border I belong where ever I want to be || Rogue stealing prey!


Feb 26, 2024

✧ . Tail high, eyes narrowed, the molly watched her prey. A small frog. The sight of it churned her stomach - but the thought of losing it hurt even more. She'd traveled for quite some time now. Her paw pads hard grown hard and her stomach empty of the kibble her house-folk would provide. The thought of them, their treats and pets and warmth were gone now. She didn't care to wallow in the loss. Not when there was work to be done.
Paws shifted, her lips curling in disgust. The ground here was wet. Wetter then normal and so gross the mere feeling of it had been enough to cost her prey in the past. She swore it stuck to her, poisoned the air she breathed. But the other territories had prey that was to fast. Rabbits, long mutated mice with dog eyes, seemed to know where she was at all times. She'd only seen one while hunting for them - she couldn't waste her time with them anymore. Her stomach growled. I know.
The frog moved - something between a jump and a walk. A waddle? It didn't matter, it's back was to her now. And she seized the moment, muscles bunching and pulling, aiming the lethal weapons of her paws towards the animal.
And - she missed. Paw meet mud, empty of food. She buckled. Face in the dirt with nothing more then a soft sigh of the earth and a ringing headache. Pathetic.
She took a beat, eyeing the surviving frog hop away - at a mild pace mind you, like she wasn't even a threat - before sitting up. Tail lashing, the molly looked around suspiciously before attempting to clean her face. Her stomach continued to rumble like a monster. ​
  • // Silly stinky mom :) Feel free to be mean to her, she is just stealing prey.
  • e6094b3d655de521729634da3d920483.jpg
    ANWIR AFAB. She/ Her. Rogue. Former showcat.
    ✧ . Long haired brown molly with low white and amber eyes.
    ✧ . NPC x NPC; Mother to Sorrelsong, Duskpool, Shadowfire, Smokefang, and Outlaw
    ✧ . Mentored by NONE ;
    ✧ . Peaceful and healing powerplay permitted!
    ✧ . Penned by Keeekeeey@Milksoda on discord, feel free to dm for plots!
    ✧ . " Speech " ; Attack
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જ➶ With the temperament of the clan everyone is on edge. If anything pulls any tighter they fear that something will snap. Like the shattering of glass, fracturing their home more than it needs to. But this, seeing a scene of someone upon their territory and attempting to take the precious food from out of their mouths sets them on edge. Their off gaze is watching from the shadows of the darkened marsh, claws pressing firmly againsy the ground. When the other basically eats dirt they feelna smile try to twitch at their maw. How silly that she can not catch a frog. With a sudden movement the feline's sleek frame darts from the cover of where they were hiding. Claws outstretched and they aim to collide with the intruder. Their paws back legs attempt to press hard against the molly's stomach before they try to force her to the ground and pin her down.

Stealth is their game and they curl their muzzle, a snarl leaving their throat as they narrow their gaze. "I'm really curious as to what you think you are doing. Was it not clear that this territory is occupied? The border simply reeks." Their tone is low, like rumbling earth as they keep their sights on this rogue.

✧ . "I'm really curious as to what you think you are doing. Was it not clear that this territory is occupied? The border simply reeks."
Claws. Fear runs through her like a river. She didn't have time to react to the cat - just simple submission to each move they made. She was no match - she couldn't be. Who are you? She hadn't smelled them. Hadn't seen them. She was completely at their mercy. She didn't even know there were other cats around!
A soft wail worms it's way out of her. Tears build in her eyes. Oh, this hurts, far more then the hunger.
" I-I'm sorry! " She nearly chokes on the words. " Pity please! Pity! I thought it was just the mud! "

The gunk she speaks of tangles in her locks, nearly touching her skin now. Panic wails in her chest. " Please! I am a mother! "
  • //
  • e6094b3d655de521729634da3d920483.jpg
    ANWIR AFAB. She/ Her. Rogue. Former showcat.
    ✧ . Long haired brown molly with low white and amber eyes.
    ✧ . NPC x NPC; Mother to Sorrelsong, Duskpool, Shadowfire, Smokefang, and Outlaw
    ✧ . Mentored by NONE ;
    ✧ . Peaceful and healing powerplay permitted!
    ✧ . Penned by Keeekeeey@Milksoda on discord, feel free to dm for plots!
    ✧ . " Speech " ; Attack
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⚛︎₊˚‧ Amberhaze would finish what the unfamiliar molly had started, perhaps purely out of instinct rather than genuine desire, his drive to catch anything that moved a program that ran deep into the very core of his brain. Whatever the reason, the fleeing frog would soon find itself ensnared in the claws of defeat shortly after it's initial predators fumble, Amberhaze's gangly frame nothing more than a fleeting shadow amidst the brush as he pounced to make quick work of what he thought was a relatively easy catch. As he made his way back with the limp creature dangling from quivering jaws, it was made clear that his companion had found some prey of his own in the form of something much bigger...and much louder. The poor she-cat was a wreck, pleading for mercy with palpitating desperation that caused Amberhaze's ivory unguis to pierce the slick peat that cooled his pads. It was grating, like the shriek of a rat from the carrionplace after being pushed from scrap heap dens to partake in mass slaughter.

