i believe this belongs to you // returning injured apprentice

Tagging thunderclanners that were present also @BURNSTORM ! @Flycatcher @BASILWHISKER @skypaw . @HAILSTORM. @Moonwhisper @RACCOONSTRIPE
Takes place after this thread

When they finally arrive at the SkyClan border, Howlingstar is now far more worried than she had been before. With every step, the apprentice seems to lose more blood. She is not going to watch a young life be taken, not if she can help it. "SkyClan!" She yowls, voice bellowing through the pines. "There must be a patrol around here somewhere," She trills softly back to her clanmates, eyes wide with worry. "SkyClan, come quick!" Another yowl, louder than before. She is still angry and frustrated, of course. Any intruder would cause her to be. But the first priority is getting this apprentice back home where she can be treated by Dawnglare and her grandson.

She is not very fond of having to come back to the SkyClan border, but she is dutiful if anything and despite her feelings she didn't want this fool of an apprentice to die so she had kept pace alongside her brother on either side of the girl, pausing to let her catch her breath on occasion or if she seemed likely to tip over, but somehow-miraculously, they had made it here without the apprentice passing out or needing to be carried. That surely meant she would be fine once Dawnglare was able to check her over then?
Hopefully that would be the case, but either way she would probably have plenty of time to rest while she was grounded for this stunt of hers, Blazestar had not seemed particularly happy with his last idiot clanmate crossing borders and if it happened one more time she was leaving a reminder in scars for it to be dealt with.
Moonwhisper shook her head in thought, striding along behind her leader and pausing as she turned to glance at Brightpaw once more, "Still holding it together?"
The bustling of camp was often exhausting to Dogskip. It drained him more and more every day, and he didn't truly understand why. Perhaps he was meant to be a loner after all. Yet, he would not leave. He owes Skyclan, and he will see this debt repaid. He wont admit it, but he has grown quite fond of his new clanmates as well. Not all, but a few. Even if the only interactions he's had with them were observing. But today, he needs space. And so, he headed out on his own to recharge.

What was meant to be an attempt at peace and quiet has turned into the exact opposite, it seems. Dogskip hears Howlingstar's call and lets out a long, drawn out sigh. Always a problem, there seemed to be. The white maned warrior reluctantly approached the border.

"And what is this about?" He asks. As his gaze sweeps across the patrol, he spots Brightpaw, wounded and bleeding. "...Ah. Our wayward apprentice."

He is not surprised. His voice shows this clearly. He is irritated. Why was Brightpaw injured? He could already surmise that Thunderclan didn't do this, or there'd be a different....Energy in the air. And he takes Howlingstar as the kind of leader who wouldn't take hostages. Of course, he could be wrong.

He is visibly unimpressed. "An adventure gone wrong, I take it?" He asks Brightpaw, but doesn't wait for an answer. "Regardless, others will be along shortly. I know they are nearby."

Someone else to take control of this situation.

Burnstorm is not happy with the current situation they have, once again, been placed in by his fathers idiot disciples. If Blazestar was true to his word then this wouldn't have happened again and yet here they were. If there was one thing he had taken from this it was that Blazestar's word did not mean very much. Despite it all, however, he too does not want this apprentice to die. Sure, he wished they could have taught her a lesson of their own but hopefully this whole ordeal would be lesson enough. She would be lucky if she didn't bleed out on her way home, after all.

He comes to stand next to his sister as his grandmother calls across the border, his black fur brushing against her pale-colored pelt. He keeps his golden eyes forward though, on the tree line. They did not have to wait long before a SkyClanner comes. "Perhaps they would come faster if you made yourself useful and went to fetch someone" he suggests with a barely suppressed growl. Was every SkyClanner these days a thick headed mouse brain? Here was his clanmate, bleeding out in front of him and this fool was content to just sit around gaping at them rather than go and get someone to help. Burnstorms tail lashes furiously behind him and he finds himself wishing, not for the first time and most definitely not the last, that he could lean across the border and claw some sense into this cat.
"Mind yourself." Fireflypaw mutters gruffly to his fellow SkyClanner as he walks over on hefty paws, stomach jiggling with every step. His eyes stare widely towards the direction of the ThunderClan patrol. The scent of Brightpaw catches his attention, and his exhausted gait brightens back up almost immediately. "Brightpaw- Brightpaw's back!" He yowls behind him to whoever decided to follow him, racing forward to sniff at the apprentice's wounds.

