hymn of hope | myrtlekit

Jul 9, 2024

5 moons old & ages the 9th of every month
afab + cisfemale [she/her/hers]

long-haired, blue lynx sepia with low white & wide dark brown eyes
- occasionally wears flowers on her tail or behind her ear
- has wispy curly cheek and neck fur and a long wispy tail
- due to her pale skin, emotions that heat her face easily show
- has thick and long white eyelashes that pop out her eyes and reflect a doe's in nature

thunderclan born and raised
daughter to npc & npc & generation one

- an extroverted child who loves to adopt anyone and anything as her friend, especially introverts, outcasts, and the bullied
- pacifist and docile, won't even hurt insects, and always gives thanks Starclan for the life of prey (even though it's sad)
- protector of the weak and always stands up for those who get judged, bullied, outcasted, etc as everyone deserves to be accepted and loved
- extremely loyal to those close to her and would never betray them for anything and keep their secrets to heart
- myrtle is very empathetic and will cry and comfort you, the type of friend you can talk to about anything that's bothering you and your deepest secrets. she'll never do anything to hurt your feelings and always puts your feelings first before hers.
- hopeless romantic! can easily get crushes towards those she's close with and can be found seeming more nervous than her usual outgoing self; fiddles with her paws, wants to spend extra time with you, and more
- wears her heart on a sleeve and is proud, believing everyone deserves a second chance. if they did something bad, they did that for a reason and should be allowed to improve themselves. She's kind of hopelessly naïve because she wants to see the good in everyone, even if they're horrible.
- kind-hearted Disney Princess stereotype

myrtle symbolisms:
"Myrtle is commonly used in bouquets at weddings and on special occasions, such as Valentine's Day, to symbolize love, beauty, and loyalty. Throughout Europe and the Middle East, the folklore associated with Myrtle suggests a common symbolism of romance, devotion, beauty, and love. "

"Myrtle is a flowering evergreen tree that encourages us to slow down and connect with the harmonious cycles of life, death, and rebirth to help us transform sadness and grief into love and hope. Myrtle is the sacred tree of Aphrodite (Greek goddess of love) and Adonis (Greek god of beauty and desire)."

Sire: SH seal mink w/ low white (carrying chocolate, longhaired, dilute)
Dam: LH lilac torbie w/ low white (carrying sepia, solid)

Toms can be black, black tabby, blue, blue tabby, chocolate, chocolate tabby, lilac, lilac tabby, red tabby, cream tabby, seal mink, seal lynx mink, blue mink, blue lynx mink, chocolate mink, chocolate lynx mink, lilac mink, lilac lynx mink, flame mink, cream mink, seal sepia, seal lynx sepia, blue sepia, blue lynx sepia, chocolate sepia, chocolate lynx sepia, lilac sepia, lilac lynx sepia, flame sepia, or cream sepia
Mollies can be black, black tabby, blue, blue tabby, chocolate, chocolate tabby, lilac, lilac tabby, tortoiseshell, torbie, blue tortie, blue torbie, chocolate tortie, chocolate torbie, lilac tortie, lilac torbie, seal mink, seal lynx mink, blue mink, blue lynx mink, chocolate mink, chocolate lynx mink, lilac mink, lilac lynx mink, tortie mink, torbie mink, blue tortie mink, blue torbie mink, chocolate tortie mink, chocolate torbie mink, lilac tortie mink, lilac torbie mink, seal sepia, seal lynx sepia, blue sepia, blue lynx sepia, chocolate sepia, chocolate lynx sepia, lilac sepia, lilac lynx sepia, tortie sepia, torbie sepia, blue tortie sepia, blue torbie sepia, chocolate tortie sepia, chocolate torbie sepia, lilac tortie sepia, or lilac torbie sepia
- Kits can be longhaired or shorthaired
- Kits can have no white, low white, or high white
- Non-pointed kits without white may have any realistic eye color barring blue; non-pointed kits with white may have any realistic eye color; mink kits without white will have aqua eyes; mink kits with white may have blue or aqua eyes; sepia kits without white will have golden eyes; sepia kits with white may have blue or golden eyes
- shorthaired kits will carry longhaired; black-based kits will carry chocolate; non-dilute kits will carry dilute; non-pointed kits will carry point OR sepia; tabby kits will carry solid
- red-based kits will mask black, black tabby, chocolate, or chocolate tabby
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