sensitive topics i’m sorry but i fell in love tonight | birth

"No really, it's okay Brookstorm. I'm sure a hunting patrol will be coming back any minute now, you don't need to go out just for my sake," Robinheart urges gently, watching her mate unfurl from around her and head towards the nursery exit. Reeds rustle softly as they are parted, morning's glow illuminating Brookstorm a silvery beacon for mere seconds before the space dims and purposeful steps damped to nothingness. She should have known her off-handed comment about her stomach feeling weird would spurn the stone blue molly into action, excusing herself to go hunt for the mottled queen. A promise had been given to take care of Robinheart thus a promise must be fulfilled.

The weird feeling returns a few minutes later, a dull ache blossoming deep within herself. It tightens her stomach and pains her lower back. Robinheart sucks in a sharp breath and shifts uncomfortably in her nest. As quickly as it came, the feeling faded. A more experienced queen may recognize such as contractions, albeit early ones. The mottled queen stands and paws at her nest, compelled by something to shift feathers and fluff moss. Comfort is what she seeks, though she knows her greatest comfort will return to her before sunhigh, fresh prey held tight in maw and orders on her lips for apprentices to fetch more moss and reeds for her mate's nest.

Sunhigh comes and the contractions build with speed and intensity. The sky must have decided to mirror the queen's own agony, heavy droplets of rain and rolls of thunder sounding just outside of the woven walls. Claws burrow themselves into the side of her nest as Robinheart pants and whimpers through the pain. "I-I need… her. She sh-should be back by now?" the tortoiseshell whines, feeling Apricotflower's tongue softly rasp between her ears as the permaqueen had done all throughout Robinheart's youth. A means of comfort not lost on the laboring mother to be. Another contraction rips through her and the young queen yelps in agony. The urge to bear down suddenly becomes too strong, too overwhelming to resist. "Moonbeam. I-I think I need her now." These kits were coming. Try as hard as she may to hold them in until stone blue fur parts reeds and takes over for Apricotflower, they were trying harder to make their grand entrance.

It's all a blur the moment the first kit is born. Adrenaline hazes the young mother's mind as she stares at the squealing scrap of wet fur. "What d-do I do?" she whispers weakly, trembling from exertion as she watches Apricotflower nudge the kitten closer. "Dry her off, my little bird. She'll do the rest," the permaqueen instructs softly. Robinheart nods tentatively and cranes her neck to groom damp fur, fluffing up a pelt of blues and white. The kitten - her daughter - finds nourishment at the crook of her stomach and kneads tiny paws against Robinheart's downy fur. Citrine eyes soften with adoration at the kit, staring no longer with uncertainty but with love. "Her pelt reminds me of s-snow melting and flowing in little streams back to the river," Robinheart whispers, comparing majority white body and blue dipped tail with the tiny streams she would see at the start of newleaf. What were they called again? Rivulets. "She'll be Rivuletkit." In the back of her mind she allows the name to reflect Brookstorm's own name; mother and child named after the waters of their home. True blooded RiverClanners.

The second kitten's arrival proves to be a struggle, the memory of Lilybloom's kitting flashing through her mind as the pain intensifies, the stick Moonbeam had given her nearly splintered in two moments before the kit is born. Robinheart pulls the kit close, knowing now to groom slicked fur until it began to dry and fluff up. He's much larger than his sister, dwarfing her as he is nosed to his mother's belly to nurse. The tortoiseshell admires fiery pelt with washes of white covering his underside and creeping up his flanks. He is as bright as the fur upon her chest that had inspired Apricotflower to give the tortie the name 'Robin'. The queen admires him for a long moment, finding herself comparing the newborn no longer to herself but to her friend Foxtail. The similar color of red standing out against a sea of white. "Redkit." An honorable name reminiscent of her friend. It's also a name to redeem the color in her mind as she had grown distasteful of the very shade her collar had been. But she was freed of such shackles moons ago. Now it was time to find love in the meaning of the word 'red' rather than shame. "You, m-my strong son, shall be Redkit," she repeats delicately to her son. He will grow up to be an exceptional warrior.

