Hunting Patrol #1


Jul 20, 2022
Hey guys! So go ahead and post below as if your cats are out on a hunting patrol :)

The rules for the hunting patrols are simple. I'm going to secretly roll a 10-sided die to determine the level of success your group experiences. To be entirely transparent you'll find the chart im using below. If I roll a 6 then 60% of your patrol will be successful in catching prey. If I roll a 2, then 20% of your patrol will be successful at catching prey, and so forth. Once I have determined your patrols secret success rate I will then PM you individually to let you know if your cat is one of the lucky ones to have been successful in their hunt! Make sure to keep it a secret until you've made your hunting post!

1 - crit fail, nobody catches anything
2- 20% success rate
3- 30% success rate
4- 40% success rate
5- 50% success rate
6- 60% success rate
7- 70% success rate
8- 80% success rate
9- 90% success rate
10- crit success is double, so everyone comes home with two prey items!

@WEASELCLAW @ASPENPAW @Rune @MINKSHADE @hyacinthbreath @spiritpaw @Duskfire

"Turn A Deeper Blue"
A hunting patrol; perfect just what he needed. Camp had felt so tense, so congested, for a little while now despite the open clearing and walls. Rune just needed to get out of there and doing something productive, something to show he was a good part of the clan. The dual colored tomcat had lately been feeling rather- outside of Windclans dynamic. Which was understandable of course because they weren't very accepting to outsiders in the first place and he had just randomly shown up with claims. Still, Rune wanted to make an effort. Perhaps he could get something for Periwinkle, the young kit was rather sick and he wanted to bond with his little siblings.

Paws of snow and shadow moved across the heather with a lithe body low to the ground, hues of deep sunset and pale lavender narrowed in on something in the dirstance. Though this thing wasn't prey, they hadn't some across much thus far, but more so on Duskfires' tail. Rune had developed a rather playful demeanor when around the deputy and it wasn't really understood that well, by himself or otherwise.

The young tomcat crouched before leaping upwards to bat at the deputys' tail and gave a little laugh, "Do cats count as prey?" He joked as he trotted up alongside the bengal tom.
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♚ Hyacinthbreath is quick to follow behind Rune, though she keeps a safe distance behind Duskfire, flanking him just as she used to do for Sootstar. Perhaps it was instinct, perhaps it was respect for the tom- who knew. "Ready for your first group hunting patrol, Spiritpaw? I'm sure you'll do just fine. It might be a little bit harder with the weather growing cold." She remarks with a huff, ears swiveling atop her head to listen out for any noises.​



"Do cats count as prey?"

The question arrives just after the paw batting at his tail, and while his mind darkly supplys a 'not here they aren't' that threatens to sour his mood, he's quick to shake it off along with any memories that had threatened to surfaced. Instead he rolls his eyes playfully at the other, and flicks them with his tail. "Nope. Sorry. You'll have to chase down a rabbit like everyone else." A feat that Duskfire himself still hasn't managed to complete.

The patrol is a decent sized one, consisting of cats he considers himself to like even if he and Weaselclaw aren't close and Rune is new to the group. They're still good cats, and the amount of personal time he spends with either won't change that. The same goes for Minkshade, who seems like a bright and respectful cat even if Dusk has never taken the time to get to know him beyond that.

Hyacinth is present as well, a familiar face he was glad to still have with him despite her recent resignation from Lead Warrior. In a way it's reassuring for her to be here, to know she didn't harbor any ill will over him removing her mark even if she
had asked for it to be done. As for Aspenpaw and Spiritpaw, well, their mentors are two of the most capable cats in camp and he's sure that even if they aren't successful in making a catch that they'll at least learn something from this outing.

OOC- Once everyones posted their cat here I'll PM everyone with their results and the hunt can begin!

windclan deputy - male - 21 months - single - tall, strong bengal tomcat
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( ) Group hunting is not something that Aspenpaw's done before, and she would be lying if she said she wasn't a little nervous. After all, she doesn't have much hunting experience yet, or even with working alongside her clanmates; just because they might get along normally doesn't mean their hunting styles will mesh well. She sticks close to Weaselclaw, trying to focus on mentally preparing herself, though her concentration is quickly broken by Rune's antics. The bicolor earns a giggle as she watches them swipe at Duskfire's tail, and just the act of laughing makes Aspenpaw feel a bit lighter. It's good to be focused, of course, but she's learned that if you're too rigid it's just as easy to lose your prey. Not that she's mastered that in-between just yet, though it's not like she's expected to since she's still a new apprentice. Spiritpaw, too, is also a new apprentice, and Aspenpaw glances in her direction. It's nice that she's not the only apprentice on the patrol, and she finds there's something comforting about the idea that there's someone else close to her skill level who'll be hunting alongside her.
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Weaselclaw sits before his deputy with rigid posture, expression stoic in the face of Rune's antics. Though he doesn't begrudge the bicolored warrior for playing, he himself takes his position and duty seriously. Some say too seriously.

He can see Aspenpaw is nervous, sees how closely she sticks to his side, and flicks his tail against her flank in a brief show of comfort. His eyes, though, remain on their deputy. "We're ready when you are, Duskfire," he says, voice gruff.

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