i’d rather take my whisky neat // troutsnout


Apr 9, 2024

the sun was high in the sky casting a glare upon reed, who sat by the water’s edge. the large tom was poised above the clear surface, intense amber gaze fixated on the current. the water cascaded against the reeds and his paws that were just near it, then continued in it’s constant journey on the path of least resistance. a path that reedstrike would honestly never be on. his dark figure was like a statue beside the waterway, paw raised with sharp claws peeking out, ready for the distinct movement of his prey to pull him to action. he had positioned himself so that the sun pushed his shadow behind him, onto the grass behind him rather than the water- now all he had to do was wait.

the shimmer of scales sprung his attention and his paw flashed into the cold water in an instant. his large paws were great for fishing, as they were able to grasp most anything without it slipping away, however today was an unusual circumstance. he felt his prey slip away, his claws struggling to snag it, and in a panic he threw his arm upwards. all of this happened in a moment, and reed watched with wide amber eyes as the trout flew up and out of the water, his prey and him making eye contact for a brief moment in time. with no time to think, he opted to catch it in his mouth, and he threw his jaws forward, teeth bared. the trout flipped mid-air, slapping him across his face with it’s slippery hind and landing back in the bustling current with a splash. “pah!” he half-stammered half-hissed, stumbling backwards, shocked. did it just slap me? his dark bristled and burned with embarrassment as he glanced around, slapping a stray stone into the water with a clear fury. hopefully no one saw that.

// @Troutsnout

  • unnamed.png
    ≫ large dark brown tabby with piercing amber eyes
    ≫ 20 moons old; ages the 1st of every month
    ≫ semi-hard to befriend ; doesn't trust easily
    ≫ riverclan warrior. tags. #873427
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ≫ light powerplay allowed
The spotted tabby had been stalking down the river, looking for a peaceful fishing spot when she notices a dark striped figure in the distance which she assumes to be Reedstrike by his dark coat. A trout flies out the river after his first failed attempt which he tries to catch in his jaws, and the trout smacks Reedstrike across his face. It was definitely a taunt from the fish, a spit and a laugh in his face for his failure at missing him. She'd never seen someone get slapped by a fish and she watches it race down the stream with his head high in pride, and a dumbfounded expression on her face. Troutsnout knew for a fact that the tom-cat's pride was shattered and he was pissed in embarrassment from being belittled by a fish.

"Uh... I can say it's the first I seen someone get slapped by a fish." Unironically, the fish had been a trout which she was named after. Perhaps, it was slapping him in the face for the tom-cat constantly teasing her for having a crush on him when she was a younger which causes her to chuckle at the thought. Was it for me, Mr. Trout? Troutsnout would ponder in question and perhaps wondered if the trout slapping Reedstrike was a sign from Starclan that it was for her to laugh at him for once in a while. Her face remains neutral but irony dances in her eyes, lips slightly curling at the ends into a smile before she lets out a giggle at the sight. "Aha! Just imagine getting slapped by a fish!" She doesn't smile or laugh much, but the irony of the situation has her stomach hurting from laughing and a bright smile on her face.
━ "speech"​

OOC text

the dark tom heard brush rustling and spun, troutsnout's words sounding as amused as the scene that had just played out. of course, not amusing to reed. he was quite shocked to see trout, a cat who really seemed to have remained neutral at most things, let loose a small giggle. wow, it must've looked quite funny, he thought. despite being shocked by the rare sight of the molly cracking a subtle smile, his pelt still smoldered in embarrassment from what had just happened. that, and the fact that she-cat was poking fun at him. though, he wasn't above poking fun right back.

he shook his long pelt, hopefully ridding himself of some humiliation and whatever water the trout had splashed on him. "yeah, yeah, haha so funny." the tom grumbled, flicking his tail as he stomped begrudgingly along the river, moving towards troutsnout. "the chances of that happening were crazy small," he huffed, glancing back towards the water, wondering if he could spot a trout to rub in her face to even the score. he then smirked, returning his gaze to her blue stare, a playful glint in his eyes, "unlike your chances of getting shoved in the river if you tell anyone about this." the dark tom plopped down, lapping a paw over his ear, attempting to regain some of the composure he lost this afternoon. sure, reed was older than the she-cat before him, but he wasn't above some childish tactics if it meant this encounter wouldn't be talked about by the whole clan. he had shoved many a cat in the river (always in good fun) and he definitely held a high score by now.

