backwritten i’ll be your hero and win it | escape to skyclan

'cause my girl's made of peaches—————————————————
The rogue was just about to bite down into her neck, she could feel the hot breath, her eyes screwed shut as she tried pitifully at one more escape. It didn’t work, but it didn’t need to. The yowl of Hazepaw broke the air and then the rogue was ripped away from her throat.

Catfishpaw finally opened her eyes again. Her green eyes were filled with terror as she watched Haze slash at the rogue, there were more rogues starting to approach them and Catfish saw less and less Riverclan warriors still in camp. Her claws followed Hazepaw’s as she tried to smack the rogue away from the two of them, “Haze we have to go! We can’t win this!” she shouted over the other noises on the battlefield. She’ll try to push the rogue out of the way one more time and then run as fast as she can to the border of camp, but not going any further until Hazepaw was at her side.


and soft grass in the moonlight—————————penned by WriteAboutRadish
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They feel Catfish move rather than see her: a warm presence and sharp claws slashing past Haze at the rogue menacing them both. Another shove from the silver molly sends the rogue stumbling back a single, crucial step, giving them a little breathing room. Haze almost wants to press the advantage — together, maybe they can win this — but when Catfish’s feathery tail brushes against their side as she turns and makes for the exit, all thoughts of battle disappear with her. Haze finds their paws hitting the ground in a sprint on instinct, following her shadow.

Teeth snap a whisker’s breadth from their own tail as the rogue gives chase. Haze trips, nearly slipping on the damp ground, and stumbles against Catfishpaw as they reach her at the border. Not stopping, they turn the collision into a push, urging her forward as they yell: ”Go!” and dart forward, looking over their shoulder to make sure she’s still there.

'cause my girl's made of peaches—————————————————
There isn't any thoughts happening. There is just blind instinct. As she is pushed into by Hazepaw she starts running again, stumbling over her leg as she tries to keep up with the other cat. She isn't even risking a glance back at the rogues tailing them, she can't hear them either, the blood pounding through her ears is too loud, and so is her rapid breath. Her white paws turned brown as the two apprentices maneuver out of the camp, what once was the safety of camp.

She had managed to somehow keep pretty close to Hazepaw as they ran, but the adrenaline was slowly leaving her system and as it did the pain from that forsaken leg came. She began to pull it up higher and higher, wincing if she accidently used it, and Haze kept getting farther and farther away. She finally dared to look behind her, expecting a rogue to be snapping large white fangs at her, but there was only her own footprints trailing the two of them. "Haze!" she called trying to get her to slow down for just a second "We aren't being followed." she panted, they were sort of safe.

Now it was just the two of them, catching their breathes, left in the depths of the Riverclan territory. Lucky for them it wasn't unfamiliar, even in the darkness.

and soft grass in the moonlight—————————penned by WriteAboutRadish

Some things are hard to forget, and even harder to unlearn — Catfish calling out their name is like that. The sound of her voice wrapping around that single syllable pulls them back as surely as if their fur had gotten caught in brambles, and they send fallen leaves flying as they skid to an abrupt stop.

Her hammering heart drops out of her ears now that they are no longer running, and silence rushes in its place. Swallowing past a dry mouth, Haze retraces the last few fox lengths of ground back to Catfish at a nervous trot. Without the terror of the chase she feels a little awkward, overly conscious of how loud their heavy breathing sounds in the dark, quiet emptiness of the territory. It hasn’t felt this foreign, this unsafe in a very long time — she can’t even recall if the badger had felt this way, had rendered well-trod paths this alien and dangerous. Perhaps not to her.

Suddenly struggling to meet Catfish’s eyes, they jerk their nose at her wounded leg. ”Okay?” Running like that cannot have improved it.

Then, glancing around, they realize alone they are. The rogue must have given up the chase some time ago, and even the clamor of battle has grown faint and distant. They ran wild and far; they always have. Breathing slowly past sudden nervousness, they ask: ”Where?”

Given a second to collect their thoughts, they could probably estimate where they are in the territory. What they’re really wondering, with that anxious word, is: where do we go now?

'cause my girl's made of peaches—————————————————
Hazepaw's breath breaking through the silence was comforting. It reminded her of sharing a nest in the apprentice den, when she would wake up before the other cat and just for a little bit just soak in their presence. The memory faded quickly though, rays of the morning sun replaced with a small rustle of leaves from a cool wind, the faraway smell of blood and rogues hitting the back of her throat again. Her paws still felt bouncy, the residue of high stress, she wanted to start moving again.

Hazepaw's voice broke Catfishpaw's anxious thoughts for just a second, and then fully. Catfish's green eyes fell blankly to the other cat, her ear flicking as the words didn't catch right away. She blinked and then it registered. She looked back at the leg for a second, like it needed to be visually evaluated to answer the question. It ached, apparently mad sprints weren't it's favorite activity. She went to test if it would even bare putting weight on it, it made it a whole second before she winced "Yeah, it's fine." she lied through bared teeth.

She also followed Haze's eyes as they looked around at what should be familiar sights. It was somewhat familiar, but some of it was lost when you didn't pay attention to what came before it. Haze spoke again, they would need a drink of water with how talkative they were being, it was another question and for once Catfishpaw doesn't have a quick response.

"Smokethroat called a retreat... but I don't know if he like really said to where." she started to try and work it out, "Did you see where everyone else ran too? They didn't go back to the temporary camp, right?" she started to slowly spin looking in each direction trying to think of where Smokethroat would have thought was safe. Maybe Fourtrees? "I don't know Haze..."

and soft grass in the moonlight—————————penned by WriteAboutRadish

Catfish’s lie isn’t exactly convincing this time — but then again the molly doesn’t really have qualms about lying to Haze, does she? They don’t call her out on it, glancing away without another sound. It’s fine. They can get out of this whole mess, and then go back to not talking or looking at each other or breathing in the same space.

Her thinking aloud about where the clan may have run off gives them a second to breathe and gather their thoughts again. Despite everything, her voice is still a relief, a reprieve from the chaos. Where would have Smokethroat directed the retreat? Catfish is right, the temporary camp is unlikely; too far, with the gorge an impossible obstacle to overcome were the rogues to pursue them. ”Crossriver?” They hazard; when in doubt, Riverclan usually puts a body of water between them and problems. And finding the river by ear would be easier: if they were to track down the sound of other cats, they’d be as likely to stumble upon more rogues as their clanmates.

The sight of her pained wince linger in their mind, and as she spins in place they lean closer, almost unconsciously offering their shoulder for support without ever looking Catfish in the face, face still caught in a sullen expression. Fear still has their heart beating fast enough that they do not look closer at the impulse, for now.
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