I AM A FALLING AXE ༻☾༺ Thrash(kit)


I can sing a fear or a malady
Aug 5, 2024
  • vgjC1gS.jpeg



    Unsure orientation
    ★ PROFILE Brief description. This scrolls!
    ⤷ genetic / technical description link


    Thrashkit is a child who prioritses needs over wants, he tries to think rationally but her mood is unpredicatble and as easy to change as the wind. Some days she is quiet and observant, others she is vunerable and wanting to make friends while on her worst days she will scratch and bite anything that comes near her. There is a need to fit in, as after a conversation with her littermates he believes it to be the best way to survive in ThunderClan. To fit in is to be normal, to be normal is to be trusted and above all else they crave that feeling of trust. Currently that's because he wishes to use that trust to absorb any knowledge he can, all towards the current goal of being able to sustain both himself and his littermates when running away.

    Out of his littermates he is the most fearful, cowardice is a major trait but in that sense of always being in a fight or flight response. His aggression comes from that, feeling scared leads him to feeling aggressive, biting and scratching is the only way out of bad situations in their eyes. Despite that they are prone to kitten whims, wanting to have fun just like everyone else but feeling stunted to achieve that.


    LITTERMATES TO Yippingkit, Howlkit
    SIBLING TO Fallowbite, Doepath, Antlerbreeze
    —— ADMIRES Baying Hound
    —— FRIENDS WITH Yippingkit, Houndkit, Orangepaw
    —— LIKES Nightbird, Antlerbreeze, Doepath, Twilightkit, Tigerkit, Flamestar
    —— UNSURE OF Fallowbite, Badgerstripe
    —— DISLIKES ThunderClan​
    SEXUALITY ♡ MONO / POLYAM ; Doesn't trust easily, difficult to befriend/romance
    SMELLS OF sniffsniffsniffsniffsniff
    SOUNDS LIKE Nasally and breathy, speaks in a strange rhythm. Sometimes too fast sometimes too slow, usually theres a mix between and with infuriatingly long pauses as he tries to think about what to say. || Voice claim: Ylfa Snorgelsson

    SONG NAME - artist
    SONG NAME - pretend he has a playlist
    This scrolls!
    CREATED xx.xx.xxxx AT x MOONS. Ages every date.
    —— penned by you!
    —— speech is Color Here

    posting template
  • [ KITHOOD ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce hendrerit congue metus, eget tristique velit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Nulla volutpat vehicula egestas. Donec ac orci risus. Nam ultricies, lacus pharetra vehicula tristique, enim dui vulputate justo, in pulvinar arcu tellus ultrices nisi. Ut interdum lacus varius, porta justo sed, hendrerit mauris. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.

    [ APPRENTICESHIP ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam ultricies sed odio non volutpat. Nullam sed turpis at eros molestie hendrerit. Mauris tincidunt congue ex, in accumsan neque volutpat quis. Cras sit amet cursus nulla, a imperdiet urna. Mauris laoreet tempor leo, a elementum turpis volutpat sit amet. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nunc ligula libero, vehicula in condimentum sit amet, bibendum sit amet ligula. Suspendisse laoreet fringilla sodales.

    Phasellus blandit nibh in sapien varius lobortis. Pellentesque auctor varius magna vitae pretium. Duis malesuada suscipit sapien ut sodales. In quis pellentesque nisi. Ut vitae laoreet augue. Nam a leo consequat, facilisis nunc vel, commodo nulla. Cras laoreet risus ut libero tristique, in consectetur sem gravida. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas sit amet suscipit tellus. Integer auctor ante enim, id posuere quam finibus vel. Aenean facilisis est ante, eu varius orci gravida ut.

    [ YOUNG WARRIORHOOD ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur accumsan lorem vitae suscipit scelerisque. Fusce ac neque in ex ultricies viverra sagittis eu ligula. Ut luctus diam facilisis nibh iaculis, sit amet egestas lacus accumsan. Quisque id nisl at nisi hendrerit accumsan vel eget lectus. Aliquam felis nisl, suscipit quis purus sit amet, varius luctus ipsum. Vivamus sed pretium enim. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Etiam porttitor auctor elit, non tincidunt augue auctor vitae. Quisque ex orci, vehicula nec lobortis non, dapibus vel turpis. Vivamus aliquam ut nunc sit amet iaculis. Curabitur at tortor odio. Proin fermentum turpis ac gravida vestibulum. Ut volutpat arcu eu enim tincidunt, a sollicitudin purus posuere.

    Vivamus viverra lectus justo, ut porta metus imperdiet in. Donec lorem urna, dictum sed aliquet sed, lacinia a ante. Aliquam cursus ligula ut justo consequat, quis eleifend justo porttitor. Maecenas vehicula commodo fringilla. Suspendisse posuere pellentesque neque. Vestibulum ac mattis dolor, et egestas nisl. Nam sagittis, nunc rutrum elementum convallis, sapien justo accumsan orci, venenatis posuere nibh tortor vitae augue. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Sed lacus est, imperdiet nec rutrum at, rutrum ultrices magna. Donec mollis sit amet metus id sagittis. Nam porta tortor eget arcu varius feugiat. Mauris feugiat congue tristique.

