pafp I’LL BE YOUR BLACK CLOUD BY JUNE — sharing prey

It is almost ritual at this point for Bluepool. She wakes up before anyone else, she makes her way out of the camp and in the early dawn light she races across the moors. She leans into the wind like it is an old friend, it runs it’s cool fingers through her fur and she leans into its embrace, letting it take her from one end to the other until her muscles are screaming. It feels good, it makes her feel alive.

Sometimes, if she’s lucky, on her runs a rabbit will dart in front of her. She lets out a whoop and gives chase, reveling in the feeling of her paws pounding against the earth like a heartbeat. She is quick to overtake the poor creature and when she catches up she dispatches it quickly. The thing is fat, a sign that new-leaf was well and truly here. She clutches it in her mouth and makes her way back to camp, her pace a slow but steady trot.


"So I told her… I told her there’s absolutely no way that she could fit two birds in her mouth at once" a laugh escapes her maw, unable to be contained "And- and guess what? She did it! Poor fool was coughing up feathers for moons!" she regales a prank to a friend, an NPC who was willing to listen, willing to laugh right alongside her.

One paw remains perched on the rabbit, as if protectively as she waits for any sign of that familiar brown pelt. When she sees it she breaks off immediately, what’s left of her dark colored tail waving in the air behind her. "Heathclaw!" she calls, eyes shining "Share this with me?" he had been kind to check in on her after the battle and she wanted to show she had appreciated his thoughtfulness with a thoughtful act of her own.