i am all eyes — pebblepaw

Foxtail tries to stop his paws from trembling as he pads through RiverClan territory, his apprentice following in tow. Words don't have to be spoken— Foxtail knows clearly that Pebblepaw isn't happy with him right now. He can tell by the silence... by the look in Pebblepaw's eyes. When he looks over at Pebblepaw, he sees such a deep sadness that Foxtail hasn't seen before in his eyes, and it makes his stomach turn in distraught. I'm so sorry Pebblepaw. He wishes he had the courage to say these words out loud, but he isn't sure if it's the right time to. He gave his apprentice some space.... a little "break" from training. For a day, Foxtail had him focus on apprentice duties, but he can't do that forever. He learned his lesson from shoving off Eelpaw's training when the red water rogue situation got out of hand. Sooner or later, his training would have to continue again.... even while Pebblepaw's kin are actively missing.

Foxtail had thought he was being careful with Hazecloud, but now the tom is on an even higher alert. He already blames himself for Hazecloud's kidnapping.... StarClan forbid his apprentice got trapped, the young warrior would never forgive himself. As they arrive at the river, Foxtail's eyes scan the area.... nothing looks out of place. There are no dead prey just laying around, waiting for a cat to stumble upon.... and the warrior feels some relief. But anyway, it's not like he and Pebblepaw are going to be running around— their focus is on the river today. And he knows a twoleg wouldn't be able to put a trap in the water.... they want them alive when they take RiverClanners away. Foxtail exhales nervously as he comes to a stop at the river bank, and looks over at his apprentice as the river slowly flows behind him. "Today we're g-going to focus on swimming," He mews, but he tries to ignore how overdue this lesson is. The warrior steps into the water, and the temperature feels perfect against his fur.... the current couldn't be anymore calm.

"I want you to s-step into the river," Foxtail instructs as he goes deeper into the water, and it touches his belly. "Allow the water to touch your belly... l-like this," He comments, beckoning the young apprentice to step into the river. "Once you do t-that, I want y-you to begin padding.... by kicking your legs in the w-water," Foxtail mews as he begins to demonstrate he swims in a circle. He can no longer touch the bottom of the river, but he keeps himself afloat by continuously paddling. "You can use your tail to steer as well...." He keeps an eye on his apprentice, his olive green stay alert for any kind of a struggle in the water. Even the tiniest, little struggle.... he won't let his apprentice be in any kind of danger.

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    credit to raphaelion (via da) for the artwork <3
  • Foxtail
    experience: trained
    backstory: [HYPERLINK]
    biography: [HYPERLINK]
    credit to kabliahk via insta for the chibi <3
    cisgender male [he / him]
    eyes: green
    pelt: cinnamon/chocolate
    fur length: long
    parents: dawnflower and redfur (riverclan npcs)
    20 moons

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() snow dappled paws follow softly after the russet painted ones of his mentor as the boy slinks along, head low. foxtail does not attempt to make conversation, perhaps out of pity or perhaps out of anxiety- pebblepaw does not care which, but the older tom glances back every once in a while. there's some deep guilt in his olive gaze every time pebblepaw meets it. he tastes something sour on his tongue at the idea of it. he's been sleeping in the nursery for the past few nights, curled among his remaining siblings in an attempt to comfort and protect them from the beasts who prowl the forest. horizonkit and twinklekit are a mess without hazecloud and eveningkit, and truthfully pebblepaw would rather be with his siblings right now than training. he knows foxtail means well... he does. it's just frustrating.

swimming, they're focusing on swimming today, something pebblepaw had started practicing as a kit and hadn't quite returned to until now. truth be told, he's not the biggest fan of being submerged in water. maybe because it brings back memories of snow and ice, hypothermia chewing his limbs, or maybe because it's just uncomfy. don't get him wrong, pebblepaw loves the river- he loves fishing, trotting around in the shallows. but being neck deep in the water with only his churning paws keeping him in place is not his idea of fun. still, he'll do his best, because he's not going to disappoint his family.

"okay," he murmurs to foxtail's instructions, copper eyes connecting with green for a moment before he blinks and looks away, focusing on the foam washing over his paws, then legs, then churning at his belly. foxtail slips off of the bank and begins swimming in earnest, paws splashing gently, tail steering him straight. pebblepaw watches for a moment, remembering hazecloud's gentle instructions when introducing him to water for the first time. this is an important skill for a riverclanner, something he'd share stories of excitedly while fetching prey for his mother and siblings. he can't do that anymore, just as he can't cling to smokestar's teachings or push riverpaw into his namesake with a laugh. flame hued eyes well up, and the boy steps off, churning his paws with all his might. it's easier than he'd expected, his body's natural buoyancy keeping him afloat with the aid of his legs. his eyes are still blurred with unshed tears that he attempts to hide as he floats over closer to his mentor, ears pinned to his head in concentration. "i'm... i'm doing it," the observation is quiet, surprised, with little to no negative or positive emotion. he'd always thought his first true swim would be celebratory.

a gently wave washes over the hefty boy's head, and suddenly he's underwater for a moment. he gasps, water inhaling into his lungs by accident, before the wave recedes, and he's left hacking and spitting, paws suddenly heaving for the shore. the minute he touches the rocks on the beach, he pulls himself from the water, shaking and coughing still. his soaked head swivels to find his mentor, eyes streaming with liquid not of the river.

  • // apologies for the long post i got carried away haha <3 " #848DAE"
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    a large blue tabby with low white and vitiligo. pale blue fur covers the length of pebblepaw's stocky body, sliced through with darker tabby stripes and spots. baleful orange eyes peer out of heavy set sockets, and his muzzle, paws, and tail tip are dashed with white.