I’ll sing what you like ⤜ Chervilshade


Gonna bay for the blood
May 11, 2024

Allies were probably a good thing to have here, friends even. Shrike wasn’t awful at making friends, they believed they were actually quite chatty when their whims took them. It was just a matter of who they should try to speak with, there seemed to be friendly enough faces around here. While it would probably be easy just to pick the weakest willed cat here they weren’t particularly interested in that, instead opting to seek out something genuine. It would be good for them, they didn’t want to suffocate their littermates here anyways.

Aimlessly, stained white paws pace around the camp territory, hazel eyes scanning the crowd around them. An angular form catches their interest, grey and orange pelt aids this mysterious cat in standing out from her peers of camp. Hazel eyes meet olive and Shrike finds themself striding towards her, pushing out that false bravado that they enjoy to carry high on their shoulders. Their black tail dragging across the ground, as they approach they note her general matted appearance, It didn’t deter them in any way at all, if anything this caused intrigue.

They stop in front of the young warrior, a polite grin with a little too much teeth flashed. It didn’t deter from the friendly attitude they were working hard to foster and maintain. “Hey! I’m Shrike” they bow their head, to nod but it also serves as a mockery of ‘showing respect’ or whatever. Their placid tail sparks to life, swaying behind them as they flex and unflex their paws. “You'd be clan born, right?” They ask in a polite mew, a black and white contrast to the ego they usually tried to purposefully craft in their tone.

“I’m a recent joiner, I’m sure the name already told you that” They laugh, it’s more akin to a quiet chuckle. To their understanding there had been a few other joiners this past few moons, their littermates included but not limited to. “Could you show me around? I’d hate to look like a mouse brain and get lost around here.” Truthfully, they were pretty confident where everything was but maybe they could cling onto the idea of a tour to try and spark some kind of further conversation.

  • Shrike│Bio
    They / Them, Loner , 27 moons {ages on the 1st},
    A long haired black feline with low white spotting and hazel eyes.
    Jagged x NPC
    Speech, #ad744a, thoughts, attacking
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Juice ↛ @/ouijeejuice on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Chervilshade had simply been minding her own business, her mind's miasma especially strong as of late, like her thoughts had been cast into a fogbound sea with little reprieve. Whenever she tried to hang onto a thought, it slipped out of her claws like transient sands. Whenever she tried to dip her paws into the recesses of her brain to retrieve it, all she returned with was the vague reckoning that what should have been there was not. The only thing that had managed to wake her from living sleep was a greeting from an unfamiliar voice, and a too-toothy smile that startled the poor molly, with hazel eyes like twin suns burning into fleece fur. She jumped back just a little, though managed to maintain her composure even with such heat blistering into her. She noted how their name seemed to lack an ending, incomplete and odd in its glory. "A-Ah, yes... I was b... born here..." Chervil nodded to Shrike's quick-paced questions, her own eyes dewy with curiosity at this newcomer - which she found strange, as she just about knew everyone's names here. From kithood had Chervilshade been inundated with horrible stories of outsiders killing her kin and pillaging their homes. But Shrike seemed nice, so much so that they had managed to get into Chilledstar's good graces (assumedly). That would certainly mean they were a good cat, then.

"Recent joiner...? W-Welcome... Don't see many, uh, m-many new faces here..." The dilute tortoiseshell molly stood up, though took some moments to hobble up into a stable standing position, like she were orienting steel poles into their place upon soft earth. When she was sure that she had gotten up properly, she glanced back with pallid gaze. "Sure... I'd love to..." The responsibility of showing a newcomer around Shadowclan plastered plain upon her feathery features, though she fretted at herself as she envisioned herself messing this up in endlessly spiraling ways, though she shook her head as if to clear away the dreadful haze that clung just behind her face. Why her, of all cats? She enjoyed the privilege of being sought after through an ocean of felines. But what about her made her seem as though she would be good at this, she wondered? "Have you s-seen everything... in camp...? There a-are... lots of things outside, too..." Ghastly voice lilted, worry stirring within her that she was somehow being a boring tour guide to this obviously much-more-spirited feline, and turned dull jewelline gaze away from Shrike's own.

“Yeah! Part of an exclusive club, you don’t get many outsiders joining right?” they chuckle as they speak. Shrike had heard about the wariness that was upheld for outsiders joining their ranks, while their ego was bruised about it they guess they could see the reasoning, as annoying as it was. Chervilshade didn’t seem like the type to act on any kind of pre-existing bias, that was why Shrike had sought her out after all. They noted that she sounded interesting, in a metaphorical sense due to her mysterious and ghastly nature. It also fell into a quite literal manner, the young warrior genuinely had a very interesting voice. Out of all the cats that Shrike could have picked out for this they were glad that they hadn’t picked someone who may grate on them over time.

