private i am my mother's child ✧ willowroot

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The emptiness of the camp was only reconciled in part by the noisy, eager chittering of young kittens... the last litter to be born in RiverClan. The squeals of smaller felines break through between hacking coughs from the medicine cat's den, from the hurried murmurings of anxious warriors, it was loud enough to cut through the pain of a growling stomach. Cicadastar had stood at the Gathering to announce they should prioritize that, cherish it... Keep it safe and well fed.

Lichentail struggled to find a reason to disagree... Though she was sure plenty others could find a hundred reasons to bemoan their hard earned lunched being stolen into the mouth of babes. While she had not been fortunate enough to catch more than the minimums to feed their weaker clan-mates, she took solace in knowing they were fed. The sick had enough to worry about, an aching belly would only serve to make their condition worse.

Today, she opted to poke her head into the nursery with a minnow dangling from her jaws... It was no great catch, no family-feeding feast but at least Willowroot would not be left to starve. Giving a small mrr? to announce her presence, the gray molly entered the den with ginger paw-steps, gaze flicking down to the ground to be sure there were no little saboteurs there to trip her. If interacting with Otterpaw when he was that small had taught her anything, it was that kittens were little terrors and they enjoyed inconveniencing their elders (even if it was just in playful spirits).

Dodging an over eager dive for her toes, the point gave a small amused shake of her head before setting the meager offering in front of the dark-furred queen. "Good morning Willowroot, I brought breakfast... I know it's not much."

Looking to a now rough-housing pile of fluff, the lead couldn't help but rumble a laugh. "Your paws seem full today... I'd be happy to spare some time if you need an extra pair of eyes?" An awkward offer to kit-sit but... with Dovethroat gone, the nursery's favorite pale shadow was no longer a sentinel of aid. Had anyone checked on the poor cooped up queen since yellowcough had begun to spread? Probably only in sparing doses... to prevent the youngest and weakest from catching it too.​