private i’d rather steal than borrow [firefang]

➴➴ Patrols to the horseplace have become more common for Gravelsnap, and most days he finds himself content to trot by without pause. However, something is different, today, and it isn’t just because Firefang is the only other cat with him. Sure, he feels a warning prickle in the fur at the back of his neck that screams for him to run, to attack—but that is easily pushed aside, because as much as Gravelsnap may mourn the choices that she’s made, he cannot deny his relief that she is not only still alive, but still within WindClan. But his darker-furred patrol mate is not his greatest worry at the moment, because as they pass by the barn, he spots movement out of the corner of his eye and crouches low on instinct.

His gaze darts to the source of the movement, and Gravelsnap’s chest seizes with a touch of panic as they realize what has caught their attention.

A pair of twolegs sit upon… some sort of nest, perhaps? It lies flat on the ground and is patterned in red and white, an odd choice that offers little camouflage out on the open moor. They can smell prey, but when they open their mouth to scent it better, they’re nearly knocked right off their paws. Their mouth waters at the scent alone—juicy meat, certainly a bird of some sort. It must be some of the prey that the twolegs hunt, then. And they must be taking their kill out here where no one will bother them. Yet, as Gravelsnap watches, the twolegs stand from their strange flat nest and head off into the barn. Once the two are out of sight, he rises back to his full height, peering at the prey that the twolegs left behind.

"Look," he hisses, tail flickering as a black-splotched paw raises to point at the twolegs’ abandoned kill. What kind of predators are they, to leave behind such a tempting meal? From the looks of it, the bird would feed at least the two of them, and they might even still have some left over to take back to the kits at camp. Although it is spring now, and the clan is no longer in desperate need of prey, they would be stupid to turn down something so simple, wouldn’t they? Still the warrior turns to his companion, hazel eyes searching for an answer. "What do you think? I bet we could take it back home." If they’re quick, that is. But Gravelsnap has no doubts that Firefang is fast—they’ve raced before, haven’t they? She may not be exactly a friend now, but that doesn’t mean they don’t trust in her abilities now.

⊱✿⊰ Some twolegs seem to have been having a picnic out on the moors but where did they go? Who cares when they've left a whole rotisserie chicken behind! Does your character attempt to bring it back to camp or do they take a few bites for themselves? What other goodies are they able to find?