camp HYDRA《✧》snake

despite the growing chill from an approaching leaf-bare, the sun shone brightly today. carawaykit spent a majority of her morning enjoying it, but grew antsy eventually. small paws itching for something more.

she scanned camp lazily, maybe one of the warriors or apprentices were up to something interesting that she could watch, but to her displeasure they were doing much of the opposite. lounging between patrols or just walking around. boring. when she was a warrior, she was going to do cool fun stuff all the time! not a moment would be spent lazing about, she was going to see the world and do oh so many important things. a disgruntled sigh and carawaykit's attention turned away once again, this time to something smaller, something lurking.

a small snake, not even as long as her tail and nowhere near the width of it, slithered about through the grasses. unnoticed by many others, but she had spotted it and it was hers. with an excited shake of her tail, carawaykit descended her lounging spot, dropping into a sloppy crouch to follow the little creature. it looked funny, black eyes nearly as large as is rounded head. she could barely contain her giggles at the way it wiggled through camp. soon, however, it would be still by her paws.

following it in stumbling steps for a little while longer, the silver kit waited until she was just within pouncing distance. and then, just like she had done to oh so many tails of her clanmates, she jumped forward with outstretched legs. wiggle as it did, the snake kit could not escape the grasp she had on it's tail, and it never would because this would be her first kill of many! excitedly as she held it firm, her head shot up to announce her catch to the cats in camp.

"i caught the snake-kit! you're all safe from the bea-OUCH!" her prideful monologue was cut off by a yowl of pain, and when she looked down she saw the snake had opened it's wide jaws around the spot just above her paw. tears began to well at the new sensation of pain as the kitten began to flail her leg to try and get it off. but it held strong, even as she watched her own blood begin to pool around it's mouth. "IT'S EATING ME!" carawaykit screamed, terrified from her new fate as snake food.

  • IMG_0077.png
  • CARAWAYKIT she/her, kit of riverclan, two moons
    carawaykit is a pretty longhaired silver tabby kitten with green eyes and a lithe frame. born into riverclan, she loves her home and has a deep fascination with becoming a warrior to provide for it. a highly spirited and adventurous kitten, she enjoys playing games and pushing boundaries.
    willowroot x poppysplash ↛ sister to bumblekit, tidekit, mosspaw, hazepaw, antlerpaw, and buckpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

  • Haha
Reactions: Moonbeam
Bumblekit had been playing not too far from her sister, Carawaykit, soaking in the warm sun and enjoying the simple pleasures of camp life. She watched their antics with a fond smile, knowing that her sister always had a flair for adventure.

Except, the moment the other kit pounced on the small snake, Bumblekit's playful expression twisted into shock. Without a second thought, she sprang into action.

While Carawaykit cried out in pain and terror, Bumblekit began to cry alongside her. Fat tears welling as anger burned through her.

Instincts kicked into gear as the smaller she-cat tried to get a hold of the thrashing creature. Growling loudly as her paws kept hitting solid ground with every attempt. Jutting forward, the she-kit tried to use her tiny, needle-sharp teeth to bite the snake and free her sister.

She figured it might not work, but how could she stand by and watch Carawaykit be devoured. Her yellow eyes blazed with fervor as she gnashed and snarled.

Despite knowing that she was only a kitten, Bumblekit had no intention of allowing a snake-kit to harm her family without a fight.
( ) the smoke queen is never far from her duckings, and today she lounges sleepily outside the nursery, sage hued eyes flicking across the clearing as the young ones skitter about. a contented sigh escapes her lips, fur warm under the watery leaf-fall sun, stomach slightly less rumbly than usual. being a queen, she eats first, although she loathes the burden it puts on her clanmates. she often finds herself letting her children have the biggest portion, and offering anything else to particularly gaunt looking senior warriors and overworked apprentices. today, her meal of half of a small trout occupies her stomach and silences its usual growling.

