Idly, stupidly, he'd ended up here. A clearing dotted with offerings, with mounds of bodies beneath and elsewhere. Ravencall's grave was offered a glance- about as much as he'd given in life. Tidespin's grave is stopped before, albeit briefly. He touched the dirt, and thought about her fox-bitten flesh, and flinched away.

Daisyflight was the spirit he sought, even if her body wasn't here. The stars were still drowned by the sunlight, though the sky was purpling into dawn- he could not see those nettle-green eyes amongst the clouds, or if he were to- to dig up the earth. Twitchbolt shuddered. Who knew if she was even here? Snowpath, murmuring something in his death-throes about how she is here... she's come to get me, something like that. But who knew the truth of it?

There had been something about deputyship that Daisyflight had feared. Something that had lead her to give up the role- Twitchbolt felt dread whenever he thought about it, and sadness when he remembered he'd never be able to ask her. Or- well, ask and get a response. The cold fashioned his sigh into a cloud that rose and dispersed into the air- if she was looking to him now, maybe she'd caught that sigh, and understood where it had stemmed from.

Are you proud of me? The statement, selfish and childish and everything awful about him, prickled at the tip of Twitchbolt's tongue. After all this time, was he still a child grasping for attention? Unloved and desperate, named for what made him stand out, what made everyone think he was a mess?

No, no- because it had been her who had given him a voice that crackled with anger as well as fear. It was her who had taught him he did not have to give up his kindness in order to stand up for himself. It had been her who had shown him that he could find a family, instead of trying to snap his mother and father's necks just to get them to look at him.

"I wouldn't leave you alone if you were still here," he murmured, voice a fractured and frayed thing. "I wouldn't stop asking you for advice." I need to know what stopped you, he thought, but was not strong enough to voice. I need to know why anyone could think I can, when you couldn't.
penned by pin ✧
"Dang, I walked into something mighty serious." The tom didn't mean to interrupt Twitchbolt while he was in the middle of something, but it wasn't like he could leave now. Trapped all because of his stupid mouth. Whelp, I can't do nothin'! Might as well make the best of it. And so he pretends as if Twitchbolt isn't staring at him while he makes his way to the deputy and plops right beside him. They're not close, so there's no reason at all for Beetleback to do this. It would've been better for the tom to leave in the first place. Any cat with sense would've done that while apologizing. However, Beetleback is not one of those cats. Thankfully, the blue tom does have some decorum.

The tom would close his eyes and remain silent, paying respects. I don't know who you are, well who you were I think is better? Oh, was that rude? My bad. I def don't wanna offend you... Uh, whoever you are. This is awful. NOT YOU! This is a real mess, but I don't know what to say to you. Uhm. I hope you are at peace? I think... I think I should stop talking. Uh... Bye? Amber eyes open only to be followed by a shiver. That wasn't a great moment and he hopes whoever he was speaking? Trying to pay respects to won't haunt him for how horrendous his spiel was. Or maybe they found it amusing?

In any case, Beetleback would turn to face Twitchbolt. "Sorry for interruptin', I didn't mean to. I heard whatcha said Twitchy, what's going on? If you're asking for some advice, I reckon you've got something botherin' ya."
  • Dead

Twitchbolt was unlucky in many ways, though company wasn't usually one of them. Beetleback, though... well, he certainly wouldn't have been his first choice for a companion on a visit like this. At the tom's approach he startled, staring with round, incredulous eyes, looking very much as if his Clanmate had just struck him across the face. The words that flitted from Beetleback's mouth did absolutely nothing to soften his expression, either- in fact, offence darkened his face.

Twitchy. He could hear his parents both laughing at him from beyond the grave, he was sure of it. Twitchbolt took a lurching step back, instantly repulsed. "Don't ever call me that," he snapped, ears swatting wildly, fiery anger setting the amber spark in his eye alight. It was the clearest instruction he had probably ever managed to give in his life.