Contemplating her question Shrike looked over the campgrounds, they had been shown once but it would never hurt to be shown again. Did Chervilshade want to do that, though? It may be monotonous for her since she’s as she put it, born here. Then again, perhaps she didn’t want to walk around outside for long. Personally, Shrike would much prefer to wander around outside then be stuck within confinement. Trying to forge a friendship means compromise though, they were willing to put the decision in the presumed capable paws of the warrior.

“Would you get bored if you showed me around camp? If so we can just skip to outside, or we could do both? If you’re not busy right now I wouldn’t say no to being shown both” they suggested with a shrug. Hopefully this wouldn’t overwhelm her or anything like that, she seemed pretty jittery as is, unless she was just overwhelmed from the moment Shrike had sprung the interaction on her.

  • OOC.
  • Shrike│Bio
    They / Them, Loner , 27 moons {ages on the 1st},
    A long haired black feline with low white spotting and hazel eyes.
    Jagged x NPC
    Speech, #ad744a, thoughts, attacking
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Juice ↛ @/ouijeejuice on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


"'Sclusive club...?" Fictitious eyebrows furrowed in incertitude more than anything, as though her cadence cracked with such a stranger, ghost of the machine encountering a kink in the cobweb-ridden system. Humor did not often grace Chervilshade, as a woman who often took things much too literal. She hardly had the breath to laugh, anyhow, as though the plaguing curse had stolen away her very inflections and had left her with a smooth pearl for a voice. Dull, olive gaze scanned Shrike's wine-dark form, as even her gaze quavered like a shivering leaf, though she was quite observant beyond her ghastly framework. Haunting eyes stared for a little too long, boring into the white-marked feline, though did not pry further than what she was allowed on the surface. They looked eerily similar to Chilledstar, though with greyish-green glance instead of the frosty azure of her leader. She wondered how they had even reasoned to be let into Shadowclan... Her kin were not gracious towards those outside the swamplands.

"Ah...! I-I'm not... not busy... I'm not often b-busy..." Chervilshade shook her heavy head as ears flopped along, and she already made her wobbling way towards the camp entrance, flitting through it as quietly as a voiceless verse. Haste encapsulated uncertain footfall, though it faded as quickly as a few heartbeats had passed. "H-Have... I mean... Where are y-you... you from...?" The dilute tortoiseshell murmured as she faced the great outside, as the mouth of her home crooned to reveal an expansive sea of shadow, of which she only kept herself afloat on. Were they from another clan? Or simply a loner that had made their way to the clan by choice? I need to be presentable... Interesting... So that they will want to stay... Such a small promise seemed like a grand ask for Little Ghost. Still, she tried the best with the hands she was dealt.

“Mhm! The outsiders joining club, I haven’t figured out an actual name yet but trust that when I do it’ll stick!” They know fully well that this would in fact not stick and that they’re not actually seeking to form a club but one can think about it. They didn’t mind Chervilshades staring, though they had to admit that it was a little off putting they could live with it easily enough. They couldn’t pick up if there was anything malicious behind the stare, not that they thought Chervilshade could really do much against them anyways. Maybe looks were deceiving, maybe there was something hidden beneath the depths, a bloodthirsty warrior deceptively wrapped in the blanket of a ghastly frail woman.

When she started her wobbling way towards the camp entrance they waited half a heart beat before joining her, a pep in their step as their tail swayed behind them. Looking up from the dead straight path they gazed at they took time to take in the surrounding atmosphere, the wide marsh unfurling before them. The sun slowly comes down from its position high in the sky. It was a bit of an overcast day but they could catch glimpses in between the clouds. It was still an adjustment, seeing a land so wrapped in shadow but there was comfort there too; they could see the reprieve this place must have when the weather's temperature picks up. “Eh I’m kinda from a lot of places” they gesture vaguely with a wobble of one of their front paws.

It makes sense that she would be curious, Shrike knows that they would be if the roles were reversed. “I would try to stick between the unclaimed borders around this area, it’s kind of a free for all there so I wouldn’t recommend it.” They laugh, knowing that Chervilshade probably wouldn’t ever consider leaving the clan. “My usual haunt was the twolegplace though, still not that great but better. Have you ever seen it?” It wasn’t glamorous by any means, Shrike and their littermates hadn’t been afforded the comfort that kittypets received. They considered it a lot better then what most may be given though, that came from sticking together so much.

  • OOC.
  • Shrike│Bio
    They / Them, Loner , 28 moons {ages on the 1st},
    A long haired black feline with low white spotting and hazel eyes.
    Jagged x NPC
    Speech, #ad744a, thoughts, attacking
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Juice ↛ @/ouijeejuice on discord, feel free to dm for plots.