"You're hurt.. Oh, dear.. Brightpaw, what happened- no, we can ask that later. Uh, Um- Gran- I mean, Howlingstar. Thank you. Thank you, ThunderClan, for finding her." Fireflypaw stutters softly, avoiding looking towards his two siblings. He was still angry over what he'd heard about at the border last time.. And he wasn't going to start anything now. No, if they wanted to hurt Howlfire, they'd have to go through him first. Right? For now, he was focused on checking where all the bleeding was.

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✿—— she's creeping up on a wayward sparrow where it hops about the pine floor—while she's getting the hang of climbing, slowly but surely, the tabby has had much better luck with handling ground prey so far. she can't be more than a tail-length or two away, about to leap and pin the thing beneath her claws with a rush of pride, when it lifts its tiny amber-capped head. beady eyes flick about and before she can so much as move, it's gone; scared away by the bellow breaking its way through the pines. the warrior's half-tail twitches in irritation and she straightens up, pads towards the source of the sound with her round face creased in annoyance—what could it possibly be? if another kittypet had decided to treat their border like a place for play and scared her catch, she might seriously have to start aligning herself with silversmoke's ideals, bobbie thinks with a mix of amusement and exasperation.

she arrives late, having walked slowly in fruitless hopes of finding the bird again, and what can only be defined as a mess is the scene framed before her. a stout brown tabby stands before her, pulled tall with dignity and accompanied by a small patrol—a squint and she realizes this must be howlingstar, mother of the fabled little wolf and leader of thunderclan. quite a few warriors flank her, a pair of them supporting an unfortunately familiar form; brightpaw, the missing apprentice, who she would be grateful to see if it weren't for two things—one, the small she-cat is splattered in blood, and two, she has very clearly been on the wrong side of the border. she exhales slowly through her nose to combat the anger rising in her throat; the third cat in as many moons, this one a born skyclan apprentice and not a recent transplant or errant queen.

dogskip is here, and while she likes all of her clanmates, she's nearly inclined to agree with the dark-furred young thunderclanner who speaks up sharply—he could have fetched blazestar, or at the very least a lead warrior, in the time it took her to arrive. thank the stars, fireflypaw is here, strange but useful and at the very least cordial—he moves forward and investigates brightpaw's wounds, speaks to the thunderclanners. she can't say she herself would like to be the one to do so, but there's nobody else here that seems to want to do anything, except for the thunderclanners, who look mostly like they want to claw dogskip's ears off. "h-howlingstar," she greets, tone not quite questioning but slightly uncertain; fireflypaw's greeting has put to rest her worries that this isn't the thunderclan leader at all.

"thank you for finding her. i, um, i assure you she didn't leave skyclan territory with permission. we've been l-looking for her," she tries to echo fireflypaw, attempting to figure out what exactly to do here—taking initiative in a fraught situation like this is not her strong suit nor her first instinct, but dogskip doesn't seem inclined to and somebody must. the tabby mews hesitantly, "fireflypaw can handle her wounds-" i hope, she thinks nervously, "-and i can go find blazestar, he's a-around here somewhere." perhaps she can locate some other warriors, too, she thinks with a frustrated flick of her ear. regardless, while she doesn't carry the suffix of -paw (or any suffix at all), he is the closest thing to a mentor she has—surely the golden tom was somewhere nearby while she was hunting.

she turns back towards the pines to look for him, half-tail swishing in frustration. she can sort out her feelings about this later.


  • ooc: she left to look for blazestar, but will be back once she can find him :-)
  • nothing here, have a nice day :-)
  • 69139399_py669CBh1zLPqxi.png
    — bobbie
    — she/her ; warrior of skyclan ; 40 ☾s
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — chibi by its_oliverr
    — penned by dejavu

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When Blazestar sees his protégé approach on tentative paws, the glow in his eyes is quickly snuffed. “Brightpaw, on the border,” the string of words enough to cause the skin beneath his fur to burn with fury. “StarClan help us all,” he hisses, his face contorting with dark anger. The third SkyClan cat caught in ThunderClan territory in a very short amount of time—and it’s not only Howlingstar who greets him now, but Burnstorm and Moonpaw, too. The flame point’s jaw is clenched tight enough it’s a miracle his fangs do not shatter like glass.

