❪ TAGS ❫ — The pair made their way through the pines, strolling somewhat leisurely even though this was officially meant to be an impromptu hunting outing of sorts. The deputy mostly just needed some time to herself and Slate had agreed to accompany her. The two hadn't done much talking since before his capture; so much had happened so fast, including Orangeblossom giving birth to a litter of kits. Now that the children didn't require constant attention, the flame-splashed deputy had more time to herself.

"So, you got any gray hairs comin' in yet?" A teasing inquiry in the form of a playful snort arises from dark lips, a tone that is typically only reserved for Cloverjaw. However, Slate considers Orangeblossom his friend, too. Their shared history hadn't much of an effect on their relationship now, at least in his eyes, especially now that the bi-colored she-cat had fully moved on with her life. He had too... for the most part. "Gotta say, I never took you for the settlin' down type." Slate remarks, though not entirely serious in manner.

// @orangeblossom
"Ha ha. They'll show first on you than they will on me." First Blazestar, now Slate; Orangeblossom wonders if her boredom with SkyClan camp is beginning to show, with the way that their trusted warriors have been dragging her out of camp every so often these days. Her ears prick upwards at the comment and the sun-splashed molly kicks her paw out to the side, aiming for Slate's ankle. There's no violence in the movement, but if he tripped over his own paws she'd laugh. She does so regardless, though it's drier than anything genuine she might have to offer.

"Hmm." She falls into silence for a few moments as they continue on their meandering path through the pines. "I didn't think so either. Ashenclaw kind of snuck up on me emotionally. But he's a constant. Kind. A good father." Wouldn't disappear off the face of the forest, not like you. Orangeblossom is surprised by the thought, expression shifting ever so slightly; as far as she knew, she'd never held onto much resentment towards Slate for the way he'd left her alone. They'd never even really been a thing, not in the way that she and Ashenclaw are. Yet here, now, a small prickle of annoyance tightens the space behind her ears at how flippant he sounds about it all.

  • orangeblossom.png
    orangeblossom. tags.
    — she/her, skyclan deputy.
    — mentor to eveningpaw.
    — attack in #e08550. uses trees as an integral part of her fighting style.
    — mean enough to note that her thoughts don't reflect my opinions as a writer haha.
    — penned by mercibun; @ me in any official tabbytales discord for plots. :]
    — art by merc!<3
❪ TAGS ❫ — A light grunt as well as a tiny smirk is earned from the large warrior as Ora attempted to trip him; he stumbles only slightly but recovers his balance. The lighthearted mood doesn't last long, as the deputy begins to discuss her mate and the ideal qualities he possesses. "Not to mention sappy." The lead warrior remarks, referencing Ashenclaw's initial profession of his love for Orangeblossom (which had taken place in the middle of camp). He was more of a private person, so making a public scene out of his feelings seemed unfathomable to the brute.

After a quick purse of his lips and looking thoughtfully toward the ground, Slate added, "Sorry," Not really, but he's more so trying to deaden the potential blow of his quip so that Orangeblossom wouldn't take it in the wrong way. He doesn't want to ruin the connection they had rekindled upon joining the clan, not when she was really the only cat he felt comfortable talking to aside from Cloverjaw. Also, any teasing toward Ashenclaw felt undeserved, even for a male who had a skewed moral compass. "He's... a nice guy. Really." An admittance perches on the edge of his tongue, something akin to "I can see how happy he makes you" or "He's lucky to have you", but it never surfaces. Slate does not do well with admitting to defeat, admitting to his mistakes. Besides, who was he to feel inklings of jealousy? He had been the one to abandon Orangeblossom. Guilt still gnaws at him like an incessant termite; Slate wasn't suited for romance or anything of the sort, and if anything he feels regretful for leading her on all those seasons ago. What would have transpired between them had he never stopped visiting her?

The Maine Coon is abrasive and awkward, but even he knows the unspoken cue to shift the topic of conversation. "What do y'think ever happened to Thistleback? Seemed like he was real loyal to this place." Slate had even volunteered to venture into the city to go looking for the missing lead warrior, though to no avail. There had been no recent scent of twolegs near SkyClan's borders, nor any traces of blood or fur scattered around. It wasn't as if Slate had been particularly close to the piebald tom, but his disappearance was something that many SkyClanners (including himself) found outright odd.