her featherlike tail sweeps around bumblekit as the child lounges next to her. willowroot yawns, eyes closing for but a moment before a loud shriek cuts through the air and sends fire through her nerves. in a flash she is on her paws, looking around wildly. bumblekit has already dashed off towards the source and willow is close behind, fear gripping her heart. carawaykit writhes on the ground, a snake attached firmly to her paw as she howls. "carawaykit!" she bursts out as bumblekit sobs in solidarity, lashing out at the snake. willowroot moves as quickly as she can, bounding with tremendous speed towards her daughters.

she attempts to grab bumblekit by the scruff, depositing the girl tail lengths further from the scene before stamping hard on the snake's body, claws piercing the delicate scales. sharp teeth sink into the body of the creature, ripping its jaws from her daughter. she'll bite down, killing the creature before tossing it to the side and bending quickly to her child's level. "carawaykit, little minnow, it's okay." her rough tongue laps at the silvery girl's poor paw, cleaning up small droplets of blood. "darling, you were so brave. bumblekit, come here sweet girl, it's alright now, i've got you." she beckons the dark kitten over, smoothing a lick over her scruff where she had grabbed so roughly before. the smoke huddles over her kittens, soothing them. "we're going to go visit ravensong, alright? he'll patch cara up nicely." taking a breath to calm the beating of her heart and the fire in her veins, the queen comforts her children.

// hope the powerplay was okay!! lmk if i should change anything <33
  • Love
Reactions: carawaysong
The pained and startled scream of a kit woke Ratpaw up from her nap, ruffled fur sticking out as her head popped up from the ground, quickly getting to her feet as she looked around, eyes landing on Willowroot and her two kits before the apprentice made her way over, head tilting to the side as she looked at the scene before her. "Wha-" Confused noise came from the white-furred female, eyes squinting slightly as she tried to process, grogginess preventing her from piecing it together quickly. They were already in camp, so there wasn't anyone Ratpaw realistically could get that wouldn't already be there, but still she looked towards Willowroot, eyes glancing over the two kittens as well before maw opened and she spoke. "Is there anything you want me to do?"

She could watch Bumblekit while Carawaykit was off getting mended, could go get someone - though she wasn't sure who, surely the news would spread that Cara was injured by a snake somehow - or she could simply sit there and do nothing but help comfort the kits as Willowroot was already doing.
  • rat_colored.png
    ratkit - ratpaw - rat???
    ⋆ female - she/her - 5 moons
    ⋆ homosexual - too young for relationship
    ⋆ apprentice of riverclan
    attack - speech - thought
    ⋆ penned by tikki

The shrieks and fear scent were enough for the lead warrior to abandon her task and bound over with spiked fur and unsheathed claws. A snake. Attatched to the young girls face. It was enough to make her stomach drop, worries of venom.. worries of death. She ran faster.

Petalnose then skidded to a halt. The guardian was first to call to action and quick to end it, examining the snake from afar to realize the lack of harm it could do. She shook her pelt with a half relieved sigh in mix with a frustrated grumble under her breath. Carawaykit must have gotten too close, threatened it too much, she was too slow. Too careless. The ignorance of youth was dangerous; constantly needing teachings or else they'd figure it out for themselves. A lecture she would give the silver tabby, but overstepping wasn't something she felt like doing. Not now. It wasn't her place in the situation. Petalnose only hoped Willowroot would educate upon their deadly cousins and what could happen if it possessed venom.

Siren like eyes fluttered upon Ratpaw at her question, shaking her head lightly, "Willowroot got it under control. If it had venom it would have been a worse situation. Best not to pounce on things without knowing the consequences of that being." She meowed as she settled beside the white apprentice, watching the family from her spot. A learning experience for the youth, she hoped the folly of carawaykit would stall ignorant acts as such.


carawaykit continued to squirm even as bumblekit attempted to free her, black paws slamming aimlessly. although she prayed to starclan that her littermate would get a hit in, they seemed intent on allowing her to be snake food. the notion alone had the kitten ever more choked up as tears spilled out of mossy green eyes.

but soon, a shadow covered her. bumblekit was plucked and removed from the situation, moments later a familiar paw landed on the snake, skilled claws piercing through the shine of it's scales. its movement halted, carawaykit withheld herself from burying her head against willowroot's neck as she bent to tear it off of her limb.

the threat was gone, carawaykit recovered quickly with it even as a rough tongue ran over her now sore foreleg. brave her mother had called her, despite her heart still thrumming rapidly she could feel it swell with pride. she was brave, huh? what other kits had taken on a snake and lived to tell the tale! not only that, but a lead warrior had witnessed her triumphs! a grin crept onto her silver maw, tail nearly shaking with excitement.