She did not seem to match up to any particular lifestyle that Amberhaze could describe- her features, although stereotypically beautiful, had long since been worn down by the ruthless maw of the harsher world, like that of a loner or perhaps a rogue. But she did not carry the spirit of one, the way she floundered with damp eyes beneath the hefty grip of Thrasherthroat a testament to what could be assumed to be quite the easy lifestyle. She insisted she should be spared for her status of 'mother,' and yet he saw no offspring. Quite the mystery this specimen was, and his curiosity never could remain locked away for very long.

"Hey, uh...L-Let her go, man. She can't even catch a uh- a frog..." He allowed the aforementioned frog to drop from his jaws as he spoke to ensure his voice carried clearly across the still air, though he placed his body protectively over it on the off chance something or someone wanted to try their luck in snatching it from beneath him when he was unaware. "...She doesn't have the strength to go far. I-If she tries to- uh- to run, I mean." His attempt to reason with Thrasherthroat was a feeble one, but he figured there was some truth in it, it took little in the way of perception to come to the conclusion this queen was unfit for much of anything as a result of thirst and a starving belly. Any strength she could spare had surely been wasted on a futile outburst and a sorry attempt at feeding herself.

"What's your name?" Amberhaze addressed her then, his ochre eyes bearing down into her with disconcerting intensity, the way they widened so that the red rim of their fleshy innards an uncomfortable sight to return. They seemed almost...fake, like there was no soul there.
 ° . ⚠︎ . ° 
  • ooc:
  • whaddahaell3.png
    a short but lengthy black cat with a boney build and striking ocher eyes filled with unveiled trepidation. black oriental shorthair.
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[ ༻❄༺ ] The pale tom was next to come from the brushes, mud staining his pale fur before yellow eyes fluttered coldly onto the pinned molly while he tilted his head. Looking from Thrasherthroat and then to Amberhaze who sought to give the rogue mercy. Yet they never once had given any of their own warriors mercy when they decided to see Shadowclan's territory as free-roaming land and made a soft 'tch' noise as he came to stand near the other warrior and to look at the molly. "If you were a mother, where are your kits?" he stated a bit plainly before sitting himself down near the older warriors. Thrasherthroat was doing what he was trained to do.

"But she does seem harmless... weak even, so I suppose we should just let her go" he placed calmly. Unless Mirepurr or one of their lead warriors came along to suggest otherwise, the rogue was outnumbered and saw through to the mistake that they had made so... the least they could do was let the molly go, if anything, Skyclan would show some level of mercy and take her in their ranks. If she got that far that is. She learned her lesson from trespassing on Shadowclan's land, she wouldn't try to come back around once more after this little reaction.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowlark He/Him, warrior of Shadowclan, 13 moons.
    Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


✧ .
A shutter later, more appear. More. More cats - more then she'd seen outside of the limelight. Like ghosts they appear in her peripheral vision.
Questions. They have so many questions - half of them she strains to hear over the sound of her heart. They share looks between them, but the she really only hones in on their pelts. Clean - though lacking the shine that hers once had - and well-taken care of. Their stomachs looked full - one even catching then ignoring her would-be prey. Diluted anger hangs on her fangs like saliva. Weak. They call her weak. She was, wasn't she.
" They're gone. " Her voice shakes. " Taken from me by two legs. Are you - are you parents? I', looking for them. They'd have -uhm, different names now then the ones my mate and I gave them. "
They weren't wrong, she didn't have much strength left. Certainly not enough to run away from three cats, she found herself doubting if she could even bat them off, much less fight.
" I-if you could just point me in the right direction... "
  • //
  • e6094b3d655de521729634da3d920483.jpg
    ANWIR AFAB. She/ Her. Rogue. Former showcat.
    ✧ . Long haired brown molly with low white and amber eyes.
    ✧ . NPC x NPC; Mother to Sorrelsong, Duskpool, Shadowfire, Smokefang, and Outlaw
    ✧ . Mentored by NONE ;
    ✧ . Peaceful and healing powerplay permitted!
    ✧ . Penned by Keeekeeey@Milksoda on discord, feel free to dm for plots!
    ✧ . " Speech " ; Attack

He did not say a word. For he had not much to speak on the subject. The rogue was hungry, he understood, but she would be stealing from their children, their sick, and that- he knew he'd have to one day take the stance to try to get them away. To protect what was theirs.

