ROEFLAME — break the air to feel the fall.
Dusk had risen and fallen, and as Roeflame trailed just behind the head of their patrol, she figured it was more than time to head back to camp.
Oh, she was already dreaming of her nest.
Yet, the patrol was running behind, and the tabby knew she’d be far away from her bed of moss for awhile yet.
When the stars start to glimmer in the sky though, Roeflame would grab the patrol lead’s attention one way another, an exasperated expression scrunching at typically round features.
She parts her maw, yet suddenly she is not looking at her fellow warrior, but rather the sight of two amber eyes staring directly at her from just behind their head- far too big to be a felines, or any other land-dwelling creature.
"Get down!"
Her warning is almost futile as the deathly stare suddenly comes to life, swooping down towards the group of unsuspecting cats- towards her.
It was no secret that Roeflame’s small stature out her at a great disadvantage compared to her larger clanmates, but to be mistaken for an easy meal? Insulting.
Talons graze flesh, and Roeflame is suddenly grappling at a storm of feathers and a puffed chest. The impact sends the duo flying backwards, Roeflames resistance causing their crash to hardly be softened by the spray of soil and undergrowth.
She slices at the feathered beasts wings, feeling satisfaction when her unsheathed claws snag down on something substantial.
The warrior has an advantage, but it is unlikely to last for long before it’s talons find their own chunk of flesh to sink into.
"Get this thing off of me!" She yells towards the rest of her patrol, hind legs repeatedly scratching against its body while her forepaws struggle to keep its beak away from her eyes.
Why do the critters always go for ME?

//not really meant to be angsty, but it’s likely anyone who helps her will end up with a few good scratches !

Stormywing doesn't actually mind the later patrols. She's always been more of a night-owl than an early bird anyhow. She pads along with the rest of the patrol, feeling fern fronds brush against her legs as she pushes through the undergrowth. The moonlight bathes the cats in silver light, broken up only by the leafy branches towering over their heads. It's a beautiful, clear night, and the cool break from the greenleaf sun is always welcome.

It's Roeflame's shriek that breaks up the peace. The young warrior's head snaps towards her, eyes stretching wide. She listens, dropping to the ground just as a massive bird comes crashing towards them, towards her clanmate. Screeches pierce the air as feathers fly. Stormywing is on her paws in an instant, frozen for only a heartbeat in shock before she's bounding forward. "Leave her alone, bird-brain!" She yowls, pushing off to leap at the winged beast. She feels her claws meet flesh as she tackles it off of Roeflame, her swiping claws finding purchase in a feathery chest. But this bird is powerful, its talons easily swinging out to slice at her pelt. A hissing growl escapes her as she feels searing pain grow along her shoulder but she cannot let up. She can't hold off this bird for long, but she can do what she can before more arrive to help her.

There is comfort in the night for her, she finds her namesake soothes her worries and its light a gentle caress to the piercing sting of the sun; late patrols were her favorite and she was dutiful following along with the rest of them with the warning screech sounded with just enough time for her to turn and see it barrel over Roeflame and slam them both into the ground with enough of an impact she was sure a bruise might form on the older she-cat as a result.
Moonpaw does not falter as she might have before, lunging forward after Stormywing to join her in removing the bird from their clanmate before it can cause more damage than it already has.
She is a bolt of spotted and white fur, tail trailing behind her like the light blurring behind a shooting star. Moonpaw gives a quick leap over Roeflame's battered form to join Stormywing in pushing the great bird back, claws reaching out to swipe angrily at its face and the soft undersides of its wings alongside the tabby warrior; it beats said wings in a frantic flurry to drive them back but she does not relent. Her teeth manage to secure into one wing, pinning it in place as the other continues to flail about and its talons strike outward in ruthless vehemence.
Moonpaw hoped it would retreat, dangerous as it was, she didn't think she and Stormywing could hold it at bay for very long before it managed to do something horrifying like take an eye or cut a throat.
( ) The shriek that left Roeflame's jaws was enough to make the large, snowy warrior whip around to see that both Stormywing and Moonpaw had barreled into the owl. Hailstorm didn't hesitate in going to assist his younger clanmates as he bolted forward with the fur along his spine bristling, they needed to fend off this owl before it hurt anyone fatally. With unsheathed claws, the tom leapt into action swiping at the feathery fiend and feeling a bit of satisfaction when his claws briefly grazed against its flesh earning a shriek but not without it lashing back out at him, it scored him across the shoulder and leg as it flailed.

A hiss of pain leaving him but he was stupidly stubborn and determined to fend off the owl from the rest of his clanmates, he clamped his jaws around the other wing after getting hit by it several times and used his back legs to kick at it. Now, that both wings were out of the way it was simply watching out for his talons and Hailstorm did his best not to gag at the feathers in his jaws.

ROEFLAME — break the air to feel the fall.
A terrifyingly sharp talon grazes along Roeflame’s soft flank, and as if right on cue Stormywing and Moonpaw are there, spitting and batting at the owl.
A weight is shifted off of the warrior as her feathery attacker struggles to pinpoint where exactly it could try to defend itself, left to awkwardly squawk and flail lethal limbs about.
Roeflame rolls to her paws, pelt puffed out in both adrenaline and defensiveness.
By the time she is back on her paws, feathers and droplets of blood are spilled all over the forest floor, and Hailstorm is yanking at the owls wings.
Talons swing dangerously close to the tom, but the older warrior has given Roeflame and the other two mollies a chance to killed the damned thing already.
"C’mere you feathered bastard!" Roeflame yowls, springing for it with claws extended.
Without wasting a heartbeat, the tabby would aim to rake her claws deep throughout the surface of the owls throat, hoping to hit something major.
She’d drop back to the ground with a wince, but ready to take it on once more.
I’ll show you who’s prey around here.

Stormywing spits and splutters, screeching as her shoulder stings. When her clanmates join in the fray, it gives her a chance to roll away and sit up. Her chest heaves as she holds herself up, wincing as weight is placed on her shoulder. "Get it, get it!" She cheers her clanmates on, straining to get back to her paws. Still panting, she bounds forward to join back in, but after Roeflame's attack the beast slows down, seemingly drowning in its own blood. It twitches, and then it's still, and Stormywing is left next to it, hunched over while she catches her breath. Her jaws part into a grin as she huffs out a laugh, "The hunter has become the hunted, eh?" Sitting up straighter, she begins to survey the others, ears pricking. "Anyone hurt too bad?" Her own wound stings, but she can at least make it back to camp without too much of a fuss.
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