  • unnamed.png
    ≫ large dark brown tabby with piercing amber eyes
    ≫ 20 moons old; ages the 1st of every month
    ≫ semi-hard to befriend ; doesn't trust easily
    ≫ riverclan warrior. tags. #873427
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ≫ light powerplay allowed
"Shoved in the river or slapped by a fish? One will clearly make everyone laugh until they wheeze to catch their breath." Troutsnout would retort back, cobalt eyes glistening at the thought of teasing the other long-haired tabby who'd teased her for moons before once he found out of her feelings. The chocolate spotted tabby would stick her tongue out at Reedstrike, giving her mane a shake as she glances to the skies and rubs a ivory paw on her chin. She takes his threat of being shoved in the water lightly and a devious smirk comes to her lips, a glint in her eyes as she fakes a yawn. "We live in the water, less embarrassing than being slapped by a fish~"

Troutsnout turns on her paws as she faces him and leans in, attempting to push him into the water in return for his threat. "I'm going to tell everyone of you getting slapped by a trout! Catch me if you can~!" The maned female would respond as she quickly leapt to the other side of the river, sticking her tongue at the dark coated tom-cat as she hightails it down the side of the river. Would she actually tell? No, it was just to rile Reedstrike up and to get back at him for all the previous times. Starclan bestowed her this chance and she was gladly accepting it with open paws, she wasn't going to let it escape.
━ "speech"​

OOC text

at her quick retort, the dark tabby realized he had to come up with some other way for her to not tell anyone. she bounded away, almost skipping in joy as if she was just that excited to tell everyone about his recent slap in the face. he couldn’t let her get away, it seemed, not if he wanted his clanmates to think he was still cool. the tom took off after her, definitely not as fast, and struggled to keep up at a trot behind her as she playfully chanted her taunts. he rolled his eyes, scoffing at the silly threats that really did make him feel like running a little faster, “i’ll make sure it’s a really gross part of the river!” he chimed after her, hoping that would make her slow her speed. nevertheless he continued to pace after the long-haired she-cat, “you wouldn’t want your fur to get all.. nasty, now would you?” he wasn’t sure what adjective to use to make her realize how a gross river area could make her long clean pelt dirty, but he settled on nasty. his amber eyes glanced towards the chocolate and white feline, somewhat catching up with a smirk on his face, ”you wouldn’t want me to remind everyone, again, of someone’s little crush?” he cackled like an evil witch, bounding forward several more steps, attempting to cut off her path against the river. he still wasn’t above teasing her about her old crush, it seemed.

//sorry, rushed! wanted to send this before my 3 hr class tonight! srry for length & any typos!

  • unnamed.png
    ≫ large dark brown tabby with piercing amber eyes
    ≫ 20 moons old; ages the 1st of every month
    ≫ semi-hard to befriend ; doesn't trust easily
    ≫ riverclan warrior. tags. #873427
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ≫ light powerplay allowed
Troutsnout would hum as she continued prancing along the river, her tail swaying side-to-side━ intentionally paying no mind to Reedstrike's desperate attempts to persuade her from telling their clanmates. "Mm, yeah?" The chocolate and white tabby would respond with a purr, glancing over her shoulder as she smiles back at him. Her being covered in filthy water or Reedstrike: covered in filthy water and slapped by a trout? Endless bad luck on his part and he seemed to gamble his chips with the wrong party as it would be a losing bet. His pace quickened behind her as he attempts to catch up to her before she can shatter the image of him to everyone else. "I'll just drag you in with me."

