camp hunters & hares ღ kitsitting game

While it was a chore to most apprentices, especially those who'd prefer to work their tail off training, Whitepaw always found something content in watching over the kits. Truthfully, she didn't know why she enjoyed it so much, as it never felt like a chore to her. Maybe it had to do with the current queens being cats she respected. It was a possibility, really. Regardless, today was a kit-sitting day, and after being pestered by some, she had the perfect game to keep them entertained. "Would you all like to play hunters and hares?" She hummed softly, smiling softly as it caught the attention of the kits. "What's that?" One of the kits asked, and she had no issue in explaining. "There are two teams, Hunters and Hares. Hares have to hide for an amount of time, and hunters have to find and catch them before time's up." She explained and briefly remembered when she and her denmates played. It was fun. "Would you wanna play? Or should I think of something else?" She asked, tilting her head.

hollykit didn't mind when others came to watch over the nursery. new faces to badger relentlessly for answers on questions that didn't seem to matter until that point. most obliged her, some offered different activities in hope that she would stop. their activities were mindless, however. they were kits, young warriors that would soon be where they stood. she would not honor her family or clan by finding the brightest flower that grew in camp.

whitepaw came with something compelling. this game of 'hunters and hares', it sparked her interest. the appeal to hunt down her denmates one by one, catch them with a pounce just as spiderbloom had taught her and her siblings. hollykit knew what team she wanted to win with. "yes, lets play." she stood tall as she spoke, tail waving high behind her. "i'm going to be a hunter," the kitten announced, leaving no room for objection in her strong tone.
── .∘°°∘. ── "Is this a game for kits alone?" The warrior asks, glancing from Whitepaw down to Hollykit, whose matter-of-fact claim draws a smile to his face. There are many traits among WindClan's youth that could use...weeding, but tenacity is best carefully pruned. It should not be overfed into reckless pride, but neither should they overtrim it to uncertain timidity. The making of a formidable warrior is not as simple as honing their battle-prowess. "I would not mind playing a hare, if my tail is not too long to pretend." He looks between the apprentice and gathered kits, expectantly awaiting their judgment.
  • ★★★☆☆ WOUNDS: You're (mostly) in safe paws. You'll know if he's less experienced if he asks for your permission to try a treatment. No wound can scare him away from knowledge. — ★★★☆☆ INFECTION: He can prevent most infections. If you feel feverish, let him know— he'll hum thoughtfully over herbs and sniff your wound before saying, "With your blessing..."
  • ★☆☆☆☆ ACHES & PAINS: If you complain to him of pain, he'll ask where. If it's a headache, you'll likely feel a bit better. For anything else, "Try this, if you'd like, and tell me how you feel." — ★☆☆☆☆ BROKEN BONES: At best. he can ask you to remain lying down in the den. He may try to distract you with conversation while he considers what herb to feed you.
  • ★★★★★ TRAVELING HERBS: Going somewhere? No worries; Wolfsong knows just what you need to stay hale and healthy during your journey. The rest is up to you. — ☆☆☆☆☆ KITTING: He doesn't remember what it was like to be born. Coincidentally, that is the extent of his familiarity with kitting. At least he won't leave you without moral support.
  • ★☆☆☆☆ POISONS: It's best if you avoid eating anything unfamiliar to you— it's probably just as unfamiliar to Wolfsong. The best he can do is offer you yarrow and sit with you. — ★★☆☆☆ ILLNESS: If it's white or greencough, you'll likely recover. Otherwise, prepare for odd concoctions and the usual request that you consent to a little trial-and-error.

Sparrowpaw remembers Hunters and Hares - remembers playing it in the nursery alongside Whitepaw and the rest of their denmates. Back then, the moors had still been so new to her, the game unheard of to a much smaller Sparrowkit.

And while it isn't her turn to tend to the nursery, Clawtail has given her the day off from training, and talk of that old game guides mismatched paws over towards the nursery, where Whitepaw aims to conduct the game.

"Can I... Can I join in...?" she asks, paws shifting beneath her as she awaits an answer. "I... I can be a hare too, if you need more." A means of working on her stealth and a means of aiding in helping the kits learn basic hunting tactics, perhaps Clawtail would be proud of her for offering to join in.

Out of all the cats to watch over him and the other kits, Luckykit vastly prefers Scorchstreak, though lately he's had to come to terms with the fact that his mother is a busy cat who's eager to get back to her work in the tunnels. Spiderbloom, too, has been less present as of late, and even if he's not as close to the other queen, she's still familiar from all the time spent sharing the nursery with her. Badgermoon has his paws full often, and it's unlikely to expect him to have the time to watch over them for too long. That leaves...well, just about everyone else in the Clan, though these days it's not quite as worrying of a prospect that someone else might come to entertain them all for the day. By now, there aren't really any completely unfamiliar faces, which certainly helps, and there are even some cats he's learned to enjoy the company of more than others. It's always better when whoever is meant to entertain them actually wants to be there, or if they at least leave the kits mostly to their own devices, otherwise, and so when Luckykit realizes that today Whitepaw is taking point on watching them all, he finds himself glad that it's her; that, or glad that it's not someone else less desirable.

Her suggestion is a game he's never heard of, and immediately he finds himself skeptical - sure, it's not something he already knows he's not very good at, but the idea of new leaves him uncertain even as he listens silently to the instructions. Not that he'd be the one to ask to change the game, especially not before hearing everybody else's opinions on the matter. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad after they started the game and he got into the swing of things; Luckykit might even make a pretty good hare, since he's still pretty small and his fur is...well, it's sort of dusty-colored? It might afford him more cover than some of his denmates, at the very least. Hollykit speaks up first, claiming a position as a hunter, and suddenly it doesn't seem quite so clear-cut. Did he want to compete against Hollykit, or with her? As Wolfsong and Sparrowpaw appear and offer to be hares, it feels as though the decision is made for him, in a way. "I'll be a hunter, too!" Luckykit declares, not wanting to be outdone by Hollykit. He'd be the best hunter ever! He won't listen to the nagging feeling that he'd have better luck as a hare, or to the one that says Hollykit seems awfully confident in her abilities.
oh, what a jolly little idea! mousebrain's smile is big and bright as ever as he approaches his best friends. his very littlest best friends, this time! what cute li'l tykes, hollykit and luckykit!

they both declare themselves hunters in short order. ambitious little champs! oh, sootstar (mousebrain's best friend) must love these kiddos. "that's the spirit!" he cheers them on, granting each kitten an approving nod in turn. kids need positive attention to thrive, after all! "you'll be the greatest little hunters this game's ever seen!"

"this is a fine idea, whitepaw," he adds. he's real proud of his little best friend for suggestin' it! "what a great way for the kiddos to get some practice in and pass an afternoon! i'll be a hare myself... give 'em somethin' to chase!"

he grins at his fellow hares wolfsong and sparrowpaw... aw, poor nervous little sparrowpaw. "darn tootin'! that's a great choice, littlun!" he says with an encouraging smile, in a tone that's softer but no less bright. "hares are what make the game fun, after all!"

he turns back to whitepaw. "do we have enough to start yet? i think we can give our tiny little friends a real challenge!"