private I’LL MAKE A MAN OUT OF YOU | Training

Firefang had less experience then many of her peers, she acted older then she was as if she bore the title of warrior for many many moons rather then just the pawful she truly had. Yet she wanted to say she made a name for herself carved out with her own claws and glory, she was loyal to the core and as ferocious as they came. Yet she’d still been appointed early and largely for many moons of her apprenticeship was without a competent mentor, she was still in many ways when Harrierpaw became her apprentice just barely out of being an apprentice herself. She doesn’t let it stop her, it was an honor and lucky for him she had far much more energy and youthful ingenuity than her older peers; she still worried it wasn’t enough but she’d be damned if she stopped trying or let those worries be heard bluntly. Regardless of her worries she feels he’s shaping up to be a strong warrior, and unlike her sparingly did she hear a word of complaint slip past his maw so she figured she must’ve done something right if he was satisfied.

She would continue to do as she’d been doing, only making things more intense the more promise the young tom showed.

She’d told him they were just practicing hunting today, this should’ve been a normal practical lesson with no tricks pulled but it’d be far from that. She had her own lesson plan that didn’t include much chasing rabbits or crouching in long grass, nah as she leads him closer to the spot (just ways from rabbits run) she pretends it’s all they’re doing. Until she suddenly whips around one claw outstretched to attempt to bat at @HARRIERPAW ‘s face she holds back of course claws not fully outstretched it’s more meant to surprise him to rouse him from his thoughts then a true attack. ❝Change of plans; todays lesson is expect the unexpected❞ she grins she stalls for now but her shoulders roll in their sockets and she gets closer to the ground just about to pounce. ❝Even out on a hunting patrol or in camp anything can happen, a fox could come charging from the grasslands right at you or Shadowclan can stealthily tresspass at the dead night. You have to be able to adapt and fight, never fully let your guard down!❞ and before the words are out of her mouth she launches it’s predictable but it’d be a start of the fight she’d attempt to bowl him over if she connected with him.

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Harrierpaw trudges behind his mentor, his eyes drooping with tiredness. It was a bad idea to go out with Firefang and not be alert, but her apprentice truly believed her, they’d be going hunting- Harrierpaw had even noticed the fresh-kill pile was low. As they approach rabbit’s run his nose twitches as he searches for scents, he’s caught completely off-guard when the dark-furred molly spins around and bats him on the face. He leaps backwards just enough for outstretch claw to just poke against his black nose. ”What-“ Change of plans.

Harrierpaw’s fur lies flat, he should’ve figured… Only just when he thought the surprises were over with she flings herself at him and completely bowls him over into the grass. He lets out a defensive hiss of confusion, and though in complete shock he aims a heavy swat at her face and tries to wiggle out of her weight. ”I wasn’t-“ ready! He wants nothing more than to yowl, though he knows it’s the point of the lesson the apprentice sourly creeds it unfair. He would’ve been able to show his mentor his true skills if she had at least warned him! He was a great fighter, and this drill was making him look like a kit fresh out of the nursery!

If his mentor has not yet stumbled away from him Harrierpaw he aims to use his rear legs to kick at her underbelly.


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )


· HARRIERPAW, male — he / him

╰ ‣ 4 moons . pisces. ages on the 14th

╰ ‣ windclan apprentice . believes in starclan


· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells of the earth and dry grass , status — 100%

╰ ‣ blue and brown chimera . average sized WindClanner . yellow eyes


· ESTJ-A ❝ EXECTUTIVE ❞ , Slytherin, Chaotic neutral

╰ ‣ self-reliant, loyal, disciplined, direct, impatient, unsympathetic, judge mental

╰ ‣ finds moderate difficulty in relating to others . can be cruel


· WEASELCLAW x SOOTSTAR, sister to Windstrider, Sootchaser, Moorpaw, Adderpaw, Bluepaw & Cottonpaw

╰ ‣ nephew to Mintshade & Bluepool

╰ ‣ sexuality unknown

╰ ‣ apprentice to Firefang

╰ ‣ poor fighter . poor hunter .

╰ ‣ will start fights . unlikely to flee .

╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.