border i believe you're next ✧ riverclan dusk patrol

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A grating, rambling voice that told tales of grandeur and success of hunting makes Lichentail want to rip her remaining ear off in hopes it might make her deaf (she knows it doesn't work that way but... maybe if StarClan were actually benevolent they'd make it so). Otterpaw drones on and on in an effort to show off to Brookpaw- pale eyes move in a sympathetic glance to her apprentice but she doesn't say anything to stop the chatter. Coyotecreek had to do something to reign in the massive and constantly increasing ego of his apprentice. If she kept having to butt in, she'd actually lose her cool a little.

Gliding along the bank of the river with a practiced alertness, she wonders briefly how Blazestar is managing after the implementation of a new law. What his code means for those apprentices under the proposed age limit, how those young children eager to learn and fight and hunt might feel to have that chance snatched away again. Secretly, she relishes in the timing of it (even if Hazecloud does not), as it means a better chance for her own trio (well.. two trios, really) to avoid a trauma-inspired childhood as long as possible. It meant her babies would be apprenticed in the warmest months of year, when prey is everywhere... when they would not freeze in the snow on patrol like she and her apprentice did now.

She wanders towards the shore, veering away from her accompanying clan-mates to peer into the babbling river for any signs of fish. A slow moving shadow among the ripples suggests something is there and with a carefully, slowly raised paw, she waits for a chance to swipe into the chilly creek and send the fish floundering on the pebbled shore. Thank StarClan... It would help... even if it is just the one meal that her patrol manages to grab while they wander past their neighbors.

"If you see more, don't hesitate to try to catch them," she meows, bending down to sink her teeth into the flopping prey before resuming her parade down the water's path. "We should try to hurry up... the sun's setting, it'll get colder without its light."

-- patrol tags for @brookpaw , @coyotecreek , @otterpaw , @BONERIPPLE

Today was another of many border patrols and of course the warrior had eagerly volunteered. Dogbite trotted near a bundle of tree's brushing past the sparsely lined hill just shy of the embankment. There would be no stone left unturned on his watch even near friendlier territories and with the complexities of the rogue problem he was on high alert. Tail waving low and tattered ears moving in each direction to spot anything out of the ordinary. Of course his keen sense of smell picked up the passing Riverclanner well before his sight had. Glancing off to the border he spotted the deputy expertly swipe and bite into a fish.

His moment of strict focus wavered as he observed with silent fascination. Fishing was something they'd never learned how to accomplish and he'd never seen a Skyclanner attempt it. This was unique to the clan of shimmering coats and added weight during even the cruelest of freezes. A moment of reprieve surely wouldn't be looked down on so long as he continued the task expected of them. Blinking away the awe he gingerly wandered down to the waters edge. Holding up his tail politely and waving quietly as to not disturb their hunt.

  • apprentice tag @LITTLEPAW!
  • ———✧———​
    ✧ LH cinnamon tabby w/high white one blue eye
    ✧ child of npc x npc ; sibling to crescent and bear
    ✧ skyclan warrior ; ex-loner ; mentor to littlepaw
    ✧ 31 moons old ; birthday 07/01 ; ages realistically
    ✧ AFAB ; nonbinary ; he/they
    ✧ pansexual ; polyromantic ; single
    "speech", thought, attack, powerplay
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric
A grating, rambling voice dramatically rattled on and on in regards to his ambitious improvements in hunting. It might not have been anything for the average apprentice, decent at hunting but before Coyotecreek had forced him into focusing on the lack of skill he had, Otterpaw's ability to hunt was as good as a blind badger.

"- Didn't even matter that everyone else was splashing around at nothing, I was able to catch that fish before you could say 'CATFISH COOTIES'! Not like it was hard or anything, but even Coyotecreek didn't catch anything big that day. And then yesterday, I was the first one out river. Before the sun even came up." He clearly left out how he had complained about how not even StarClan could be awake at that hour. "I didn't leave the water until practically sundown, out in the cold but it wasn't all that bad. If this is really as bad as leaf-bare gets I think I'll be just fine."

The border to SkyClan approached his senses and on instinct his lip curled to reveal a single fang. Lichentail so expertly showed her skill in the presence of their border-neighbor, Otterpaw is smart enough not to attempt after his talk of game. He could see them, scales flickering beneath the surface so clearly but the risk of embarrassing himself in front of Brookpaw held him back.

"Maybe we should fish together more, Brookpaw. Would be easier looking at the water when I get to see your reflection, too." Otterpaw said smoothly before picking up the pace to catch up to his mentors side. ​
  • Dead
Reactions: lichenstar
Otterpaw is her friend, Otterpaw is her friend, Otterpaw is -

Quickly finding himself dropping down the friendship ladder. It's all metaphorical, of course, and maybe in a few days she'll tolerate his nonsense again - but today she's just not for it. Maybe it's because of the chill, or because she's in her final hours as an apprentice and trying not to detest every second. Regardless, Brookpaw zones out as they trot alongside the SkyClan border. She spies some cats across the way, each quiet and polite, and she returns the notion.

Otterpaw speaks and finally recaptures her attention, surprise settling in her eyes. "Huh...?" a beat, and she quirks a smirk, "Catch something big enough for the whole nursery, Otterpaw, and I'll save you a spot on my first hunting patrol as a warrior," if he was going to talk big, he was going to have to put the prey where his mouth is.​
  • Nervous
Reactions: otterbite


In a similar fashion to Dogbite, Johnnyflame signaled to his apprentice to not disturb the hunt going on as their little patrol approached. "Can't say I envy the wet paws at this time of year, but the techniques impressive all the same." he chuckled as he bumped Glimmerpaws shoulder good-naturedly. To be honest if the river wasn't off-limits s Riverclans hunting grounds, the bobtail would probably try his luck with it himself when the weather was nicer. Why not? He didn't mind a little swim every now and again- so long as the wind wasn't cold enough to freeze his whiskers off.

OOC- @Glimmerpaw
