pafp HVY MTL DRMR ♥ Playing unfair


Petalnose herself felt energy spark through her as she limped out of the medicine den to stretch her legs. She had informed the medics within the den that she wasn't quite running off this time around. She explored the camp as if it was brand new to her, which in a way it was. She may have trotted back and forth within it in her younger life but after her memory loss she was just as curious as the kits. When she had fallen bored without anything else to entertain herself with, she decided to check up on the kits. Maybe she could entertain them and herself.

Silverkit had been eager to get into her little promise of play. She was an energetic bundle of fur that intrigued the tall warrior. Petalnose did see her as annoying at times with her piercing cries over everything. Although she did view her as intriguing, there was something different about her behavior. All the other kits were either downright annoying or she took a liking to them with no in-between. Silverkit was an exception.

Petalnose roleplayed as a fox, letting Silverkit have a go at successfully attacking her. Giving her a sense of accomplishment and determination. She acted as if she was badly wounded, her limp was not faked but she added it into the play. Although, for the onlookers that thought this was a sweet interaction, Petalnose really had a plan underneath her sleeve. She started to become increasingly difficult for the kit to touch her. Her dodges aside were awkward as a result of her injuries but still swift and quick as she was. She sat down and let out a theatrical yawn as she simply rose her head to dodge another attack upon her face. Then she would aim to swiftly catch her tail, a small smirk piercing her features. "Too slow." She meowed, monotoned with no enthusiasm in her tone despite her amusement. She wanted to see just how frustrated and determined she would get, how much fury did Silverkit have in her tiny body?

// Please wait for @silverkit to post first please and thank you! ♥
the answer to petalnose's question is A LOT. a lot of fury.

silverkit is indeed excited to get involved in petalnose's game — petalnose is so cool, she's got an angry face and she's really strong, even if she is cursed by being a grownup (and therefore somewhat dumb). silverkit is all big grins and happy shrieks and bounces as petalnose plays fox, and after just a little while of play, silverkit almost gets her — she can taste victory!! — when the petalnose-fox gets much more agile, much more quickly than the kitten anticipated. wait ... huh? but silverkit was winning!

"YOU BETTER WATCH OUT! YOU FOX-HEARTED FOX-DUNG-COVERED FOX!" silverkit hollers. "I'M — I'M — I'M GONNA GET YA! UH-HUH! I'M GONNA KILL A FOX ALL BY MYSELF! and then they'll make me deppity," she adds gleefully.

but she's losing her breath chasing after a full-grown, fully-trained warrior, and her blue eyes start to prickle with tears of frustration. "SLOW — DOWN! AAAAARRRGHHH!"

at last petalnose is the one to get her. silverkit is caught by the tail, and she wriggles like a little minnow in petalnose's grip.

"i am caught," she gasps, "i am CAPTURED! NOOOOOOO! let me go! let me go! let me go! let me go let mego! let me go! let me go! let me go! let me go! let me go! let me go! let me go! let me go! let me go! let me go! let me go! let me go! let me go! let me go! let me go! let me go! let me go! let me go! let me go! let me go! let me go! let me go! let me go! let me go! let me go! let me go! let me go! let me go! LET ME GO! LET ME GO! LET ME GO! LE — "

without warning she twists, aiming to chomp down on petalnose's paw as hard as she possibly can. ha!!


  • • npc x npc kitten • 1.5 moons old • silver tabby & blue tabby chimera with a dusting of white freckles • meticulous, observant, opinionated • stuck in her own head a lot of the time • peaceful powerplay welcome • wants to make friends! •

  • Love
Reactions: >Honeystone

The usual hollering did admittedly got onto the patched cat's nerves. She did step in knowing what she'd get, especially from energetic Silverkit. So, Petalnose had tried to ignore it with occasional pinned ears to show her intolerance and to muffle the hollers. Atleast she had the ability to mess around with the little one, stir her around a bit. She'd show the child an ounce of her abilities. Just an ounce.

