private I’ve come alive | Mallowlark


for you, i’d steal the stars.
Jul 14, 2022

A soft hum is on her lips as she scours Windclans camp for a certain ivory warrior.
A hum.
Ever since Elmbreeze’s confession, Echolight had been glowing with her old self. Despite the heavy burden she now carried of her secret love, the joy made it feel like a feather, the excitement to see him kept the song going.
Still, she was making as much time as she could for her family, and it crossed her mind that Mallowlark and her hadn’t visited with each other in awhile- or not like they used to, anyhow.
Amongst the sea of the small and wiry clanmates, the pelt of bright white stuck out like a sore thumb as she saw her sibling shoulder his way back into camp.
"Mal!" She called out, trotting over to him eagerly, the pep annoyingly obvious in her step. "Hey, over here!" She called once more, flicking her tail high to catch his attention as she picked her way passed the others.


As he returned from hunting with unfortunately no prize in his grinning jaws, the night-gloved tom was all but ready to pick out a skull from his nest that he was prepared to give away- until an always-familiar voice rang melodic through the daylight. His sister, calling to him through the crowd- the giggle that tittered from him betrayed his happiness. It was a reminder that, despite everything, Mallowlark still had Echolight. With the rebellion, the sun-flashing claws, the lives they seemed to live so separately now, it was easy to forget their origins- he would not have blamed her for it.

The light of her alias shone through her face, a smile to rival his own! He wasn't stupid- there was a spring in her step lately, something about her eyes. For so long he'd seen her withdrawn- what was it that had changed?

"Hi, hi," he greeted, tone shuddering with a laugh, melody thrown off-kilter. He seemed to care not for his dissnoance and teetering steps, charcoal paws carrying his approach, silver gaze owlishly boring into her as they did everyone. Eye-contact, eye-contact. "What's got you so chirpy? Don't trip on your skip, you'll shatter your smile," he warned jovially, her eagerness noted in perhaps a more morbid fashion than most.

The familiar gaze burned into her, but she found odd familiarity comfort in it, she always had- even when they were kits and she’d often cover his eyes with her little paws when they were in an argument.
When the gap between them is closed and she can finally catch his words, she blinks away his morbid comment.
"Nothing, just finally have a bit of free time on my paws. What are your plans today?" She hummed in response, tilting her head. She wondered bittersweetly what was new in her brothers life, the bitterness coming from the fact that she should know already, the sweetness trickling in with the reminder that they would hopefully have the time to catch up today.

She spoke her gladness for free time, and the curiosity that immediately struck him was what she had been busying herself with. Chances were she was dedicating herself to WindClan- she'd always been more responsible than him, after all! But Echolight had never struck him as having any great love for their new living situation- perhaps she'd been toiling at the maintenance of the moors rather than the weals and woes of WindClan warriorhood.

"Well, hunting's done, soooooo..." Windchime vocals trailed into a winding song, sweetened by the realisation that he had performed his work for the hour, and was free for a checkup. Not the usual kind, though. No, preparation for the usual... "I left something at Outlook Rock- was gonna check on it." Slate eyes widened at the realisation that there was a reason for a question about the mundane. "You should come with!! We can catch up," Night-dipped paws fidgeted slightly, sure that she'd come over for that reason.