camp i’ll be immortalized — weather questions

Winter for WindClan has not been kind. Losing their healer so suddenly was never going to be a good thing, no matter how capable Vulturemask is. The raid on SkyClan also didn’t do much to help the clan, and only created more problems—as well as causing them to lose a few more warriors to either injuries or exile. The weather hasn’t been good, either; Gravelpaw misses the warmth of the air from when they were younger, brand new to WindClan.

They have noticed the air gradually becoming more mild across the past few days, shifting back and forth between warmer and colder weather. From other cats, there’s been talk of spring and its approach. Many of their clanmates’ descriptions of spring make it seem nice—warmer weather, lots of rain, and flowers popping up everywhere. But they have never experienced it firsthand, and they need to gather more information. "What’s the weather going to be like now?" They ask from their place just inside of camp, where they’re lounging on their stomach in the dirt. Their head lies atop their paws, a strikingly similar position to the one they were in when Adderkit attacked them a while ago. Hopefully this time, with their back to the nursery, there’s no chance of kits catching their eye.
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He's not really paying attention, in truth. Tigerfrost had returned from a patrol, had depositied his little field mouse onto the pile. A meager catch, but at least the thing wasn't scrawny. It takes several moments before he even processes the question from an apprentice nearby, and his half-white head swings, eyes glowing to pierce through the air and land coldly upon Gravelpaw. Who was this? He knows their name, but knows little else. Perhaps Tigerfrost should get to know them, then.

"Rainy, humid, and warm." The dusty hued tabby responds simply, flicking his tail through the air in greeting. "The occasional chilly day, but it will keep getting warmer and warmer, until it soon becomes hot." Hot and scorching, and with such little shade on WindClan's territory to hide in. The greenleaf sun knew no mercy, but they still had several moons before they all endured such a thing. For now, he'd enjoy new-leaf, and the mild weather that it brought. So long as the rain didn't flood them out of their hollow.

She's hardly used to the weather in the moors yet, and already its begun to shift - warmer, muddier. The kit doesn't know what to make of this, the warmest days of her life. Doesn't know what to make of it, as an older kit asks of upcoming weather and an older cat - a... warrior...? - answers. It would only get warmer? Rainy?

"No more snow?" Sparrow finds the courage to ask, amber eyes wide. He's injured just as she is, the warrior - more so, even. Dogs must have gotten him too.

But, what would she do, when the snow is gone, and she loses another piece of her home? Memories of snuggling close to Ma as snow gathered on the ground outside, hopping around in a blanket of white with Kestrel once it settled - would they be gone just like the snow? Sparrow doesn't think she likes the impending shift in temperatures.

"Will it come back?"


She was happy that the days were finally warmer. The snow was fun to play in but the lack of prey was tough. Stormgaze was more than happy to run in the clear moor in search of rabbits once more. And her keen eyes were better with less snow.

“The snow will be back! But, hopefully, not for many moons. It does always come back though.” the lanky feline explained as she joined the conversation. “Instead of snow, we will probably see a ton of flowers bloom! It makes the moor really pretty. Attracts a lot of bees and wasps unfortunately.” she sighs, hating the idea of getting stung by a bug.
✦ ★ ✦
Though he may never say such things aloud, Sunstride cannot put Vulturemask and capable in the same trail of thought. He is as trained as one may be, it would seem, but he lacks within him the heart for this place. It would seem he has little love for his clanmates and their troubles– perhaps he speaks only as one so accustomed to the ready ears of another that he cannot imagine anything else in a healer. (To think of him now as a healer aches, and he denies it readily.) It would seem that this clan is meant for suffering. They all would follow, like moths to flame. Not even newleaf can melt his growing pessimism. Try as he might to calm the prickling thoughts, he cannot fully rid himself of it.

"It is strange to think of. That here, your snows melt so quickly." In the moons of their leaf-bare, only one true storm ad hit, and even that had been nothing he could not weather. It had not been so much a jest as a telling of fate, that Sunstride would wind up as a puddle of auburn fur beneath the moor's meager shade. His thick, dense coat will not save him in the moons ahead of them. "The flowers, at least, will make this place a wonderful sight."

