i ain't givin you a dollar [open/ skyclan dusk patrol]



With the wind still acting as if it were trying to blow every bird out of the sky, Johnny had opted to remaining on the ground, encouraging his apprentice to do so as well. As happy as he was to push the odd when there was enough of a reward involved, there was nothing to be gained by falling out of the trees during their patrol that day. Typically at this time -dusk- the amber-eyed bobtail would be getting ready to head back to his twolegs for the night, but he had a feeling that Silversmoke had assigned him to the dusk patrol for a reason, probably testing the resolve of his new promotion to lead warrior by pushing the boundaries he'd set for himself.

For now, Johnny was willing to play ball with the other tom, but he'd only jump through hoops long enough to show he could before he cut that off.

"Keep things civil, even if Thunderclan doesn't." he reminded the group softly, knowing that there was a chance the wrong cats might cross paths with their patrol and try to stir up trouble.

There'd been a dullness to Johnnyflame , ever since Thistleback had gone missing, the fire not burning quite as brightly in the wake of the lead warriors disappearance. Still, he led his patrol diligently to the Thunderclan border, never one to shirk orders from the higher up. If he felt a little cheated for not being able to enjoy his promotion to lead warrior alongside the other, well, he kept that soundly to himself.

"Alright, let's spread out and strengthen the markers on our side."

OOC- @>Scorchedpaw @Sootspritespark. @SHADOWFIRE

sootspritespark | 36 months | demi-girl | she/they | physically medium | mentally hard | attack in bold #ffff99
Sootspritespark cannot help but let her mind wander as they walk, a faint frown upon her once bright and cheery features. It's happening more often these days, these small shows of her inner thoughts - her worry, her fear. No longer does she seamlessly hold onto the pretense of the bright, bubbly, foolish kittypet everyone expects. She's a warrior now after all, she may as well start trusting these cats who have put their faith into her.

The fact she is to patrol along thunderclans edge is a disappointment - her mind lingers on him, on the unfamiliar clan-scent he'd carried. She's been to this border before, spoken to these cats - he had not come from here, but from elsewhere. She wonders if it's riverclan he stays with now, or one of the others - shadow, wind.

Yellow eyes flicker as she turns her attentions to her task, giving johnnyflame a stiff but respectful nod as she listens, round figure moving forwards in a bounce of long curls as she gets to marking. There is no use lingering on the past - best to focus on the present instead. She's not sure why her clanmates are so wary - the last time they arrived here, things went well; sure, that kit had seemed a bit full of himself, but all together it'd been harmless, idle chatter.

fight it , or accept it . fear it , or control it .
Shadowfire tsked at the thought, tail whisking idly as he scoured Thunderclan’s side, amber optics narrowed with a childish hum. “Can do.” He called, grinning cheekily, paw waving in a silly gesture of ‘cross my heart’. What? He could be serious too! Sometimes. Somefang always scolded him for his behavior, but as always the black-and-white brute ignored them. His words go in one ear and out the other.

The large brute said nothing else, offering Sootsprite a cheeky grin in a poor attempt at encouragement.

With a snicker, padding forward, branching out from the others to begin his task of strengthening the borders. His lazy demeanor was seemingly offputting. Amber optics crinkled, a charismatic grin settled upon his darkened maw.
thought speech
— The burn marked apprentice would follow in the wake of his mentor, pushing past the gale and attempting to keep steady in the night. He was well aware of the effect that Thistleback's disappearance had on every cat, but maybe they should learn. A frown was ever-present on the flame-points maw as he moved along the border. Their clan was compromised of kittypets, some of who come and go as they pleased.. If every cat expected that others would always leave then they'd be just fine. Scorchedpaw was used to the feeling of abandonment, so much so that it couldn't hurt him anymore. He was just wanting for his new mentor to give up on him just like his last, forever condemned to bounce from unwanting mentor to another. His single functional eye would glance at the chimera before he'd look across the border towards Thunderclan. — tags
Dusk. It was a favorable time for Batwing, who seemed to be as elusive in camp as he was in his own brain. The tom had been out padding through the undergrowth, heading towards the border. His ears twitched this and that way- nose sniffing and mouth gently parted. He was, after all, still on the lookout for the boars. He had a run in.. two, three times now? He had done stupider things and lived, after all, if the Great Battle had anything to say about it. He inhaled quietly, as if a fresh breath would rid the thoughts from his mind- but it didn't, and rather just flooded it with the fresh scent of Skyclanners.

Finally, he looked up, the four cats along the border causing him pause. Well, that would explain the scent flooding his senses. He cleared his throat to announce himself. "Evening, Skyclan. And who might you all be?" An invitation to share their names, his tone neutral- almost bored. He swept his tail along the ground, leaning his shoulder against a tree on his side of the border. Casually returning the sentiment. "I'm Batwing." He offered. He was being civil. After all, he didn't spot his family's murderer, and he likely wouldn't for the rest of his days. No need to get pissed right now.

// any TC cat is welcome to be on a patrol/walk with batwing! ​