Robinheart's energy is all but spent from her son's traumatic entrance, though she is determined to finish what she started. Pain clouds her vision as she brings forth her third and final kitten, breathing a sigh of relief as the newborn howls their displeasure. The queen weakly draws the littlest kitten to her belly and cleans the nearly pristine ivory pelt, noticing faint speckles of blues and creams. Like foam floating atop the gently running waters of their home. Or not foam, no that wasn't quite what she envisioned. The markings were more like…"Algae." The word tastes of a night spent at Brookstorm's side, each molly offering different names for the kits. She recalls the blue warrior wishing to use a name that reminded her of Lichentail. "Algaekit is what y-you'll be called, little one," Robinheart murmurs as she gently presses trembling nose to the kit's head before resting her chin on her paws, half lidded eyes watching the trio suckle and sleep as her adrenaline wears off, replaced by a heaviness she has never experienced before.

Sleep beckons for the exhausted queen, sandman's embrace reaching for the mottled molly, however she forces herself to stay awake. Where is Brookstorm? Weak gaze tracks Moonbeam and Robinheart barely lifts her head to speak to the medicine cat. "They are all healthy, right?" she asks, her voice a rasp and throat raw, then turns her attention to someone nearby, "B-Brookstorm… ? Can someone please tell her th-they are here." Robinheart adds, believing her mate to be caught up in the warrior's den to escape the heavy rain outside, patiently waiting for permission to come see her mate and children. "She promised she would be here."

// tags: @Moonbeam @apricotflower @ALGAEKIT @Redkit @nya

note: permission to powerplay given by wren. anyone can be the one to fetch moonbeam. don’t worry about grabbing brookstorm. also please do not post in this thread if you have posted in brookstorm's thread! they are happening at the same time :)
[ penned by kerms ]
It had been cramped for a long time, but warm and comforting in a manner. It seemed as everything came to a stop as the cramp atmosphere inside of Robinheart disappeared and all of sudden, he felt a chill along his vibrant coat and he was being nudged. A barbed tongue rasps his frame and he attempts to mew in protest, but nothing comes out. The scent of his mother's breath against his folded ears tickle, and he's given the name 'Redkit'. He didn't understand properly what his mother was saying or what was happening, it was foreign to him and he feels his big paws knead against the stomach of the tortie.

He feels another shape huddled and pushed against his, and he pays no mind to it as his salmon touched nose catches the scent of food. Redkit's large paws continue to knead and make biscuits on the queen's stomach as he begins to nurse, his ears wiggling while he nursed. He wasn't sure why he wasn't in the safety of the warmth as before, but he felt content now and he had a purpose in life. He would grow to protect his mother and siblings, and would give anything to make sure none harmed his family as he grew. Everything would be perfect, and nothing could change that.

He, named of greatness and borne of requiem, knew naught of his legacy of love. Newborn head tilted upwards, the ghost of a surd uttered from a mewling maw, until she fell unto quietude once more. Unusually serene for a kitten her age, Algaekit felt a wet yet comforting sensation touch the crown of her head. She yelped, though it was more of a pitiful gasp than anything substantial. Whatever sounds emerged from Algae's mouth was more akin to a gentle dirge, a brief hymn of a hum before it faded in the tangles of noise. Algaekit nestled into Robinheart's side, suckling onto one teat without further complaint, with commas of pauses taken to breathe pensively. He was alive, and he savored it.
The firstborn finds the world strangely suffocating in its freedom. She greets it with a wail rivaling even that of the loudest song birds, unyielding with discontent. Robinheart follows instruction with ease, and soon she's dried and nudged to nurse at the soon-to-be-familiar round if her mother's stomach. Two more bodies join her, each similar in size, but she pays little mind to how they wriggle and cry. For now, her focus is on the milkscent before her. Rivuletkit, as she is lovingly deigned by her tortoishell parent, knows not of the tragedy that is missing her effective 'senior.' She does not understand the worried warbles that Robinheart whispers, trying to find Brookstorm once all is said and done. She simply eats and once she is full, she will sleep happily.​

