught. it is to be assumed that this was just an unfortunate accident.
The biggest smile Needledrift could muster had seemingly been plastered to her crooked maw. A hunting patrol, just as Ravenwatcher and Smogmaw had suggested earlier. Thoughts of bird's nests high in the pine trees that encircled their camp, a silly fantasy of tadpoles swirling around gray and black paws - she had been excited. So excited!

....and then Chilledstar had joined them. Now, it wasn't that Needledrift disliked or disrespected her leader - quite the opposite! She remembered growing up in the Marsh Group alongside Chilledstar, alongside Briarstar's first litter, and other cats that had grown up to be warriors of ShadowClan and beyond. It was a little odd now, two leaders into this whole clan business, to see a cat so close in age to her be promoted to such an honor. It was daunting. She didn't feel quite... experienced, or notable, enough to even be on patrol with this cat now. Yes, Smogmaw was also in a position of power, but Smogmaw carried himself in a much less ... severe manner. And he hadn't been blessed by StarClan yet!

So Needledrift, still as happy as a spring chicken, had loitered back behind the rest of her group. She didn't believe that she was privy to a certain level of closeness to her leader, but that didn't mean she would be a stick in the mud about it! Smogmaw and Ravenwatcher wanders ahead whilst Needledrift floats - drifting, as her name suggests - from one puddle to the next, peering into the murky shallows for a hint of tadpoles or frog eggs. From divot to divot she wanders, nosing her way through reeds and stepping delicately over the wettest patches to keep her paws from sinking into peat moss and mud.

A glimmer of white catches her eye, covered by a particularly overgrown patch of swamp-grass. Oh-oh-oh! Needledrift wiggles her butt in excitement, nearly prancing over to her newly-chosen spot to stick her head into the fronds, her no-

- no.

There, laying half-submerged in a pool of algae and leaf-rot, was Ghostpaw. His eyes glazed over and his body still, he looked all the more like his namesake than he ever did... and of course, now it was true, because Ghostpaw was dead.

Needledrift stumbles back, a strangled noise ripping its way out of her throat, her jaw clicking apart and clicking back together painfully in an amalgamation of a scream - I found something, I found a cat, he-he-he-he- She wants to yell, to call out to her clan-mates, but even with her voice, she wouldn't be able to manage it. It was no gory murder, no gristly death - there were no bloody, open wounds or visible signs of struggle. Ghostpaw drowned... he just drowned, a silly accident that turned out to not be very silly at all.

- but why did he look like that now? All bulged eyes and pale, color-shocked skin, ragged fur covered in the muck from the marsh. She couldn't look away, but for the first time in her life, she wished she had lost her eyes in the Great Battle instead of her mouth.
she smells like lemongrass and sleep

A brooding cloud cover, an atmosphere fraught with moisture, and whispers of a coming rainfall rustling through the treetops. It created a mood that was nothing short of melancholic, to put it mildly, though Smogmaw did not mind. In his eyes, the promise of an impending downpour held only good tidings for the clan. When it rains, the swamp rejoices, and in the swamp's joy, prey thrives abundantly. What's more, weather conditions such as today's keep his nerves sharp, his eyes peeled—glimpsing subtle movements in the underbrush was made all the easier without the shadows brought by sunlight.

Venturing forth alongside his patrolmates, the ashen tom carries himself with marked repose. The hunt has proved to be a fruitful one, for clenched in maw is a duo of frogs; seeing as both were caught in an extraordinarily short span of time, perhapse they were friends, or cousins, or simply two very kindred neighbours. And based on a cursory glance towards the warriors around him, it would seem his efforts outstripped those of some of his companions. Knowing this gives rise to a shrewd grin along corners of his mouth, whilst he scoffs inwardly at their incompetence.

Smogmaw presses ahead in the company of Ravenwatcher and Chilledstar, but - as it would soon become apparent - not Needledrift. Struck by the realisation, the deputy halts in his tracks, and pivots his head over a shoulder to scan the marsh behind him. He finds it a tad hard to believe that the lockjawed she-cat would trail so far behind, especially considering she couldn't catch much beyond snails. Nonetheless, her failure to reappear within the ensuing moments leads him to interpret she had, in fact, found something worth while. In this case, maybe she required assistance in completing her catch.