    In ullamcorper ante et orci imperdiet, ut pretium mi viverra. Vestibulum eros odio, semper ac massa ac, tincidunt commodo diam. Nullam hendrerit dui vitae blandit aliquam. Phasellus a nulla sem. Etiam arcu risus, lobortis id lobortis ut, pulvinar at odio. Curabitur nec mi dictum tortor pellentesque porta vitae quis turpis. Etiam gravida auctor facilisis. Pellentesque eget velit a justo sodales tempor. Mauris quis nunc interdum, dignissim est vitae, fringilla ipsum. Nam suscipit lobortis velit non congue. Curabitur fringilla quam vel congue vestibulum.
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storage stuff

Alternative names: Whinekit, Howlkit

" This beast that you’re after will eat you alive "
AMAB, Any pronouns (he/she/they/it) | Rogue child | Kit of ThunderClan | 3 MOONS


Long haired black smoke with amber eyes and polydactyly (50% maine coon, carries chocolate, sepia, non-polydactyly)

Thrashkit is a child of the wilds and that is heavily evident in their fur, scraggly and curled in tufts around his face and body. Matted and wild from the lack of a caring mother, the result of which is making her look like a mockery of the shrubbery around them. His fur is a deep midnight colour before shifting to that signature smoke grey, resembling stories of big bad wolves and horrors that Baying Hound had told it and its littermates to keep them in line. The inherent Polydactly shows itself on his front paws, already larger than normal due to her fathers genetics. This size difference will take getting used to, she will always try to run and fail, tripping over accursed paws that he is not yet used to.

She is an odd looking kit both due to the odd fur presentation and how she carries herself. He will inherit that iconic maine coon maine, presenting another wild layer of wisps and curls than what it was already used to. As balance will be an issue for it all the way up to adulthood her walking posture will reflect that. Having the odd stance of leading with their hind legs and having the front legs follow suit. Hunkered down to have a closer core balance makes him always seemingly to be stalking, even at the most innocent of times. Her eyes are a deep amber colour, the eyes resembling monsters on thunderpaths and the moon on rich nights simultaneously haunting and pretty. It is an acquired taste in terms of objective beauty and aesthetics.


Thrashkit is above all else a quiet child. Seemingly been taught to keep quiet lest they be taken by the horrors of the world. Temperamental and quick to anger it will be a common scene for him to lash out against others. Taught violence for survival she will rely on that and won't shy away from using dirty tactics that they learnt from watching their mother. Claws will almost never be sheathed in the early days, it will take time and patience for her to be coaxed into the idea that not everything is a threat when upset. As a child born into brutality this realisation will be confronting and uprooting a lot of her ideals and understanding of the world.

As it grows older she will learn to keep that temper at bay, using it masterfully to get others off of their back. Happy to observe those around her he will be taking that time to take note of any flaws that she can understand and learning the brutality that comes with using one's most embarrassing moments against them rather than his claws. Turning out to be quite manipulative in that regard when they're older, though it will only show when his back is pressed into a corner. Still hopeless in social situations when it can't rely on that new strand of viciousness. when As she grows she will become paranoid of Baying Hound, desperate to be seen as a golden child of sorts they will put on a front whenever he believes that she is somehow watching him. Mood will shift into a much more callous beast relying on violence and outbursts like when he was a kit if he believes she's nearby, wanting to prove that he didn't want to leave her but if that was the case why did he stay?

Born with an innate hunger that only the wilds of the forest can give he will have a huge sense of wanderlust, constantly facing punishments for trying to wander out to the forest as a kit. This will cease as an apprentice as she has a fear of isolation and would never walk into the forest alone once they realise that no one would follow. Severe attachment issues with his littermates, possessive and self sacrificial when regarding them. Has that innate ferocity of a rabid dog when trying to protect them against what she perceives as a threat, including clanmates or loved ones to those littermates.

Overtime a softer side of her will be brought out by Tansyshine, resistant at first until around mid apprentice. A softer Thrashkit will be seen as clingy, finding safety will bring out their more possessive nature, one of desperation to hold onto that feeling of being safe rather than malice. Though this will be aimed at his littermates, there will be an unspoken self sacrificial loyalty to Tansyshine as well. This softness will lead them to try being a mediator in his own way, wanting to fix a world that she was taught by Baying Hound to be cruel and malicious.

  • Depending on littermates personalities would be interesting if he was seen as overbearing and there was an attempt of separation, would cause him to spiral
  • If Bayinghound told them of fallow then they genuinely believe that it's a ghost and will attempt to avoid her for a first stages of their life. That will gradually move on to trying to test if its a ghost and upon realising that she's not will progress to having a normalish relationship with it
  • general older sibling plot would be to try and figure out why they left Thrashkit / attempt to convince them to leave with him, believing it would earn him high praises with their mother
  • Will be standoffish with Doepaw and Antlerpaw at the start as well but to a lesser degree compared to Fallowpaw since they weren’t the ones who took her.

  • I think it would be interesting for him to have a childhood friend but they have a falling out due to it not changing and still being a snarling and callous cat (up to other player to decide if friendship is rekindled if self improvement occurs)
  • in apprentice hood gets separated with mentor in the forest and freaks out, figures out that they have a fear of isolation
  • getting too invested in trying to fix the world around him to make it less scary compard to her mothers warnings has him prying too much in warriors business, maybe a less than tolerant warrior would confront him about it, depending on how poor i would roll (lol) that leads to Trashkit losing temper and attacking
  • Will quietly spend time with clan mates, tricking himself into believing its for viewing weak points and where vulnerabilities lie but in actuality it's because he finds he enjoys the company of others. (will hopefully figure the latter out in later apprenticeship

    All plots are circumstance to IC events and may change over time

  • Red riding hood / Big bad wolf
  • Heathcliffe - Wuthering Heights
  • Ylfa Snorgelsson - Dimension 20
  • Claudia - Interview with a vampire
  • Brothers grimm fairy tales (aesthetic)
  • Southern gothic (aesthetic)
  • Harpyhare - yaelokre (song)
  • Show your fangs - the crane wives (song)
  • Rabbit heart (Raise it up) - florence and the machine
  • Eat you alive - the oh hellos (song)