  • ooc:
  • SUNSTRIDE. named for his coloration and his bold chasing of fate.
    —— cis male, he - him. thirty-six moons old. lead warrior of windclan and former rogue.
    —— gay, but somewhat closeted. will not be open about his interests.  single, will be so.
    —— seems comparatively stranger than who he was some moons ago, serious and cool.

    sunstride is broad and bold– a creature standing above most of windclan, though not a beast beyond its borders, with fur that flames red at its base and deepens to a burnt amber with every whorl and stripe. his eyes, in comparison, are a pale summer's blue, still as bold as the rest of him.
  • "speech"
Tigerfrost, to his credit, is not a warrior who Gravelpaw dislikes. The older tom is powerful, intimidating—he’s an admirable cat, a warrior of WindClan comparable to Lynxtooth. Two big cats with big names, they are. The dark tabby responds with a detailed answer, the best sort of response. Gravelpaw wants to know everything that they can, to be prepared for the oncoming changes of weather.

Tigerfrost says that spring is rainy, and the monochrome apprentice’s ears flicker backward, lying flat against their black-patched skull. Rain means cold—and cold means that Gravelpaw will be forced to either submit themself to the mortifying ordeal of cuddling with another cat for warmth, or to lie awake half the night shivering. "Ugh, rain," they snark, as though it’s the warrior’s fault that the weather sounds like it will continue to be awful. But Tigerfrost also says that it will be warm, and Gravelpaw is about to ask what he means by rainy and warm, when-

An irritating voice pipes up, and a hazel glare is turned upon the small cat who has dared to speak. Gravelpaw will concede that at least the kit is curious, asking questions as though she has any right to wander into the midst of their conversation. Gravelpaw says nothing to Sparrowkit, instead shifting their shoulders to look to Stormgaze. The warrior foolishly entertains the kit’s question—of course there will be no snow when it’s warm—but proposes that there will be flowers instead.

Sunstride, another respectable warrior, comments on the flowers as well. Gravelpaw cannot quite recall how the moorland looked when they first came here, small as they were, but they can remember glimpses of flowers. Imagining all colors, all shapes and sizes of flowers stretching across the moor for as far as the eye can see… it sounds amazing. "At least there are flowers to look forward to. But about the rain," their hazel gaze flits between the three adults, narrowed with curiosity. "How can it be rainy and hot? Isn’t rain supposed to be cold?"

// ic opinions i’m so sorry,, i love sparrowkit
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The vocals of a kit rise in question, and Tigerfrost's vision flickers toward Sparrowkit. Despite her young age, Tigerfrost is entirely uncertain of her. She was no blood born WindClanner, but he supposed that she was no kittypet, either. Perhaps she would grow to become something decent, in time. A Warrior to be proud of. For now, the chimera tabby is not so sure. Stormgaze entertains her questioning, followed by Sunstride, who comments on the snow and the flowers. Another cat not born in WindClan, yet he had turned out all right, hadn't he? There was hope for Sparrowkit, then. Flaming eyes flicker back toward Gravelpaw as the apprentices continues with his inquiries.

"The rain can help cool the moors a little, but it doesn't last. Worse, when the heat and the rain mix, the air becomes heavier, harder to breathe. Sometimes it feels suffocating." Tigerfrost goes on, explaining the concept of humidity with a curl of his tail. "I suppose you'll just have to experience it to understand it, fully. It won't get too hot, at least not in these next couple of moons, but soon enough it will be so scorching out that the sun becomes a danger to those who linger in it's light for too long without rest." He knows of cats who fall over and die from heat, cooked to death by the very day, it seemed. Soon enough, every cat would be praying for rain, or hiding in the shade from the scorching rays. From one extreme to the other. But at least Tigerfrost could enjoy the mild temperatures of new-leaf for awhile yet.
Whether or not he had turned out all right, as Tigerfrost says, Sunstride cannot quite tell. He is a steady enough soul, and a good WindClanner. But he has found himself wondering in recent days if such things are as grand as he once thought. It will be a thought kept in silence, strangled where it sleeps. He does what he can to direct it elsewhere. This changing of seasons drags him to melancholy, and not even the promised beauty of it is enough to steady him. Still the warrior busies himself with thoughts of it, with learning of these territories. Tigerfrost knows better than he, and so as the tabby prepares them for what may come, the other warrior's head cocks.

