hush little baby / macaroni

In her short time as a queen, Howlfire is used to an array of faces coming to and from the nursery. Most of the time it was the fathers of the kits, coming to say hello or spending time with their children. Sometimes it was extended kin. And on occasion random clanmates would stop by, bringing prey or supplies for the nests.

Today it seemed would be one of those days where the nursery received a random visitor. Howlfire had been resting quietly, watching the sleeping forms of her children when she heard footsteps approaching. She looked up to see Macaroni standing there, looking around as though she were a little lost and that she had not truly meant to come in here. "Hello," Howlfire mewed, her amber eyes staring at the other cat. "Are you alright? You look a bit...confused."


In all honesty, Macaroni wasn't quite sure how she'd ended up here. By this point, she'd already forgotten where she was heading, but the sounds of crying kits and seeing Howlfire staring at her weren't doing her any favors. "Y-yes... I don't know where I was going." Her response to the queen would be delayed, not initially realizing that she was being spoken to at the time.


It feels like Howlfire is left waiting for an answer for a while. Still despite the delay, she doesn't immediately rush to shoo her off, or look at her with a perplexed expression. "You're new to camp I take it?" Howlfire asked, waiting for Macaroni to confirm her question before continuing. "This is the nursery it's where our kits and queens like myself rest." She explained. Most cats who were clanborn knew what the nursery was, as did a few of the daylight warriors who came to camp, so Howlfire's earlier assumptions about Macaroni being new and looking lost, were quite astute of her. "Were you looking for somewhere in particular?"