HUSH NOW | failed hunt


Jul 23, 2022

A shrew noisily rustles outside of its nest, chewing at bark and scratching at the snow. Dogteeth’s paws are tucked under his chest, his tail hovers in ringlet blonde plume above the ground. He doesn’t stalk, for his webbed toes offer not stealth, but his blue optics focus intensely on the pale brown creature.

The prey is triggered by something, it startles suddenly- darts for its burrow. Dogteeth gasps in irritation and surges forward, muzzle wrapping around roots and dirt. Teeth sinking into nothing.

It’s the most violent the peaceful tom had ever been. The ache of hunger had that effect it seemed, he digs like a maddened mole at the burrow but it could be several tail-lengths deep. A growl rips from his jaws, a rare snarl displayed before dissipating into his neutral pouty frown.

He looks across the frosted river toward the bustle that had seemed to have spooked the shrew. Deer. One at the back had long brutal antlers that climbed from its head like a dead tree.

Dogteeth stepped toward the bank of the river with a low growl. He wished he could lure them into the river, if he drowned one of them- the clan would be fed for a moon. It’s impossible macabre thoughts like these that are also, driven by hunger. " If only I could drown one of them " he voices aloud, tail tip twitching.

  • — Dogteeth
    — twenty-five moons
    voice ref
    — warrior of Riverclan
    — gay | crushing on n/a
    — small curly-furred blonde and tan tom with blue eyes.
    — very gentle soul / easily upset and sensitive
    — deals a nasty bite
    BIOGRAPHY——— ✧
  • ix6h0aj.jpg

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"If only..." The woman finally speaks after having watched the display of the other. Quiet as the place she herald from. The forces of hunger driving home the need to be vicious, savage. Her voice though is simply plain, quiet and thoughtful. Expression pensive for a moment before the queen tilts her head to the side as she looks to the deer. A soft sigh issues forth from her muzzle then as she steps up alongside the other. "I found one of those on the side kf the Thunderpath before. It was dead, killed by one of those monsters..." She supposes her clan had been thankful for such a catch. It had still been fresh and fed many bellies. A nice change but one that had not lasted. Shifting her stance she looks away from the deer. Her smile is wistful and she shakes her head slightly. "I can only encourage that you try again."

Despite her pregnancy she is out and about. Attempting to hunt for her new home. She will not rest till night has settled and even then she still roams the night. The molly is not used to changing her nocturnal habits. It's all a work in progress. Her eyes glance behind them at the place that lays barren and she flicks her whip like tail. "Maybe...offer some help? I'm more used to ambushing my prey. I wait for them to get as close to me as possible instead of creeping up in them."
Out on another hunting patrol with his mentor, Ravenpaw is having no luck. The frost-bitten ground stings his paws and he cannot bear the look of disappointment in his mentor's eyes. There's the lingering suspicion that he'll never be a warrior. He wanted it because it was a mark of success, but as the leaf-bare season dragged on, he is wishing more and more for the comforts of his birth home.

The WindClan skirmish, however, has instilled some sense of loyalty in him, so he tries a little harder than usual. It's not enough. Told to split up, Ravenpaw wanders a little farther in search of a trail that quickly grows cold. However, his ears twitch hearing the voice of their new ShadowClan member and Dogteeth. Ravenpaw spots them watching deer from the other side of the river. The creatures scare him. They're as gangly as two-legs and their heads are as sharp as dog teeth— hah, hah, dog teeth.

He's about to turn around to go back to his mentor empty-pawed, but pauses when he hears Bonejaw remark that one of them was killed on the thunder path. The apprentice turns around and approaches them.

"A deer?" His eyes narrow. "How did it taste? I don't think any cat can take one down, even if the whole clan went after it." But the thought of pounds and pounds of meat is incredibly tempting.​