private I BELIEVE - Sunstar

Every night WindClan slept under the stars, it was something that Mouseflight had kept up the best he could when he'd gone to the mountains all those moons ago, sleeping under the stars so that he could look up and see Silverpelt, see the ancestors that smiled and shined down on WindClan giving them their blessing. It was something he'd missed when himself and his clanmates had been stuck at the horseplace in the barn, sleeping surrounded by walls and a roof was not something he had enjoyed and he had been both relieved and scared when they'd returned home once more and he was able to sleep under the stars again. When the tom found himself looking up at the stars now though, he hadn't seen them smiling and hinting at their favor for WindClan but instead it had been upset and fury, frowns looking down upon them and despite the fact that Mouseflight still favored them so he couldn't help but feel guilty, feel that somehow this was partially his fault. Maybe if he'd actually tried to get Sootstar to send him to the Moonstone instead of simply letting it be, instead of just ignoring it and hoping it would come eventually living in ignorant bliss to the fact she'd disowned StarClan on her own that he'd still see that smile, still see that favor towards WindClan.

It had been eating at him all day, the thought that those that had died and looked upon WindClan could now see him as a traitor, as someone who disbelieved and disapproved of the stars and their blessings when it was simply timing, simply things that he couldn't control losing grasp and leaving his paws and moving so quickly he couldn't catch up. Moving quickly to the den that Sootstar once called her own, Mouseflight would let out a small mew, a warning of his coming before clearing his throat and looking in, searching for the newly named Sunstar before eyes landed on the rosette tom before him. "Sunstar." He'd mew the leader's name quickly, tail waving behind him for just a moment before he spoke once more. "Are you busy? I can speak with you later if you are." That guilt of bothering the leader still remained, that thought that the one who led the clan should not be bothered for fear of something horrible happening if they were busy doing something, of losing favor with the ones he had looked up to for so long.
  • tikki_com.png
    mousekit - mousepaw - mouseflight
    ⋆ ftm - he/him - 16 moons
    ⋆ bisexual - open to relationship
    ⋆ tunneler of windclan
    attack - speech - thought
    ⋆ penned by tikki
StarClan's truth must be beyond what those still living may understand. Their wisdom could be granted to few, yet it came in fractured visions and splintered signs. Wolfsong had seen them, he knows, and now so had he. But that did not mean their hearts were any more open, or that his own was more understanding. Too long Sunstride had worried if he was worthy of them. How could they accept him, a rogue that even his clanmates did not fully trust? Now he stood as Sunstar, and carries the lives that they had granted him, and Sootstar before him. (Why had they not struck her the way that they once thought to do? His paws had pressed upon the soot-stain at the gathering, a stark reminder of intent and belief.) He could not trust what he did not know. Blind faith was not so easily granted after it had ended so poorly the first time around.

Instead, all that he offers is hope.

A maned head lifts from the chamomile-scented nest he now calls his own, though some nights were still spent among his clanmates, or trying to tuck himself back to his mate's side in the medicine den. This is only a place of respite where tension might bleed without a dozen eyes upon him. Mouseflight's presence startles him from it. His face comes about slowly, from open surprise to understanding, to a relaxed ease. "Mouseflight," the warrior greets. "No busier than a hare in its burrow." (Large, unwieldy, wild-eyed bound to a place of contentment. "Is there something that haunts you?"

  • OOC.
  • sun_icon_new2.png
    ——– HE – HIM – HIS ╱╱ 48+ MOONS OLD, ADULT.

He forgets where he could be restless this time of day that others could be sleeping - or trying to - so the tunneler was quickly ready and willing to back out of the slightly herbal scented den when instead Sunstar lifts his head and mentions that he is not busy, quickly getting to the point and asking if something was haunting him. Though he didn't want to admit the truth fully, that it truly felt like something haunting rather than just a bother, the younger tom nod his head slightly before stepping in and sitting down towards the entrance. This was not his den, this was not where he felt like he should be, and yet here he was speaking with Sunstar without having to worry about being chased out as he was willing and ready to speak to him.

Sunstar was not Sootstar and he didn't need to carefully tiptoe around things, Mouseflight knew he'd have to remind himself of this.

""I want to see the Moonstone." It was quick and rushed out, Mouseflight forcing himself to speak it before he had a chance to simply say it was nothing and walk out. "I haven't gotten to go yet." It was a small admittance, quieter than words before as if he were ashamed of not visiting. It used to be a requirement, it used to be something that all apprentices had to do or else they were unable to become warriors and he had thought it would be the same for him until it wasn't, until it was cut from WindClan entirely as Sootstar's faith in the ancestors faded away. "Can we do that again? WindClan as a whole?" He wasn't able to make the decision, but maybe Sunstar would be willing.
  • tikki_com.png
    mousekit - mousepaw - mouseflight
    ⋆ ftm - he/him - 16 moons
    ⋆ bisexual - open to relationship
    ⋆ tunneler of windclan
    attack - speech - thought
    ⋆ penned by tikki