( ) willowroot is there from the moment robinheart's contractions come. settled quietly beside apricotflower, and offering comfort, a paw to hold while the dappled molly's world is changed. she watches as the mother soothes her daughter, wonders vaguely if she herself will ever get the chance to see grandkits born. how lucky apricotflower is- how lucky robinheart is. soft words of encouragement are murmured out of dark lips, and as the tortoiseshell girl calls for moonbeam, willowroot is quick to rise. "i will be back in but a moment, sweetness," she murmurs, slipping from the den and into the dark, stormy clearing. finding the pale medicine cat is easy- she glows like her namesake against a rainy background. "robinheart's kits are coming," she will tell the medicine cat, ushering the younger female towards the nursery. "let me know if i can help in any way."

upon pushing her head in to check on her loved one, the dark brow will furrow as she notes the obvious absence of brookstorm among the soft bodies. robinheart chokes on her breath, pushing with all her might, and the smoke feline allows the medicine cat and the girl's mother to tend to her former apprentice. she will be there in the aftermath, ever watchful, a guardian to new life stationed just outside the den.

as news of three healthy kits is passed about camp, willowroot will stand, shaking the water from her sleek coat. the feline will enter the den once more, loving gaze fixed on the new mother and her brood. blue and white and red, the little ones marry their two parents in looks. "they're beautiful. you've done so well, robinheart," she purrs, dipping her head to rasp her tongue across the girl's ears. brookstorm is still notably absent, something that has begun to worry willowroot. there's been no sign of the storm hued girl in camp, and for all willow knows, robinheart and her have made up. there's no reason the sire of this litter shouldn't be present. "i'll send someone to look for her, love. you relax,"

slender paws pad towards the exit, angular head poking out to spot the closest cat. "find brookstorm, tell her robinheart has kitted."

  • // fetching @Moonbeam and addressing anyone "#91A26C"

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    a long-haired black smoke oriental with sage-green eyes. smokey long fur coats the length of willowroot's lithe body, with friendly sage green eyes that narrow in an almond shape. her muzzle and limbs are thin and long due to her oriental heritage.


If she had to figure out the ranking in which paws were safe in her hands, despite the death of Lilybloom she would say that birthing was at the top. Though it felt like a lot, most of the queens that reside in the nursery taking care of kits were ones that Moonbeam had been there for, whether it be next to the experienced paws of Ravensong or by herself as her own paws moved quicker as time passed she had been there, and with what seemed like the final litter of newleaf coming to an end with Robinheart's litter the medicine cat knew that she was prepared for this.

The last of the pre-prepped bundles sit beside the entrance of the den, ears pricked as the white-coated moggie napped lightly, trying to get whatever rest in she could while the days ticked closer. Quick paw steps moved her up and out of her nest as soon as Willowroot's words reached her ears and before she knew it Moonbeam found herself in the nursery helping out a friend, ignoring the way her fur clung to skin in the short time it had taken to get from point A to point B.

Herbs were given to Robinheart, a stick that would prove useful offered and quickly clamped between jaws soon after and though she was glad for assistance received in keeping the queen calm, in answering questions Moonbeam would not speak it out loud, simply looking towards Apricotflower in appreciation before kits continued to come into the world. When all was said and done there were three, three beautiful RiverClanners that were born healthy that would know the love of both their clan and their mother and though she had been one off in her predictions the medicine cat was happy nonetheless. Ears pricked as a question was directed at her and quickly she'd nod in response "All three healthy." She'd confirm before taking a step back to allow those who would gather to see the new kits to do so.

  • --
  • 76563872_jZr368yA5Er3eOs.png
    ꕥꕥꕥ ILLNESS
    ꕥꕥ KITTING
    ꕥꕥꕥꕥ POISONS
  • 76807578_J7HAFb99CicY51c.png
    SH white masking cinnamon torbie w/orange eyes & small ears
    speaks softly & often found humming
    12 moons old; ages the 17th every month
    homosexual homoromantic ; interested in beepaw & redacted
    currently mentoring none
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    easy in combat unless in water, focuses on defensive tactics
    peaceful powerplay allowed