Her coat bounces softly with her steps, mismatched paws carrying her across the grass and sand as he mentions her little crush on him. "Haven't you drained that reminder dry already?" She would inquire as he cuts her off as her cobalt gaze meets his amber, shaking her mane slightly. "I think they'll eat up about hearing the 'cool Reedstrike gets slapped by a fish', personally." Her words would respond after his statement, her ears twitching as she rasps a paw over it before brushing by the tom-cat.

"I think I lost my crush on you after seeing you get dominated by a fish, I don't think I could date a guy who allows a fish to slap him~" The tall feline would respond with a purr, sticking her tongue out at the tom-cat as she continues her walk. When she was Troutpaw, she had gotten a crush on seeing how ambitious and interesting of a character the tom-cat was but then she lost her parents and didn't have the time to savor the romance she wanted. She felt free when she was alone with Reedstrike, a smile and laughter came naturally to her and she would often get lost in his vibrant amber gaze which was the opposite of her blue hues.

Her heart skips a beat at the thought of his eyes as her gaze shuts for a moment, shaking away old feelings that wanted to resurface. She didn't have the time to allow for the dark tom-cat to plague her thoughts or heart, she had to be there for her clan. She had to make sure her siblings were healthy, the queens and her clan fed and pampered as they deserve━ romance had no place in her life. She'd rather enjoy the sight of everyone else create lifelong memories with their families, have litters and grow old together. Her heart was empty and locked with a key, the one closest to touching it in her life being the tabby before her.

Troutsnout sighs softly as she stops her pause as she remembers her heart shattering when she found Reedstrike and Bronzeshine became mates, the death of her parents and carrying the mantle of the older sister. The sight of camp was slowly coming in sight and her paws felt heavy as she wished that she could spend more time with the scarred tom-cat, but she knew that it was most likely the opposite for him. "I won't tell anyone about you getting slapped by a fish, it was a good laugh." The maned female would state towards him, her bright smile now plastered back into its once neutral shape and her voice back to a semi-emotionless volume.
━ "speech"​

OOC text

as he trotted after her, he snorted at her threat to pull him in the river. if she thought she could lug his big self into a river, she was kidding herself, and he smirked as he snidely responded, “yeahhh right- you couldn’t push me into a puddle if i was sitting next to it.” he let out a small cackle as she finally was made to stop beside him, suddenly her eyes met his and he rolled his eyes at the mention of the fish slapping him. she’s really not gonna let this go, huh? he thought as she brushed by him, and he turned to follow behind her. "I think I lost my crush on you after seeing you get dominated by a fish, I don't think I could date a guy who allows a fish to slap him~" she purred before her gaze seemed to fixate on something else, something he couldn’t see or hear. he narrowed his orange gaze, thoughts buzzing through his head at her words. so you lost it only now?words that tempted to bubble out his jaws but stayed shut tight behind his teeth. no, instead he bit his tongue, unwilling to say words that might compromise their relationship. him and trout had a fun time teasing one another and he wasn’t willing to mess that up. not after what happened with him and bronze.

he stretched his claws in annoyance at the ground, despising the thought of not being able to control his feelings, good or bad. it seemed his last relationship affected him more than he gave it credit for. reed and bronze had only briefly dated for 2 months, but he pined for her long before that, and when he finally had the courage to ask her if she wanted to take their relationship seriously, she backed out. it went without saying that the tom now had a tendency to pull away when things got to be too much. it seemed troutsnout was no different. a heavy atmosphere seemed to sit in the air between the two cats as camp came into view, none of them having spoken for a while. deep thinking seemed to make the humid air thick and exhausting. reed noticed the she-cat’s sudden withdrawal with her last words and the sudden shift from smiling and playful to stoic once more. he gave her a weak smirk and a quiet but quick, “thanks.” and then departed from the clearing to camp, leaving the heavy air behind.

  • unnamed.png
    ≫ large dark brown tabby with piercing amber eyes
    ≫ 20 moons old; ages the 1st of every month
    ≫ semi-hard to befriend ; doesn't trust easily
    ≫ riverclan warrior. tags. #873427
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ≫ light powerplay allowed