The woman blinked down at Silverkit with calm eyes and an amused smirk. She was just about to let her go, loosing her grip, then she gave her no warning as to chomp down on her paw. Pain surged through her paw, worse than serveral wasp stings. She attempted to rip it away from her, "You little!- Now you really disturbed the beast!" She hissed, attempting to knock her down with her tail and pin her down on her back with the same paw in one swift movement. Her paw leaked the familiar crimson substance, making sure Silverkit was aware of her mistake. If she would even understand she made a mistake.

Petalnose would make sure to teach her, "If I were to use my claws or TEETH by now you would've been in BIG trouble! Dead! Gone! Do you hear me!?" She scolded, eyes cold of anger. Her paws were sheathed, however they ached to come to play from her rage. As brash as Petalnose came off, she saw it as fair to the situation. A simple cuff to the ear was for attitude and insults. Pinning them down and scolding was for teeth and claws. Ah, to be bitten for trying to be nice. Atleast, it was the warrior's way of being nice to kits. Kits were more mean than she was in her eyes, digging their teeth and claws to the innocent. They deserve my overbearing attitude. She was only trying to play and help her become ready for apprenticeship. Also in means of entertaining herself along with it. "Now, you can decide to not use either and continue sparring with me.. or you can go play with your little friends." If she had been successful at the pin, she would let the kit go.

The tall female slowly settled down to sit, a suddenly expressionless look appearing on her face to express neutrality. Although, rage she had not fully expressed flowed through her veins. Would she really physically hurt a Riverclan kit? Cause them injuries as to go to Beesong and Ravenpaw? She wouldn't on purpose. Did she want to? She sure did. Starclan better hope she didn't become a mother to rude kits. Respectful they would turn out by the time apprenticeship arrived.

She wondered. Would Silverkit let her ego be bruised and give up? Or would she continue to fight bravely?

what would silverkit do? continue to fight bravely, OF COURSE. silverkit was going to be the best warrior EVER and that would START RIGHT THE FUCK NOW!!!!

as soon as petalnose lets her go, silverkit is springing away, scrambling for freedom — only to circle around and launch herself right at petalnose's face. "DIE!" she screams, face twisted up with rage. "DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE!!!"

she slashes with everything in her! all of her strength!! she flails her claws at petalnose like her LIFE DEPENDS ON IT!!! and maybe it does. petalnose is SCARY.


— she hollers at the VERY top of her little lungs. this culminates her eloquent response to petalnose's array of threats.


  • • abandoned by the border, sibling to otterkit, adoptive daughter to pikesplash • 3 moons old • silver tabby & blue tabby chimera with a dusting of white freckles • meticulous, attentive, opinionated, LOUD!! • peaceful powerplay welcome • wants to make friends! •


Petalnose quirked one of her brows at Silverkit's fierce yelling and swatting paws as she let her go, she dodged each move and quickly leaped over her. "Would you shut your trap!" She spat, her fur bristling in annoyance, ears flattened against her head. She would aim to firmly swat at her legs to trip her with her tail, quick to pull it back whether she missed or not, "And sheath your claws or I'll have you picking ticks off the elders! And I'll end this little spar." Petalnose bared her teeth, watching the small bundle of silver fur slash at her. For a moment it caught her chest fur and tugged but she was quick to dodge again. "Sheath your claws immediately." A low growl rumbled throughout her, eyes narrowing.

It was nice to see some fire in the kit, Petalnose knew well it would come in handy for when her assessment came to play. Silverkit was now trying to battle her like she was a real threat, something to kill off and chase away. It made her feel some pride for her deep down but now was the stage to teach respect and context of using teeth and claws. Plus, it really got on the woman's nerves. Even if Silverkit only gave her a bleeding paw it came with a headache of her screaming and being disobedient to her commands. She knew she would have to rest in dark shade once she figured out how to mellow Silverkit out.. or scare her enough to understand her.

Maybe if I flashed my own claws? Although, bystanders would take it differently. She shook the thought away, holding back the urge and instead flashing her teeth. "Listen! Now!"
