I Am Creation, Both Haunted & Holy | Praying

The tunnels had worn away at Mosspaw's spirits just as they had worn away at her paw pads. The determination with which she had begun the journey, and that had only grown with her success at the river, had been shaken. In the caves she had felt well and truly hopeless, forced to cling to cats she did not know for direction and motivation. She knew for a fact that if she had been alone, she surely would have died in that darkness, and it scared her.

Before she had left, this journey had seemed challenging but now she secretly worried it might be impossible. They had not even made it to the mountains yet and already she had already nearly met her end. How were they supposed to make it all the way there and back safely?

It was a blasphemous thought, she knew.

The stars had told them that this was the way to save their clans. She had prayed to them every night for Aspenhaze to be saved, and they had showed her the way. They would never lead her astray. Though her spirit was shaken, her faith in them was not.

"Starclan, please light my path even on the darkest nights." Mosspaw murmured under her breath, making up the prayer as she went along. "Guide me away from doubt with your wisdom and protect me from danger with your power. Let your will be my will so that my every action may be just. Hear my voice and answer my prayers. Please, Starclan, watch over me." With each word she spoke, her steps felt more sure, so once she got to the end she began again at the beginning. Repeating her little made up prayer over and over. Her eyes were affixed to the peak of the mountains in the distance.​
WE HAVE YET TO CRASH ✧°.☀ —————————————————————————————
He wasn't sure when he'd first registered the repeated mumbling of a cat nearby, and Lightstrike briefly turned a glare while he searched out the source. A RiverClanner. Annoyed, he stared at her back for a few heartbeats. What was she even saying?

Picking up the pace until he was just a few steps behind, he had been about to tell her to shut it when he caught the word StarClan in the nonsensical muttering. After several moments of focusing, he recognized that it was a prayer, requesting guidance and protection. The fire kindling in his chest puttered out.

It wouldn't be the first time he'd heard prayers, desperate and sad, murmured by the cats around him. Once or twice he had considered uttering his own, but the words were confined solely to his mind. StarClan was watching over them to the best of their ability, he was sure of it. Nobody had died. Injuries could be managed, his own included, if he just kept moving forward.

Even if the repetition was getting a little annoying, Lightstrike refrained from interrupting and fell back a few paces, once again focused on the trek ahead.

[penned by its_oliverr - ]
A week ago Mouseflight would not have dared to walk with others that were not his clan, the nagging voice in the back of his mind telling him that they were not there to help him, they were there to race to the cure and be the first ones back home - to take all the credit and be the heroes of the clans. With each hazard they came across however, Mouseflight found himself warming up slightly to the others. He knew it was wrong - they were not his friends, they couldn't be given their upbringing and ideals - but so far none had showed they would not be a good cat to have on his side. Maybe some of the other leaders hadn't chosen these cats as punishment or to get rid of them after all, he could see the value in many who had come, the way they were the current strongest of their own respective clans. Even Bobbie who wore that ugly thing around her neck had been useful thus far.

He was lost in these thoughts as they walked the small warrior's ears flicking as he mingled in with the other clans, no longer able to stay by the WindClanners by scent alone. When the quiet whisper of a prayer reached Mouse's ears he found his head lifting to try and find the one speaking it before his eyes land on Mosspaw. He quickened his pace for a moment, an attempt to be by the younger apprentice's side before he slowed down, the thought of speaking to a RiverClanner crossing his mind for but a moment before ears flicked the thought away once more and he sped up again, falling in pace with the RiverClan apprentice. If the green-eyed tabby were to look his way he would simply offer a small nod of approval and reassurance, the prayer she repeat he thought silently to himself. Though he wouldn't speak, he would not cast nasty glances her way either. They were their own little clan, traveling to find something as the generations before them had done already, instead of home they sought out a cure and hopefully this time there wouldn't be a battle when they reached their destination.
  • tikki_com.png
    mousekit - mousepaw - mouseflight
    ⋆ ftm - he/him - 11 moons
    ⋆ bisexual - open to relationship
    ⋆ tunneler of windclan
    attack - speech - thought
    ⋆ penned by tikki
Iciclefang travels with her Clanmates, and so she knows the source of Mosspaw’s despairing little prayer. The girl mumbles it over and over, moss-colored gaze hooked on the peaks of the mountains in the distance. The tortoiseshell looks at her, concern creasing her stoic features just slightly. A prayer is one thing, but this is a little much. She does not want to interrupt a genuine plea to the stars for protection, but something tells her Mosspaw is using this to comfort herself.

