border I’m haunted by your ghost // RiverClan Patrol

Back at the ThunderClan boarder once more… Aspenhaze remembers the last time they were made a patrol leader here. The memory of Sunfreckle towering above them is not a pleasant one. Nor being told that they were at fault for his problematic birthing. They are more at peace than they were prior, but being the one to lead others to the first territory makes them slightly anxious. Not that they would allow themself to show it.

Once they arrive by the line separating the two, Aspenhaze turns their attention to their apprentice. “Over there is ThunderClan, as you know. Can you tell me what you smell?” They ask of Bubblepaw. They haven’t had much time to take her over here yet, so they’re curious about what she knows, if anything.

⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ nightbird had never believed riverclan to be a friend, it wouldn't happen as long as sunningrocks remained thunderclans. even on the journey they had proved that, out of the whole group they sent only one had the heart to remain and help stormfeather. a decision that his own clanmates scorned him for. they had always been selfish, too much water on the brain could do that.

she recognized the mottled feline along the border, as they spoke to a silver apprentice the lead warrior's gaze glinted. this was the one who clung to petalnose's side at gatherings, who engaged sunfreckle in a meager attempt to take back sunningrocks, injuring kits who had not yet even had the chance to be born.

"you'll notice the scent is different, more tolerable is quite the understatement." nightbird answered the question meant for bubblepaw quickly, drawing close to the bank of the river. "i know, it's been a while. i hope you haven't missed me terribly." perhaps it could be mistaken as friendly intrigue, save for the venomous drip of her tone.

"is petalnose well? i'll admit, it's surprising to see you detached from her flank," nightbird shrugged, brushing against what remained of a fern before sitting and covering mismatched paws with her feathered tail. "but, then again, i guess even kits learn to stand on their own eventually."
  • ooc ↛ @Palepaw
  • IMG_0303.png
  • NIGHTBIRD she/her, lead warrior of thunderclan, 29 ☾'s
    a small black smoke molly with a single white paw and pale silver eyes.
    mate to raccoonstripe / / mentor to palepaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

[ ༻ 🗲 ༺ ] Icepaw was next to appear with his mentor in tow, discussing things that the boy needed to know whillist Icepaw had an air of disinterest to what his father had for his current lectures this day. Tail flicked with a bored look in their orange gaze before fixing on the Riverclan patrol, he paused a few pawlengths away from Nightbird, dipping his head in greetings as he silently would listen to what the lead warrior had to say. Remembering their last encounter (which was well), he dare not engage too much as to not get another scournful lecture from Cloudflame, and so surprisingly for once, the apprentice stayed silent and allowed Nightbird and whoever else to spark a conversation with Riverclan.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Icepaw 🗲 He/Him , apprentice of Thunderclan, 8 moons.
    Tall blue silver tabby with high white and orange eyes
    Cloudflame x NPC
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Foxtail feels relief that his apprentice's first border patrol is ThunderClan's. He knows, in theory, he can't avoid WindClan's border with Eelpaw forever, and while Sootstar is no longer in power; perhaps he shouldn't feel as tense when thinking about the cats who claim the moors. This isn't the time to think about WindClan! He scolds himself, quickly shaking his head. He looks over at Eelpaw, whom he feels certain is excited to see cats outside of RiverClan. "Just like us, each clan has their own unique scent," He gives a quick nod to the patrol lead, "Can you tell me what differentiates ThunderClan's scent from our own?" It's important that Eelpaw is exposed to other clan scents, as memorizing which scent belongs to which clan can be critical for border patrols and even battles. By the time she's a warrior, she should be able to identify other clan cats with her eyes closed.

ThunderClanners smell like the towering cedar trees that fill their territory. Foxtail couldn't imagine living in such a dense forest, as living in the wetlands and meadow is all he knows. He loves seeing the open sky before him, and how it isn't obscured by tree branches. His nose twitches as the scent of cedar grows strong, and his ears prick as paw steps grow closer, his eyes landing on a ThunderClan warrior. He doesn't know the name of the dark smoke feline, but she seems to be slightly familiar with Aspenhaze. He can't tell if she's acting sincere by her tone, his tail slowly swishing behind him. It's understandable to be cautious, even with outside clan cats you might be friends/acquaintances with. You'll never know if the next time you see them that it will be at a peaceful gathering, or in battle.

He takes a glance at the apprentice, and gives Icepaw a dip of the head, nodding in greeting. The apprentice doesn't make a peep, so he focuses back on the warrior. "...Greetings ThunderClan," He mews nervously, as the young RiverClan warrior always seems to be a little more timid than his counterparts. "I presume ThunderClan is doing well during this leaf-bare?"

