private I Am My Mother's Savage Daughter | Sootstar


The Forgotten One
Apr 3, 2023
( ) A situation that has yet to leave the interwebs of her mind, lingers in like the spider's ilk and prioritizes her thoughts when she is left alone with them. The Gathering not so long ago, her encounter with that stone-hued warrior with iridescent green eyes—his stature so large compared to her smaller frame. Granitepelt of ShadowClan. A peculiar meeting they had, speaking what one would think of nothingness until Sootstar arrived. She couldn't place the sudden hostility, did she know him? He looked to be her age—it wasn't as if he was an old enemy of hers. Was it merely the fact that he was ShadowClan? No—it couldn't be. Those malicious words that spewed from Sootstar's tongue, aggressive as they were venomous. I don't know what your kittypet mother told you… but you will tell my kits none of it. Stay away from my daughter. Just what did she mean? Those words overplay in her head, her molars grinding against themselves in absent thought whilst claws knead into the peat below her.
There was only one way to find out, a sensitive topic that she knew Sootstar would probably have her head over. But she deserved to know, did she not? It wasn't just Sootstar's life—but her own as well. She had a right to know.

Just as she had a right to know about her father.

She moves from her previous perch, ignoring the brewing clouds that stirred overhead in a brooding slate hue. Her gait is swift and purposeful, sunburst gaze pinpointed on Sootstar's den. She needed to know—she jsd to know lest she get a moment's rest if not. The warrior had no idea of the consequences, and honestly? She did not care. Patched paws come to a halt just outside of the mouth of her den, ashen tail lashing. This was it. All or nothing. "Sootstar? Can I speak with you, please?" Little did she know that the tip of her tail trembles with apprehension, her heart slamming against it's ivory cage and blood roaring in her ears. Sootstar would probably be taken aback by the wild look within her eyes, or how her voice seemed so rushed. She does not falter, though. This was too important.

( You should see me in a crown ; I'm gonna run this nothing town )


She is chewing the shank of a hare when Cloudedsky’s shadow leans into her den. She looks up at the blue and white she-cats rushed words, a wild look dances in her orange gaze. Her black nose twitches in confusion, what could it possibly be?

Still, even if she had spent significantly less time with Cloudedsky since the arrival of her kits with Weaselclaw, she wouldn’t turn her away from her den. A feathery tail flicks in invitation. ”Yes… what is it?” She scans the tunneler up and down trying to read her before she speaks.
( ) The familiar sound of her mother's voice grazes over velvet ears, that same voice thst she was met with when coming to this world. Cloudedsky moves, her steps automatic despite that now she wishes she was anywhere here but here. She enters the den, shielded away by the sun's ever present heat to a shaded coolness. She can not help but to sigh in brief relief from the break, as if she was back under the sanctity of the tunnels where it remained cool—damp. Now, she wishes she was there, in her own world. But she was not, she looked into the face of the only world she knew. Her mother's gaze remained as sharp as ever, verdant green eyes alight with the dimness that practically glowed. Those words that wanted to rush out of her soon died on her tongue and she was left empty, staring at her leader for several heart beats.
How could she say it? Should she mingle around, dropping subliminal hints? No—she thinks immediately, she knows Sootstar. She knows she will not appreciate her time being wasted. Despite being distant as of late, a mother still knew their daughter. Just come out and say it. Mottled knuckles flex into the moss, blunted claws digging as far as they could go to anchor her. Say it. You're not a coward. Say. It. Cloudedsky's mind is racing, a chilling breeze causing whispy ends to prickle with discomfort. The tunneler sighs heavily, her plumed tail twitching to show her discomfort. "I want to know." After a hefty silence, she finally speaks. Those words she finally spilled, they give her courage and it glows within sunburst irises. A metaphorical bucket that now begins to pour, and she finally releases it into the air. "I want to know why you pushed me away from Granitepelt. I want to know what you meant by his 'kittypet' mother. I need to know—I deserve to know, Sootstar." Her tone grows stronger with each breath, her beating heart slams against her chest and blood surges through her body. She feels light, as if a weight were sliding off her shoulders. Finally—finally she will say what's been plaguing her mind for moons now. "I want to know about my father."

( You should see me in a crown ; I'm gonna run this nothing town )


A brow raises.

This was about Granitepelt? Displeasure plagues her facial features in a mere heartbeat and her tail lashes with annoyance. ”Why in StarClan’s name do you still ponder that Tom? Does Badgermoon give you naught to do?” It’s frightening how quickly Sootstar can snap, how swift she can turn from content to enraged. It’s nothing that Cloudedsky, as her first born daughter, hasn’t witnessed before.

”It’s no secret, not only is he ShadowClan but kittypet blood courses through him. You were pushed away from him because my daughter will not converse with such an abomination.” Her fangs faintly glint in the dim light that trickled into the den.

The next question is what stuns her the most. ”I want to know about my father.”
Cloudedsky is met with nothing but a look of revulsion. ”You question me about Granitepelt in the same breath you question me on your father… why?” It was a challenge just as much as it was an aversion. Cloudedsky must have a haunch about something, would she have the audacity to speak it out loud? Or could Sootstar convince her unspoken that whatever she thought was too hare-brained to say outloud?