"You and I will learn of it together," he chuckles to Gravelpaw, a gentle smile more on his eyes than the rest of his face. "I cannot think of what it may be like. Do not be surprised to find me melted beneath some bush of heather when the sun rises so high. I doubt I could survive it." Jest as he may, there does seem a real danger in those moons to come. Even without his precious snow, perhaps it is best to treasure the time that they have now. Before such things come to pass.

  • ooc:
  • SUNSTRIDE. named for his coloration and his bold chasing of fate.
    —— cis male, he - him. thirty-six moons old. lead warrior of windclan and former rogue.
    —— gay, but somewhat closeted. will not be open about his interests.  single, will be so.
    —— seems comparatively stranger than who he was some moons ago, serious and cool.

    sunstride is broad and bold– a creature standing above most of windclan, though not a beast beyond its borders, with fur that flames red at its base and deepens to a burnt amber with every whorl and stripe. his eyes, in comparison, are a pale summer's blue, still as bold as the rest of him.
  • "speech"
Gravelpaw has been told that the moor was at its hottest when they and Slatepaw were brought here by their father, but they can’t recall any part of it. Their memories of the earliest months of their life are foggy at best, marked most clearly with blood and loss. But the warmth of WindClan quickly replaced the coldness they had once known, and the apprentice has no reason to miss anything.

They especially see no reason to miss the warmth, the sweltering heat of the season called summer. And the way Tigerfrost describes the heaviness of the upcoming rainy season, they cannot help but dread its coming as well. "That sounds atrocious," they comment, tail lashing at the thought of suffocating while still breathing. The dark warrior’s following explanation sounds no better—scorching heat, danger posed by the sun itself? "It sounds miserable. How do you deal with it being that hot?" Gravelpaw’s ears fall flat against their head as they ask the question, and their scowl deepens.

At the very least, Sunstride will also share the experience of a first summer in WindClan. The flame-colored tom cracks a joke about melting under the hot sun, and Gravelpaw snorts out a stifled laugh. It isn’t that funny, really, sounds more dangerous than entertaining. But knowing that they won’t be going into this new time all on their own is comforting. "We can be weather apprentices together," they concede with a small smile. But thinking more about the older feline’s words, their attention is caught on something. They know that Sunstride comes from elsewhere, a rogue joiner of the clan, but from where, they have no clue. "What is the weather like where you’re from?"

Paws shift beneath her, kitten claws scraping at the ground as she awaits an answer. Should she not have asked her question? The apprentice doesn't look too happy that she's there, dark eyes glaring down at her. Brown ears twitch, threatening to flatten against her head for what feels like the millionth time since her arrival.

"S-Sorry..." she squeaks out, paws moving to take a step backward.

But, a voice chirps up to answer her question, and golden eyes widen as she looks at the warrior. The snow will come back. At least she has her answer, a sense of comfort in the new face's words.

"When does it come back?" she finds herself asking before she can think about the apprentice glowering down at her. And there will be flowers too, lots of them. At least the apprentice seems happy about that.

He asks of the rain, of why it would be warm and raining. It only makes sense in her head, that if snow was cold, that rain - whatever that was - would be warm. He asks of weather where a different warrior used to live, too. Surely the weather was all the same wherever you went, right? Why did her question receive glares, when the apprentice keeps asking such silly questions?

Sparrow will let him figure the answers on his own though - she's already upset him enough, hasn't she?