private i’m reeling my brain // weedpaw

Butterflytuft lies just outside of the nursery as the sun dips towards the horizon and the camp begins to wind down. It’s times like these when she really gets to spend quality time with her first litter - Budkit is asleep, and their training and patrols have mostly ended for the day. She gently grooms her soft tortoiseshell fur, her warm gaze fixed on Weedpaw as he practices his hunting crouch nearby. "Weedpaw, sweetheart," She calls softly, "your stalking looks wonderful! Did you work on that with Sorrelsong today?” There is a part of her that mourns the fact she can’t offer much advice. She never had been good at this stuff…hunting, stalking, none of it really. But it brings her joy to see her kits growing in areas she herself wasn’t able to do. She purrs softly and tilts her head towards him. "I'm so proud of you. You’ve already grown so much since your ceremony, you know." She sees so much more of his father in him every day. Twinkling eyes glance around the clearing, briefly searching for either of the tom’s siblings before her full attention returns to her son. "Would you like to practice your pounce next? I can play the part of a rustling leaf if you'd like,” The tortoiseshell adds with a jesting tone, her tail twitching to and fro to better play the part

// @weedpaw