  • 76983326_NimpdpqQcHTVZW3.png

    credit to skaicraft (via insta) for the artwork <3
  • Foxtail
    experience: trained
    backstory: tbd
    biography: [HYPERLINK]
    credit to nopeita for the pixel <3
    cisgender male [he / him]
    eyes: green
    pelt: cinnamon/chocolate
    fur length: long
    parents: dawnflower and redfur (riverclan npcs)
    16 moons

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Out of all of the clans they shared a border with, Riverclan was her least favorite. It was hard to believe that they had come to Thunderclan's aid all those moons ago during the fire. Her opinion of them had deteriorated after the battle over Sunningrocks, and their stunt they pulled on the journey had only solidified her views on them. She hadn't expected anyone to stay behind to help her daughter, but Hazecloud's outburst was unnecessary, and something she wouldn't forgive.

The fiery deputy wasn't too far from Nightbird when the Riverclan patrol came into view. She let out a huff, but it would probably only be heard by her clanmates. The one leading it was one of the Riverclanners she disliked the most, second to Snakeblink of course. They had been the one that hurt her best friend, Sunfreckle. Flamewhisker's tail flicked irritatedly, but she remained silent for now. Nightbird clearly recognized them as well, comparing them to a kit who was learning to stand. She chuckles at the reference, and shoots her clanmate an encouraging grin. Perhaps if another Riverclanner had lead this patrol her views would be different.

A different Riverclanner tries to make small talk, and she flicked her ear in acknowledgement. She didn't recognize him...he seemed more timid than the others. "We're doing fine. The Sunningrocks has been keeping us well fed." Not entirely the truth, but they didn't need to know that. Her certain expression would give away nothing other than a complete belief that it was providing for them well.
  • IMG_1727.png
    LH red tabby with low white (masks black tabby, carries dilute, solid)
    — Deputy of Thunderclan ; currently mentoring Acornpaw
    — she/her ; mated with Flycatcher
    — mother to Stormfeather & Falconheart
    — 29 moons ; ages on the 20th
    — Smells like dirt, old leaves, tree sap, faint hint of flowers
    — will start a fight, will finish fights, will kill (case depending)
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — penned by Icey ! ; link to tags
    — link to toyhouse

Maybe they should have expected hostility the second they’re spotted, but somehow, Aspenhaze hoped for better. But if there was one clan ThunderClan hated, it was them. The hostility was easy to see, but it’s the question of where Petalnose was that really sends them over the edge. While nothing changes in their demeanor, they can feel the anger boiling over.

“It really has been awhile, hasn’t it? I guess we’ve all been fretting over WindClan a little too much. But no, Petalnose isn’t that well right now… passed out, so I’m taking over her duties for awhile. Would you do the same for your mate Raccoonstripe, I wonder?” They tilt their head in an innocent gesture, though their words certainly aren’t. Flamewhisker shoving it in the patrol’s face that they still own Sunningrocks makes them want to snap back some more, but they don’t, awaiting a reply first.​
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With Gillsight’s last patrol going awry, the last thing he really wants to do is go on another, especially one to ThunderClan’s border. Had the Sunningrocks been RiverClan’s still, and memories of both Clearsight and Clayfur were preserved without a trace of oak-cat scent lingering, perhaps he’d be more keen to be here.

When they arrive to a border that was once further back than it is now, the black and white tom is quick to get to work — he doesn’t have an apprentice to explain ThunderClan to like Aspenhaze or Foxtail or any other mentor that treks along with them, so Gillsight doesn’t really see it fit to dawdle when anything can spring out at them, even less so when a patrol emerges from the oak forest.

Hostile in nature, gloating about how well the Sunningrocks — RiverClan’s Sunningrocks — are feeding them. Gillsight’s ears twitch at the red tabby’s words, a dismissive flick of his tail following. “ G-Glad to hear it, “ he still offers from his spot along the border, a polite smile held so claws don’t have to unsheathe for another battle.​
  • 74597204_0HYUF6qWs7f9nEh.png
    ── Warrior of RiverClan

    ── ??? x ???
    ── AMAB; He/Him
    ── A scarred, black and white tom with yellow eyes.
    ── Mentored by Clearsight
    ── "Speech"; Attack
⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ her eyes briefly trailed over to the young warrior, cautious from the poorly veiled hostility. he asks a harmless question, flamewhisker takes up the torch to respond. the deputy spins a song about sunningrocks allowing them to prosper in this unforgiving season, nightbird grins subtilely.

aspenhaze responds, apparently petalnose wasn't well after all. her torn ear twitches, amused that her harmless question was likely to have struck a chord. "unfortunate. we'll pray for a prompt recovery, send her my sincerest regards." her chin dips down, mockingly respectful, but there was no haze of sympathy in her eyes. aspenhaze uttered raccoonstripe's name, it sounded vile when spewed from the mouth of an enemy. spoken without the air of respect it usually held, replaced by prying bitterness.

