HUSH NOW;; group 2 hunting

Mouseflight did not know how long they had been in the cave, just that it felt like forever and he had slept twice, though both times sleep had not come easily to him. The cave they were trapped in was only similar to the tunnels back home in that they were dark, but this was a darkness he had never experienced before. Suffocating and cold, he couldn't see at all and they changed too often, smelled too damp. The only thing that was saving his sanity other than the company of the cats around him was the reality that they were not alone in here, that there were little... skittering things that ran away from the small band of travelers. They smelled of nothing, and he was having a hard time catching them, not used to their weird pattern of running - slithering? - away, and when they climbed up the walls it had caused the tunneler to scrunch his nose in frustration.

Stomach rumbled as Mouseflight's ears moved around, trying to focus on the sound of the lizards running around the cave, the sound of their toes sticking to the walls before they unstuck and landed somewhere else before skittering forward once more. When he thought one was resting he jumped towards the sound, paws stretched out as he blindly aimed for something to eat before he landed and... nothing. If these were rabbits he was sure he would have already caught enough to feed the whole group twice, but their size and speed were proving difficult for the warrior to handle.
  • rolling for hunting!
    anything less than a 12 is a fail
    anything higher is up to your if your character would be able to catch stuff in this setting~
  • tikki_com.png
    mousekit - mousepaw - mouseflight
    ⋆ ftm - he/him - 11 moons
    ⋆ bisexual - open to relationship
    ⋆ tunneler of windclan
    attack - speech - thought
    ⋆ penned by tikki

hunting here was proving to be difficult. the air was still and heavy, no wind direction to hide their scents, and with every sound seemingly amplified by the walls stealth was near impossible. that is leaving out the fact that she couldn't even see what she was tracking until it was practically under her nose. but perhaps that was a positive, because if she could see the slimy little thing scurrying along in front of her the hunt might have been abandoned entirely.

sure, they needed to eat, but to call a lizard food was almost disrespectful. still, she listened to it's tiny paws fidgeting about, trying to find an escape. it was practically her only way of tracking it anyways. finally, when nightbird believed she was close enough, she sprung forward with extended paws. they found a home on the tail of the creature, but when she began to follow through the kill with her head, there was no body attached.

nightbird barely contained her yelp of surprise as she reeled up a removed tail, notably very far from her face. what a freak. "like i wanted to eat you," she muttered a sarcastic hatred, disdainfully, the warrior tossing it away with a wrinkled nose.

  • NIGHTBIRD she/her, lead warrior of thunderclan, twenty-five moons
    nightbird is a small black smoke molly with pale silver eyes. a loner turned thunderclanner, her loyalty and drive to provide for her clan is unwavering. however, she is not known for harboring a bleeding heart, instead equipped with sarcastically fueled wit, brutal honesty, and a sharply edged tongue.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

┌─────────────────── ☽【❖】☾ ───────────────────┐
Everything about this situation seems hopeless, and the longer they wander with no sign of light, the more regrets begin to pile up onto Luckypaw's chest. Maybe if he had been walking next to Scorchpaw or Scorchstreak, they would have found their way to the tunnel together - or, maybe he would have shared their fate outside, buried under rubble for the rest of eternity. At this point, he's starting to question just how terrible of a thought that is; at least they'd be together again, he thinks. At least there'd be some sort of closure. What was he supposed to tell everyone back home? 'Here's your lungwort, and oh, by the way, we're now down four more cats.' Even without speaking them, the words feel worse than dirt in his mouth, turn to soil in his head, though he can do nothing but despair silently as they continue on their aimless march. If by some chance they even made it out of here alive, he no longer had as many qualms about turning back as he did before; sure, the fate of WindClan and the other Clans rests upon their shoulders, but how could they be expected to carry that themselves? There weren't even any SkyClanners left - gone, all of them, swallowed up by the thundering rocks. It was ironic, in a way, that none of them were to carry on the journey for the cure for an illness that they had brought upon the Clans, but even though he has no particular love for the kittypets, he can't help but be weighed down by their disappearance into the dust; none of them had deserved to be crushed out there, not like that.

By now, he's started to run on instinct, so weary of the fear that held him near-constant that he'd rather not think in the first place, focusing in on what's going on directly around him rather than the circumstances they find themselves in as much as he can. One paw in front of the other - one tired, aching paw forward, then the next, over and over and over again, never reaching anything of substance other than more solid rock. These tunnels aren't like the ones back home, that's for sure; everything still feels wrong, as though he's constantly on edge, and whenever he stumbles over some uneven ground Luckypaw still nearly jumps out of his skin in fright, as though the ceiling above them might collapse down, or like he might disturb a den of badgers waiting just a few tail-lengths ahead, looming in the pitch black. And, of course, he can't forget the pain in his tail, faded slightly to a dull ache but always present nevertheless. He'd hoped that things would be okay, that it would go back to fine sooner or later and that it wasn't anything serious, but he can't quite drive away the image of the unsightly bend in it that he hadn't had enough time to examine before plunging into the darkness. If he didn't already believe they were all doomed to wander the tunnels until they collapsed, he'd probably be more worried; as it is, there are bigger things to think about, with one of the most important of those being the ache in his stomach.