Bristles flattening, he let the anger in his eyes die, but... Beetleback had stomped and spat on any chance he'd had on Twitchbolt opening up to him. "The only cat I want advice from is gone." Narrowed eyes flitted back to Daisyflight's grave, a tomb without a body, his vision stuttered by the twitching of his eyelids.
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Dappled fur emerged from the bushes as Birchbranch made her way over to the graves that had been at this very site for countless moons, countless generations. The SkyClanner paused as she heard Beetleback call Twitchbolt Twitchy and Twitchbolt snap back at the warrior. The molly quietly approached the bickering toms, flashing Beetleback a warning look from orangish-amber eyes. ''Twitchbolt is your deputy, Beetleback. Show him some respect.''

The warrior rested her tail tip comfortingly on Twitchbolt's shoulder as she turned to look at the SkyClan Deputy. ''I'm sorry for your loss, Twitchbolt.'' Birchbranch murmured softly, sitting back on her haunches and pulling her tail away. The SkyClanner turned her gaze to two graves near the front, freshly dug and covered. There in those graves laid Birchbranch's littermates, Swampdapple and Heatherfrost. Oh, how much I miss you two.

[ ''speech'' // thoughts // attack // defense ]

Robinsky sometimes would find herself leaving camp despite the high refusal of wanting kits and elder to leave the safety of their homes. The sound of the deputy snapping at another masculine voice caused the elder to slowly making her way over. Her dull bronze eyes would shift over the three cats gathered as she glances at the graves which Twitchbolt and the others stood near. With her age-- many of her clanmates, friends and family had long passed and she was still there. Grief was inevitable in everyone's life and you would watch the ones closest to you eventually pass on to the skies.

"You two be nice now. . ." The elder would scold quickly as the splotched tortie gave a quick blessing to those that have passed and rested in their graves. Her once vibrant bronze gaze was now dull, seemingly rusted down to a dirty penny in color which shifts over to Skyclan's deputy. "They may have passed, but they would be proud of you and wouldn't want you grieving over them." Robinsky would slowly start as she holds her gaze on him before shifting to the sky above them. "It's okay to grieve for Daisyflight. Take the advice that she has given you and pass it on those who seeked the same advice as you." Standing has caused her joints to cramp up and ache in pain as she abruptly slumps onto her haunches and a pained sigh parts her lips.

"Everyone has lost someone close to them, and it leaves a pain in your heart knowing you won't see them when the sun rises tomorrow but. . ." A white paw is used to shift her weight on her side more as she glances at the three warriors at the graves, "Daisyflight is and always will be proud of you to see how you've grown under her guidance and doing without her." The elderly feline would meow as she gives Twitchbolt a gentle smile. It was okay to be spoiled and want the attention of someone you loved and adored, but he couldn't linger with the grief and let it control him.

Robinsky was sure that his mentor watched over him like a shadow, smiling and puffing her chest out in a proud manner to see that /her/ apprentice was the Skyclan deputy now. He had rose to a position of power and improved in various aspects ever since he was an apprentice. None always had an answer to every question because then they'd be lying, it was /okay/ to go to others for questions or advice. It would take a while for the deputy to heal, which was fine, nothing would heal in a time. Healing takes time and all they had was time.
"speech", thoughts, attacking

He wanted nothing more than to crumble into dust as more cats drifted over- Birchbranch, who whispered a condolence that he judged immediately as being hollow, and Robinsky, who began to talk about grief. Twitchbolt's jaw tightened with unjust irritation- this wasn't about grief, but then... how were they to know that? Still- every writhing doubt in his mind latched on to each of Robinsky's words and deemed them insincere. The connection he had with Daisyflight- that he still had with her, walking in her footsteps- would not be understood by any normal warrior, even one with some moons under their belt.

He tried to suppress the anger that was beginning to burn within him until it smouldered, turning his words to smoke. "I know," he said, trying to soften his voice. Of course she'd be proud. it was common sense, and- he wasn't an idiot or a kit or an irrational fool...

She had not been able to carry the mantle of deputy. She had pursued a different path, and he would never be able to ask her why- and no one else would know, either. "I've done my grieving, thanks." Twitchbolt's tone was guarded, and yet thick with emotion. "I appreciate it," he said, though through his teeth, "But I said I didn't want advice from any of you."

With that, he got to his paws and swiftly moved away from the gravesite. They could chat about grieving amongst themselves. Maybe it would be better received with cats who cared to hear it.

\ out !!
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