"wait!" she prompted, looking hopefully up to willowroot. "do you think i'll get a cool scar, like you? i fought a snake!" the coolest warriors had the most awesome scars, showing their experience in battle. having one before even being an apprentice would certainly give her a leg up!

  • CARAWAYKIT she/her, kit of riverclan, two moons
    carawaykit is a pretty longhaired silver tabby kitten with green eyes and a lithe frame. born into riverclan, she loves her home and has a deep fascination with becoming a warrior to provide for it. a highly spirited and adventurous kitten, she enjoys playing games and pushing boundaries.
    willowroot x poppysplash ↛ sister to bumblekit, tidekit, mosspaw, hazepaw, antlerpaw, and buckpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

  • Love
Reactions: Petalnose
₊· ͟͟͞͞➳˚ Beepaw was not far having been getting to head out with her mentor but made her way over at the sound of Carawaykit having stumbled upon a snake and she silently wishes she had been there to assist the other. She's able to let out a calm breath leave her maw seeing that Willowroot had taken care of the snake being quick to kill it and flung its lifeless body to the side, a small part of her mind wondering if the serpent was anything like their river delicacies. A part of her doubts it and her snout wrinkles in the slightest before focusing her attention to what Petalnose says about venomous snakes, it's enough to make her stand stiff for a few heartbeats.

She shakes her head and brushes pass Ratpaw in a silent greeting before her bicolored gaze would focus onto Carawaykit thinking it had been rather reckless of her and she's grateful that the younger molly is safe. Beepaw can't help but be amused when the kitten asks Willowroot if she'll get a scar like hers, she tilts her head to the side to look at Caraway's leg with a thoughtful hum leaving her "Maybe! It would look cool, I think... But you need to be more careful," She finally says with a nod of her head.

  • beekit_chibi.png
    ❥ 3 moons old
    ❥ riverclan apprentice
    ❥ sexuality unknown; single
    ❥ daughter of smokethroat & cicadastar
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ❥ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ❥ penned by bosstaurus
The fury that had taken control was quelled from the chilling prowess of her mother. A smoky head snapped behind her and snatched the kit high, making the world swirl from the swiftness. Just as rapidly as it began, the whirlwind stopped, and her rump was back on solid ground. Spinning in a half-circle across the floor, several hops away from the chaos.

For a moment, her expression froze in terror, tear-stricken cheeks glistening. Mind refusing to take in the scenery. She held her breath, as if her life depended on it, and the spell was only broken by the fretful voice of her mom. Small face contorted into sadness, as if someone had roused the babe from a terrible dream.

Bumblekit felt completely heartbroken for not saving her sibling. Stomach tight with knots and throat raw from emotion.

A wail ripped from the kittens throat, pitiable and long, as she rushed to Willowroot's side. Smooshing her face into the side of the molly and nuzzliling desperately, seeking a familiar comfort. Her voice whined, shaky and muffled through the warrior's thick pelt. "M-mamuh, is Cha... C-carawaykith okay?"

Since the snake had been dealt with and their parents were never far it eased the child's aching chest. All anger and distress melted from stiff joints as her squashed ears unfolded. The familiar brush of Willowroot's nose tickled her cheek and caused the tiny feline to nest further into the queen. Once the tears started to dry she didn't have to wait long for an answer.

She heard her mother's caring hum, clanmates reassurances, and sisters curious voice akin to angels above. Bumblekit slowly peeked out from the tuft of fur she'd burrowed into and yelped with joy at her sisters grin. Rushing forward she aimed to roughly rub her face against Carawaykit's a hefty purr vibrating her entire being."I hope it's the coolest scar ever!" Knowing her sister would be okay made everything feel ten times lighter.
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