I Am Creation, Both Haunted & Holy | Beesong

Mosspaw had known Starclan all her life.

When she was a kit, it had only been a word to her. Once she had even thought that they were just a clan like any other. Her elders had soon corrected her, told her that Starclan lived in the sky and were to be revered. That hadn't made much sense to her, but most things didn't when she was a kit. She had just accepted it. Starclan, she had assumed, was one of the many things she would learn when she was older, in apprenticehood. Just like hunting or sparring.

And yet, while her hunting and sparring had improved day by day, her understanding of the cats she worshiped had not improved alongside them. Her mentor had not even spared a word to teach her about Starclan. Even though she knew what they were, she still knew nothing of how or why, and what they were didn't even really make sense to her. At times she felt as though she knew as little about the stars as she had when she was a kit.

All her clanmates held the stars so dearly, and she wanted to too. It was hard for her to feel connected to what she didn't understand though. Whenever she thought of Starclan, all she could feel was curiosity as all her questions tugged at her mind.

Where better to take her questions than the her medicine cat, the authority on all things Starclan? Assuming he had the time for her, of course. "Beesong, sir?" Mosspaw called out as she stepped inside the medicine den. "I had some questions about Starclan."