pafp I’LL PLAY MY FIGHT SONG ♡ hunting practice

Palefire was worried. She could see that Meadowkit was struggling to cope with Moonwhisper’s death. It was understandable, of course. She knew better than most what it was like to have to walk through life without the love and care of a parent. But in a way she felt that Meadowkit and her siblings were even worse off than she had been; they’d gotten to know their mother, to feel her love and now have to adjust to the idea of never knowing it again. But Thunderclan had been there for Palefire when she was young, and her clanmates had lifted her up and made her into the warrior she was today. She wanted to be that same guiding paw for Meadowkit, if she could.

She saw a lot of herself in the kitten, truthfully. The fiesty red tabby seemed to have the same boisterous attitude and callous opinions that she’d had at that age, and within that similarity she felt a comfortable kinship. So she wanted to help, even if that just meant distracting her from her grief with something fun.

The lynx-point had summoned Meadowkit from the nursery to join her in the camp clearing, where she’d placed a large mossball on the ground nearby. The eager young girl was crouched low beside her, clumsily mimicking the hunting stance that Palefire had just shown her moments ago. Stifling an amused chuckle, the molly placed a paw on Meadowkit’s haunches to gently reposition her into a somewhat more correct form. “Alright, once you’ve spotted your prey, you have to sneak up on it,” she whispered conspiratorially, leaning closer to pretend like the mossball was in fact a real mouse, and they might spook it if they spoke too loud. “Now, carefully, stalk towards your target until you’re close enough to… pounce!”

  • [ this is backwritten to about a week before the meeting! Please wait for @Meadowpaw ]
  • LrCLeua.png
  • 79175764_ro4GJWUVwEZd0z0.png
    PALEFIRE she / her, warrior of thunderclan, 17 moons
    lh lilac lynx point w/ low white and blue eyes
    single, padding after skyclaw / npc x npc / sister to bluestride
    mentor to meadowpaw & ivorypaw / formerly mentored by nightbird
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / all opinions ic
    underline and tag when attacking
    penned by limerence@limericks. on discord, dm for plots.