Stiffly, he extends his courtesies to the ThunderClan leader. “Howlingstar.” He does not speak to his ThunderClan kits—they’ve both made it clear there is no room in their hearts for him, and besides, he cannot find it in him to be anything but angry and exasperated. Brightpaw leans against another cat, her tawny fur stiff with dried blood. She’s tired, in pain, that much is clear, but Blazestar finds it difficult to manage the sympathy she might have expected. “My warrior, Bobbie, speaks the truth. Brightpaw left without her mentor’s knowledge to go traipsing about where she should not have, it seems.

Blazing blue eyes bore into the battered apprentice’s. He strides forward until he towers above her, the fur puffing about his neck and throat. “Have you taken leave of your senses? Are you completely mousebrained? What reason could you possibly have for leaving without your mentor's permission and waltzing through ThunderClan?” His expression is one that rarely creases his features—the outrage he’d worn toward Dawnglare, toward Sharpeye. “You are not a kittypet who does not know the borders. You are a SkyClan apprentice, training to be a warrior. Do you understand why there is no excuse?!” His thick reddish tail lashes behind him. “I want a detailed answer from you now, here where Howlingstar can hear why you were trespassing in her territory!

  • blaise . blazestar
    — he/him ; leader of skyclan
    — pansexual ; divorced ; single
    — longhaired flame point Ragdoll with blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Mercibun
☆ -- | The journey back to the SkyClan border had felt like it had taken forever. Between the small stops that she needed to take and the two cats that walked by her side, Brightpaw felt like a burden. Through the mostly silent walk, however, her tears had dried up and luckily most of the bleeding had stopped, any that was left beginning to and slowing down. Ears had pricked as they had gotten closer to the border, though they soon found themselves pinned to her head once more as she realized that the questioning that she had received when found by the ThunderClanners would be nothing compared to what could happen in her own home, and the sense of dread remained as they soon came to a stop.

She watched and listened as each SkyClanner showed up, eventually finding herself looking down at her paws unable to answer the questions that were thrown her way. They came in quick, only to be shoved aside by other words or being told that it could wait - at least until Blazestar himself showed up. Had Brightpaw had the ability to think ahead instead of simply in the moment, she would have been able to avoid this, would have never gone, but the ability was not one she yet had, and she didn't think things through. When she heard him walking closer she looked up towards him, and tears welled once more. She didn't want pity or sympathy, she just wanted to go home, didn't want more embarrassment than she already had. "I'm sorry." She managed once more, having already said it likely too many times when she had been found before.

Mouth opened for a moment before closing, thoughts rushing through her head as she tried to make sense of her own thoughts before speaking once more, explaining what happened. "I wanted to see the fourtrees, they sounded so cool and I hadn't been yet and I thought I could make it and come back fine cause everyone else was able to every moon, but I couldn't." Voice hitched at the end of her sentence, and she looked down at her paws again, watched as they shuffled slightly before speaking once more, quieter, "I thought I could do it, I really did. I'm sorry."

Twitchbolt had rather a similar reaction to Blazestar upon catching wind of the news, delivered by Bobbie- Brightpaw was found, which was wonderful- but any relief was dampened, spat upon and incinerated by the revelation that she was being flanked by Thunderclanners. ThunderClan, again. What would the forest Clan think of them? Completely incapable idiots who couldn't even wrangle their own apprentices, let alone unruly warriors! It was a disaster, he already knew it- before he even set eyes on the obviously disgruntled Thunderclanners on the border. Oh, and- wonderful, Howlingstar was among them. Peachy, perfect-

The brown-and-white tom vibrated at a frequency rather like a mayfly's wingbeat as he stood amongst his fellow Skyclanners, so twitchy that his eyes struggled to stay narrowed in rage. Brightpaw was clearly upset, clearly hurt- but she was alive, and as long as she was alive she needed to learn from this... this incident. The cocktail of feelings bubbling away within Twitchbolt were reaching their boiling point- Fourtrees. This was all for... "Fourtrees!?"