The frogs are placed in a recognisable divot along the ground. "I'll return shortly," remarks the tom, before his paws depart the dew-steeped soil in the direction Needledrift had been spotted last. At a mercurial pace, he maneuvers around the puddles that lay in the path they'd walked, paying close heed for any indication of grey strands amidst the reeds.

He persists in his search until a vague, almost sputtering kind of noise seizes his attention. His head swivels, and there, just off yonder, he espies the stiffened form of his clanmate. Paralysed with nervousness, by the looks of it. What had she seen?

"You," Smogmaw expels, approaching with a graveness which mirrored her own. "What are you doing?" he then asks in a somewhat accusatory tone. Tarrying on hunting patrols is apprentice-esque behaviour, something a seasoned warrior should have long grown out of. Any verbal response from her was less likely than a frog sprouting wings, and thus his vision wanders to the fronds nearby, whereupon he notices a recent disturbance in the manner they stood—as though they'd been moved by a sudden motion.

His focus deviates from the she-cat then, and he instead moves to push his head through the ferns.

The appalling sight that'd awaited him brings his eyes to an equally widened, equally stolid state.

Unlike his comrade, who'd presumably jerked back upon observing the corpse, Smogmaw remains transfixed to the turf beneath his paws. Aghast and bewildered, silent and still, morbidly fascinated, and stunned by the grotesque mockery of Ghostpaw's form. It was swollen, marred, bloated in a manner he couldn't have ever dreamt of.

"This complicates things a little bit," he mutters with bated breath.


So I walk alone down the darkest roads

Ravenwatcher's eyes drifted upwards towards the clouds with a slight hum, following close beside Smogmaw and Chilledstar, tail swishing as the warning of rain seemed to come, and perhaps to their luck they would find something decent to bring back to the clan. Luckily for the young warrior she had managed to catch a decent-sized bird before noticing that Needledrift had...done what her name-sake was sand, well, drifted off from the rest.

She would gently set down her prey before following whatever silver paws of Smogmaw's seen before ears perking at the noise the other had managed to produce. Claws digging into the ground the smaller warrior was quick to follow towards the noise, coming to stand next to the deputy with a confused look on her face, blue eyes darting across the gloom of the pines before it landed on the stilled form of Ghostpaw, a frown furrowing on her lips in disappointment. "So close to being a warrior..." she said softly.

Hints of cold anger danced like flames in her vibrant blue eyes while her tail lashed, the glassy look of the apprentice's eyes and...the stillness that it brought alongside with it was, heart dropping, to say the least. How could this of happen in the first place? Did a rogue...? She let a soft huff out while her tail swished in annoyance. "Whoever did this...I hope they sleep with one eye open" she said a little coolly.

None of this was easy, and yet the only emotion that the warrior could feel in this moment was annoyance...or was it anger? She could not tell but, she did want to harm whoever had taken away one of their apprentice, someone who had still been impressionable...a warrior..lost, killed. Disgraceful. Her ears swerved to pin to the back of her head, Ghostpaw had a whole future set in front of him but someone took it away from him. "...Going after an apprentice, how shameful" she softly placed in.

they didn't know what to think. this... wasn't how this was supposed to go. they weren't supposed to find him here, face down in a puddle of water. he... was going to be a warrior. they were ready to make him a warrior! they even had his name picked... they... they.... don't say a word. they simply stop in their steps, staring at the lifeless body. their stomach turns and yet their face reveals nothingness. they feel too many thing right now and with a shake of their tail ( a very subtle one at that ) they turn their emotions off, as if there was a simple flip to be switched. they look over at the body, giving a few sniffs before blinking dully. there is a swirl of turmoil in their eyes, and they momentarily feel themselves slipping out of the hard facade but they push back.

"we need to bring his body back to camp and prepare him for his journey to the stars."

they respond, voice as cold as their name. it wasn't that hard to tell that they were holding their emotions back but they didn't care what it looked like. they turned away with a grunt. they didn't know what happened but with no other scents or even a semblance of a sign of struggles... they could only assume it was a freak accident. one that... was unfair. they only took a breath in before they moved to push the body upon their back, gesturing for help from anyone. they didn't care who. they needed to get him buried properly.