She lays the tip of her tail on Mosspaw’s shoulder, giving her what she hopes is a confident look. “StarClan hears you, and they guide our paws, always,” she says in a quiet tone. “Remember, Magpiepaw went to Mothermouth and spoke with a StarClan warrior. They are walking with us now, what do you want to bet?” She feels nothing, not a hint of spiritual presence, but perhaps it would give her more faint of heart companions some much-needed conviction and courage.

  • iciclekit . iciclepaw . iciclefang
    — she/her ; warrior of riverclan
    — lesbian ; single
    — short-haired tortoiseshell with white and ice-blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Pin
Prayers were not something that Needledrift found herself opposed to. In fact, Needle quite enjoyed the act of praying. It made her feel connected to those she had lost, to the ShadowClanners who came before her. She envied Magpiepaw, in a way, for his own connection to their forebearers. Perhaps one day, she would be so lucky to share in the wisdom he was privy to.

A tortoiseshell she-cat offers her own words, though her sentiments are less pleading and more... practical? Maybe? Comforting, certainly. Needledrift can almost imagine Heavybranch keeping step with her now, accompanied by Briarstar, maybe, or even...

She thinks of Flickerfire. Would she deign to walk alongside her own clanmates? Surely, in StarClan, she would've noted the disgusted way that some cats spoke of her and her... betrayals. Would she still guide them with an invisible paw, maybe even watch over the ThunderClanners as well in honor of her paramour? Maybe Flickerfire had the right of it after-all, having a cat outside her immediate clan who would be willing to throw down their own life for hers - and vice versa, it seemed. Needledrift was sure that none of the cats on the journey present could say now that they'd rather be squabbling amongst themselves in lieu of helping. It was... it was certainly something to think about.

"Which one of your clan-mates would you hope to be by your side?" She posits to @iciclefang and @Mosspaw , a quiet but genuine question.
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periwinklebreeze & 14 moons & demi-boy & he/they & windclan moor runner

Somehow, it's rarely occurred to peri that it is not just windclan that believes in starclan. Of course, it's an obvious fact - but it's been such a big part of his life, that windclan alone was closest to the stars, the most favored, that hearing mosspaw's words is almost startling. He's quiet, unwilling to add to the prayer - if he did, he'd probably just jinx things anyways. Instead, he curls in on himself, figure hunched an weary, and just listens. Needledrift poses a good question though - who would he want by his side. "... v-vulturem-mask," he mumbles quietly, though he's not sure he whether he wants to be heard or not. At least he's making an attempt.

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: —
    tw/cw: —
  • a lithe figured black and white tom with a false-pointed pattern and clear blue eyes that gleam periwinkle in the right lighting. he seems perpetually worn and exhausted, with heavy bags beneath his eyes and a slouched posture. he has a speech impediment which leaves him with a stutter and sometimes even completely non-verbal, and his fluffy tail is adorned with carefully woven daisies.

    physically medium && mentally easy && pacifist
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay allowed
    please attack using [b][color=#ccccff]action here[/color][/b] and tag account

A ShadowClanner falls into step alongside them, her gray pelt smooth as the stone underpaw. Her voice is soft, the question she poses both whimsical and practical in equal turn. “Which of your Clanmates would you hope to be by your side?” Iciclefang regards her with cool blue eyes before dipping her head. “Our deputy, Smokethroat,” she answers easily, her tail-tip twitching. She looks from the ShadowClan warrior to Mosspaw, her expression softening somewhat. “He was my mentor. There’s no cat I trust more.” She twitches an ear, inviting Needledrift to answer her own question, but the next cat to mumble a response is a WindClanner.

Iciclefang recognizes him—pale of fur, dark, smoky masklike marking over his face, eyes blue and haunted. He resembles his traitorous mother more than she’d ever realized before, but there’s little venom in her heart for Periwinklebreeze today. She studies him, feeling vaguely surprised by his answer. “Is there not a living Clanmate you would wish was here?” She purses her lips, frowning. “I do wonder who from StarClan walks among us. Perhaps your Vulturemask is one of them.

  • iciclekit . iciclepaw . iciclefang
    — she/her ; warrior of riverclan
    — lesbian ; single
    — short-haired tortoiseshell with white and ice-blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Pin