He had no reason to yell out in place of the leader who was already berating her, and his words caught on themselves as they tumbled from his mouth- but he spat them anyway, his tone frayed with a great, breathless exasperation. "You- you- you're lucky to be alive!" Whatever had attacked her, panicked Thunderclan like this... it probably could have killed her. He hoped to StarClan and everything that was good in the world that she knew that. "You'll have p-p-plenty of opportunities to see Fourtrees. Maybe if you'd asked!" Twitchbolt's hackles raised to an apex, and then flattened, his muscles spasming. She'd learn. He could only hope she'd learn.
penned by pin ✧
  • Wow
Reactions: pikaihao
fight it , or accept it . fear it , or control it .
Shadowfire nearly faceplanted, staring at his apprentice in surprise, maw gaping. That … That was it—? He blinked. Huh. He was relieved, don’t get him wrong. Other than looking worse for wear, amber optics narrowing, scanning the other with a darkening expression, ears swerved, lying flat against his helm.

Yeah. He was pissed that she left without telling him, but he was more pissed that none of them were thinking about getting the mouse-brained apprentice some herbs, or whatever … they did. He glanced oddly at Fireflypaw, lips downturned. “Come on—” He jerked his helm, letting the other lean on him if she needed it. “Think you’ve made enough of a fool for one day.” He commented, not bothering to yell at her even more than the others.

He didn’t see a point in repeating the same thing and she sure as hell looked awful, but seriously, warn a guy before you go gallivanting off because StarClan forbids something happened. Something did happen.

She was still a kid, damnit. Shadowfire huffed. “What happened, exactly? Say—” He mauled it over, nose crinkling. “How you got those wounds of yours?” He rose a brow. “Don’t think that’s something we should be overlooking, huh?”
thought speech
The first to arrive is a cat Howlingstar does not recognize. Even still, she straightens, preparing to explain the apprentice's bloodied state, but this cat seems almost entirely uninterested. She opens her jaws to speak before spotting her grandson's familiar pelt. "Fireflypaw," She trills in acknowledgment, so that he may know she is there. He thanks her profusely before a she-cat shows up, another she does not recognize. Even still, she seems to know who Howlingstar is and graciously thanks the ThunderClanners as well. To say the least, she's at least pleased that ThunderClan isn't being questioned over Brightpaw's state. "We found her in our territory like this. We brought her here as quickly as we could," The tabby explains swiftly.

Finally, the tom she's been waiting for arrives. She tips her chin up to look at him, already feeling the unwelcome feeling of apprehension crawling up her spine. To her relief, he doesn't seem to take the situation lightly at all. He lays into the young apprentice just how careless and reckless her actions were. She has single-handedly turned an already tense relationship between two clans even tenser. "I trust it will be a long time before she sees Fourtrees again," Howlingstar comments, eyes shifting to Blazestar. "Your warrior is right, though. She did say she was attacked there at Fourtrees, but didn't say by who. I can assure you it was no cat from my clan."
Blazestar can see the regret in Brightpaw’s golden eyes, damp with misery, but his anger does not fade. Twitchbolt’s explosion of frustration beside him gives voice to some of that frustration, but Blazestar is silent as his lead warrior admonishes Brightpaw. Shadowfire is here, now, the girl’s mentor, and the Ragdoll sighs ragged and worn. “Shadowfire, take your apprentice to Dawnglare with Fireflypaw’s help. Ensure her wounds are treated. She and I will talk once she is seen to.” He shakes his head, weary, before turning back to Howlingstar.

He nods stiffly at the tabby’s assertion that ThunderClan did not harm her. “I will find out what happened to her. Thank you for taking the time to bring her back to us, Howlingstar. Your kindness will be remembered.” Blazestar gives her a long look, and for a moment, he feels twice as old as he is now—older than the ThunderClan leader standing before him. “My Clan is… changing, Howlingstar, so that the warriors we train learn to respect the warrior code. Brightpaw is young and foolish, but that is no excuse. I apologize for what’s happened today.” He feels so tired, suddenly, so tired that he wonders if he’ll even make it back to camp himself.

  • blaise . blazestar
    — he/him ; leader of skyclan
    — pansexual ; divorced ; single
    — longhaired flame point Ragdoll with blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Mercibun