Hush now ✦ Nightingale


A light in the dark
Oct 17, 2023
*+:。.。 A change of scenery was not something Ebonylight couldn't adapt to. They weren't particularly disgruntled as they were forced from their new home and into Shadowclan's camp, though it did amuse them to watch the proud Sootstar have to bow her head and plead for sanctuary when a dozen moons ago she'd so confidently promised the twoleg rogues safety in her clan. So much for that promise. Still, none of that is to say Ebonylight judges her particularly - in fact, it took a lot of guts to ask for help from an enemy clan. If Ebonylight somehow became the leader, they would've just banished the former rogues and protected those closest to them. Hell, they'd probably have let their clan fend for themselves and just asked for help for themselves and their family. Maybe just themselves. Well, suppose that answers that on why Sootstar is leader and not them.
Snickering to themselves at the thought, Ebonylight adjusted the scrawny rat in their mouth as they pushed their way into the mess of coughing and sneezing of so many sick cats. Perhaps it was unwise of Ebonylight to bother with this, but at least sick cats didn't spend all night grumbling about missing home and hating shadowclans scent like those resting in the Shadowclan-approved part of the territory...or, at least, the sick were quiet enough for their complaints to be more easily ignored.
Spotting a familiar monochromatic pelt, thankfully a bit aways from the rest of the sick cats, Ebonylight makes their way over, their smile easy and their snake-like eyes friendly. Tapping at her back, Ebony whispers to Nightingalecry, "Hey, you awake?" orange and blue clashing colors sparkle in the darkness as they lightly challenge, " Come outside and enjoy the fresh air with me?"

@nightingalecry //apologies if the setting is weird sobb Im still struggling to wrap my head around how everything is situated fufu!