"is that not what mates are for?" she returns with a small laugh. "i will admit, though, it is rare that he falters. strong and dependable as they come, i hope one day you discover what it's like to have someone like that at your side."
  • ooc ↛
  • NIGHTBIRD she/her, lead warrior of thunderclan, 29 ☾'s
    a small black smoke molly with a single white paw and pale silver eyes.
    mate to raccoonstripe / / mentor to palepaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
...Maybe Foxtail isn't nearly as relieved that his first patrol with his apprentice is at ThunderClan's border. Perhaps SkyClan would've been the better option, he thinks. He tried treating the ThunderClanners with respect, and even tried holding a small conversation with them, but it was not recuperated. Not well at all... He feels foolish that it slipped his mind; RiverClan also doesn't get along very well with ThunderClan. Certainly better than WindClan, but not as well as SkyClan— the other clan they share a border with.

The warrior tries to hide a wince as Flamewhisker briefly addresses him, ears pinning back at the jab. Ah yes, the sunningrocks. It would be nice if RiverClan was able to utilize it, especially during the leaf-bare. Now might not be the time to reclaim them, though. "...I'm happy to hear ThunderClan is thriving," He mews with a nervous tone as the tension in the air rises. It's like a dense fog, and he can already feel himself worrying at the thought of a skirmish going down. When was the last time a battle erupted from a border patrol at ThunderClan? Calm yourself, it won't come to that. I hope, He nervously thinks, trying to hide his discomfort as Aspenhaze and the ThunderClan warrior continue to bicker. He imagines the two must know of each other, but it's evident that neither cat like each other. They definitely aren't friends, that's for sure.

  • 76983326_NimpdpqQcHTVZW3.png

    credit to skaicraft (via insta) for the artwork <3
  • Foxtail
    experience: trained
    backstory: tbd
    biography: [HYPERLINK]
    credit to nopeita for the pixel & meghan for the icon <3
    cisgender male [he / him]
    eyes: green
    pelt: cinnamon/chocolate
    fur length: long
    parents: dawnflower and redfur (riverclan npcs)
    16 moons

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Bubblepaw is naïve. Though she isn't dull enough to believe that any cat of any clan is a friend or ally- WindClan sits chiefly in cementing that reality- she maintains that most ThunderClanners can probably be trusted. Despite their hellishly proud façade, she cannot recall the last time she heard gossip coming from their side of the border. And Howlingstar has always been nice to Bubblepaw. Nice leaders are respectable leaders in her eyes.

"It smells like the forest to me. Maybe more earthy," Bubblepaw replies, satisfied with her simple answer. But then the pelting of insults, typical of any border patrol with encounters another, begins. The apprentice deflates, especially when one of them mentions sunningrocks. Perhaps she had been too quick to feel thrill at getting to see other clan cats outside of the gathering again. Aspenhaze exchanges verbal blows with a ThunderClan cat of dark coat.

The silver molly watches quietly as tensions rise between them, and in the midst of it Bubblepaw leans closer to Aspenhaze to ask: "Who is that?" Probably just loud enough for Nightbird and Flamewhisker- cats whom she probably recognizes but lack names- to overhear.
✦ ★ ✦
Seems they hit a nerve. Aspenhaze continue to stand off against Nightbird however, as they will never show weakness. (Save for when their body retorts against them…but they have been lucky so far.) They continue to listen to her bitter words with their signature smile, giving a hum when she finally stops blabbering. “Raccoonstripe seems like a very determined cat, I’ll give you that. And Petalnose is the best kind of lead warrior you could ask for. She’s better than me, that’s for sure.” It’s a honest sentiment this time, and their eyes turn away briefly as they think about how much they truly do love her. “She’ll perk back up soon, as she does. She’s too stubborn to be held up for too long.” Rubbing their love in Nightbird’s face feels even better than backhanded insults.

Aspenhaze’s attention turns to Bubblepaw as she asks who the cats they have issues with are. “The black one is Nightbird, and the other is Flamewhisker. They’re both lead warriors of ThunderClan.” Their words are very formal, being blunt instead of teasing like prior. “But good job. ThunderClan is the one you’ll find the most earthy smelling of all the clans, even if most of us are surrounded by them. SkyClan is similar, but you’ll find out the subtleties with more experience. I’ll tell you more later.” Including why they don’t like ThunderClan, as she clearly doesn’t understand. But how to explain the particular reason…they’ll figure out a way another time.​
die with memories , not dreams .
He watched with creased eyebrows, mismatched hues flickering from one to the other, wondering just what he stepped into, but despite the burning questions that rested heavily on his tongue, Dawnstorm remained silent. “Hello.” He offered to the ThunderClanners, tail whisking languidly behind him, letting his gaze wander, observing the trees with a quiver of his whiskers. Like the mountains. His brows furrowed, turning away from the silly thought because really Dawnstorm wasn’t sure what home is anymore, not in the fact his home had been cats, friends he considered family, but now that was gone and his home was in pieces and the thought of losing anyone else made his chest hurt.

He shuddered, peeling away from the border to continue his task in silence, mismatched hues downcast, lips drawn into a tight-lipped frown despite the deadpan expression he wore so well.
thought speech