Back home, he'd never had to go hungry - there was always plenty on the fresh-kill pile, and sometimes he'd even have his pick between a few different types of prey. Down here, though? He can't remember when the last time he ate was - when any of them ate, really. Hunting down here has been largely unsuccessful, most of them too unfamiliar with the terrain or too used to dirt tunnels to provide skills of any kind, and truthfully, all his attempts up until now have been half-hearted at best. After all, if the other warriors can't sink their claws into any of the skittering creatures hovering just out of reach, how is he going to catch anything? He'd only just barely caught his first rabbit right before they left, and that had been in the tunnels he knew by heart (will he still remember them if they make it back, he wonders? Luckypaw finds he doesn't want to know the answer to that); no, he'd only be wasting his energy, and yet, at this point, he hardly cares anymore. The hunger that tears at his insides is too much, and so, with clumsy paws, invisible to those around him, he draws back slightly, to the point that he doesn't need to worry about losing the group, but still has a bit of room to work with. Eyes open or eyes closed, it doesn't matter - everything is still just as dark, and so, instead, he casts his other senses out, ears and nose telling him far more about his surroundings than anything else.

One ear twitches at the scraping of something, some little creature whose curiosity will surely be its downfall, and though he has trouble pinpointing it when it's not moving, Luckypaw's pretty sure he has a decent idea of where it is between scuttles. Lizards aren't that unknown to him, having spent so much of his time in the tunnels, but he'd never really sought them out, not liking how cold and scaly they always seemed. Now, though, the feeling of scales in his mouth is the only thing he can think of, locking onto his prey. Even as he carefully positions his tail so as not to disturb it, a fresh throb of pain still has him wincing, reminding him that failure here is worse than just humiliation like back at home. Hardly daring to breathe out a sigh, he hones in on the unnerving scraping sounds around him, listening as they flit from side to side, and when he finally tracks the sounds down to a stopping spot, he strikes, perhaps quicker than he ever has before. As his claws hit flesh for the first time down here, he nearly recoils instinctively, and it's all he can not to toss it away and not to surge forward to snap it up in one quick bite, instead settling for keeping it pinned in his grasp as he deals what should be a killing blow, his lack of sight muddling the kill. If it's messy, he'll never know, and neither will he care; the only thing that matters now is the fairly hefty lizard now carried in his jaws. For a moment, he considers doing away with it right then and there, but a scuffle ahead draws a soft sigh from him - it wouldn't feel right, keeping this to himself, not after they've all been struggling down here together. "Anyone want a bite?" he offers, almost hesitantly, catch dropping to the ground at his paws as he catches up with the rest of the group.​
  • OOC: --​
  • VGVREdC.png
  • 69355684_l8Wl3AJb3zHJeza.png
    - Luckykit Luckypaw
    - He/him (AFAB)
    - 5 moons (Ages on the 1st)
    - Kit Apprentice of WindClan
    - Small blue tortoiseshell with white spotting & green eyes
    - Art by myself & meghan respectively! <33
    - Minor powerplay allowed!
    - Penned by Hijinks​

// bby rolled a nat1 lets gooo

Although the caves offered some meager support of safety from predators (she hoped) or harsh weather, its lack of resources were horridly concerning. After some time of walking close together in their assorted pairs, Hazecloud had begun to worry about how they would find food and especially water. How probable was it to find streams steady flowing in crags like this? They would have the blessings of every star in the sky, surely, but she wasn't going to pretend they had even a sliver of that.

More time passed, some slept and others remained guarded but it was the same for them all; no one had any food still. The narrow tunnel opened into a wider opening , enough where she wasn't so cramped against Dovethroat and they had ample breathing room away from each other's muzzles. A few had already gone off to find opportunity in the dark, and Hazecloud felt her heart sank at the thought of even trying. One grumbled at his defeat, another- Nightbird- hissing her disdain at another lost attempt.

The one with the injured tail was successful. Her ears perk up in sudden interest. Well, maybe one success out of three wasn't so bad? She could at least try.

Tufted ears hone in to the open space around her, searching for anything un-cat-like. Her whiskers twitched as she picked up someone's breathing, but underneath was scurrying. Something with tiny claws running off. Hazecloud crouched in what she could only assume would be the right kind for this kind of creature and pounced in the direction of the sound. Her paws landed on dusty rock, her claws scratching against stone.
