camp I ain't never givin' up [ sharing tongues ]

The day was drawing to an end. Tomorrow evening they would be leaving for Fourtrees, set on an expedition with an unknown destination and return. She had taken Acornpaw out for their last training session together earlier that day, and it hurt to think she may not get to see her apprentice earn her warrior name. I wonder what Howlingstar will name her... If she didn't return, then she would try to watch from Starclan If Starclan is actually real... No, it had to be real. She had watched Emberstar and Howlingstar return from the dead multiple times...there had to be at least something. The thought was enough to cling to, but it still didn't make her feel better.

She sat down off to the side of the camp's clearing. The tabby lifted a snow dipped paw to her muzzle, and began drawing her tongue over it. She had intended on simply watching the clan quietly, but she wasn't alone for long before she felt a presence beside her and say something. Her green eyes blinked and turned to face her companion, she had been so off in her thoughts that she hadn't heard them. "Oh, hello, sorry...I was kinda distracted there for a minute."

  • flamegal.png
    LH red tabby with low white (masks black tabby, carries dilute, solid)
    — Lead Warrior of Thunderclan ; currently mentoring Acornpaw
    — she/her ; mated with Flycatcher
    — mother to Stormpaw & Falconpaw
    — 24 moons ; ages on the 20th
    — Smells like dirt, old leaves, tree sap, faint hint of flowers
    — will start a fight, will finish fights, will kill (case depending)
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — penned by Icey ! ; link to tags
    — funny guy art by waluigipinball​


ACORNKIT — the cow jumped over the moon .
For awhile, Acornpaw frowned at her mentor from afar.
They had already spent the first part of their day together, but Acornpaw had been made very well aware that it would be their last. So, there she was. Frowning.
The apprentice was reminded daily that she was no longer a child, whether that be when she was faced with a difficult situation, or expected to act with a certain level of maturity- Acornpaw knew she was supposed to grow from childish ways.
So why did the thought of Flamewhisker leaving make her want to sniffle and stomp?
Eventually, the fawny child would grow tired of staring, and plop herself down right beside her mentor with a thump to convey her frustration.
"Why do you have to leave?" Acornpaw finally demands.
When verdant eyes finally look at her, they are far away, and she’s asked to repeat herself.
Acornpaw sniffles.
"Why do you have to go…?" She asks again, this time much more fragile.
Ears fastened against her head, Acornpaw looks to her paws. "It’s brave and all, but… what if I’m gonna miss you? A lot?" She mutters another question after a moment.

Sparkwing wasn't sure about the journey to be made. It almost didn't register in his mind... But as the time grew near, it was finally setting in. His clanmates were going to embark on a dangerous quest to bring back the cure for the illness that is ravaging the forest. He remembers Rabbitnose telling stories about the mountains, told to him by his father. Stories of badgers, bears, steep cliffs and this weird thing called a goat that bashes its head against you and breaks your bones because it may as well be a monster.

He doesn't know how true that is but it sounds terrible.

"Flamewhisker's gonna be fine, she'll be back before you know it!" He says. He doesn't want to see her go either.... But this must be done. He just wants to try and comfort Acornpaw, and reassure Flamewhisker if she's nervous. " She's big and strong, and if anything or anyone tries anything, she'll be there to beat them up!"

He thinks the world of Flamewhisker, his auntie, someone who's been there his entire life. He wants to be as strong and reliable as her one day, even. her going on this journey is admirable, and he has complete faith that she'll come home with the rest of their clanmates with lungwort in their jaws.​

The idea of the journey is still something that Burnstorm is struggling with. His mother volunteering to go had really thrown him for a loop. He understands her decision, but the idea of her braving the mountains on such a perilous journey makes him want to throw himself at his feet and beg her not to go just like Acornpaw is doing to Flamewhisker now. He regards the two with hardened yellow eyes, determined not to let how affected he also felt about his own situation show as he approaches the small group. His vision flashes to Sparkpaw as he speaks and for once, he finds that the red furred tom is making sense. "She’ll be back before you know it" he says, his tone level. It is unclear to himself if he is talking about Flamewhisker or his mother. If he is reassuring himself or Acornpaw.
War weighin' on my heart but I can't fall
A barbed tongue rasps over the length of his forearm, grooming disheveled fur before lifting his gaze to rest upon the assembled group. A single large ear flicks in Burnstorm's direction, listening with a silent nod. "Agreed." He adds, placing the lengthy limb back down and straightening his posture. Howlingstar was sending off some of the clan's finest, victory was surely in their grasp. "This is not the first trial thunderclan has faced and it certainly will not be the last." Silverlightning drawls, casting his gaze upon Acornpaw. "However, we always find a way to overcome, this time is no different." Although whether is was by their own strength or this starclan above the clan treasured he was not sure.
Seekin' shelter from the storm on this blank road