The shadow cloaked warrior was hesitant, a small grimace forming on his face, but an idea struck him. A brilliant one at that. Blue eyes did not show unkindness, rather, empathy.

He'd lean in a bit closer to his patrol members, his voice quiet. "Maybe .. I can take her on the outskirts of the borders... To the twolegplace..." He said softly, whiskers twitching slightly. "Along the way there and back, I can search for any scents of smogstar- I won't be trespassing borders or causing a scene." His tone was a promise, assuring his clanmates of this. It got the molly closer to hopefully where her children were, and away from them. Then gave him the opportunity to try and find Smogstars scent. Two birds with one stone.

He'd even hunt for her outside of their borders so she can get a bite to eat. Not that he wanted to expend the energy on that- his main goal was to pick up any scents he could on their missing leader.


They wished that they weren't so suspicious but given the state of ShadowClan's history with rogues they couldn't really help it. It all seemed convenient, to magically manifest children that you're supposedly looking for just because you were caught stealing prey. Would such understanding and kindness be given to other clans if they tried this? Or maybe other rogues? There's a scowl in their expression as they approach, uncharacteristic for such an easy going cat. Smogstar wouldn't be so kind about this, at least they presume he wouldn't be due to that rather harsh policy he implemented regarding their borders. Would he have just ordered her to leave? would claws be unsheathed? They suppose they'll never know now what would happen to rogues who tried this during his reign, was it still technically his reign if Mirepurr doesn't have their lives yet? Shriketalon decides to operate in that way, their own history with rogues did not operate in this strangers favour. Whatever bait she seemed to laying out for the clan their clanmates seem to fall for it with ease.

What if being so weak was just an act? It would be the smart thing to do when outnumbered like this. Shriketalon inwardly grimaces at the horrors that may await whatever cat falls for it, as such they can only stare at Sparrowheart's kind offer. They could excuse Thrasherthroat's warning and Snowlark's scrutiny. Amberhaze they weren't too sure of, given the kindness of pity so quickly but they could sense there was some sense of stratergy behind it. Whatever Sparrowheart was doing just seemed... idiotically kind, foolish even. "No way! You're not going to go by yourself, it's too dangerous" They know they don't hold authority over the situation but they were stubborn and insistent enough to insert themself into demands anyways. The black and white cat can only look to the stranger warily, even if she didn't strike someone else might.

"Let me come with you, or at least someone else. Going alone might get yourself killed" they jump at the chance to be some sort of false shield if the situation called for it. They hope that maybe a council member might weigh in, this all seemed a little murky under this era of uncertainty. Some form of guidance would be appreciated.

  • Love
Reactions: Deidre

The woman's eyes narrow as she watches her clanmates discuss how to proceed, with Thrasherthroat seeming to be the only logical one here. "You think we don't have kits of our own to fuss over?" The inquiry comes as she steps forward, ensuring that her presence is known. Even Snowlark has a point, that she claimed to be a mother, but there was no clear sign of her children anywhere near. How do we know she's being honest? How do we know this isn't a plan to get more of our clanmates killed or injured? "I say we send her on her way.... with a reminder not to cross into our territory again." She shakes her head lowly before continuing. "Stealing prey isn't to be ignored. Even if she's pathetic enough to be unable to hunt for herself." Eyebrows raise in disgust with the thought as Salamandersnap looks at the rouge. They weren't just going to let her get away with this were they?

  • ooc. — ic opinions !! <3​
    ↪ salamandersnap / cisgender female (she/her)
    ↪ 24 moons / ages realistically on the 19th
    ↪ shadowclan warrior
    ↪ lh black smoke
    ↪ "speech" / thoughts
    ↪ peaceful/healing actions may be powerplayed / attack in underline & @/account
    ↪ note: all thoughts/actions are based off ic opinions only !!
    ↪ penned by halimede

✧ .
The air becomes thick, heavy with tension and cats and fear-scent. Her skip from figure to figure as she fights her tensing muscles. She has deeply offended them, and worse, her pelt is soaked now. No, that shouldn’t be her main worry she knows, but some habits die hard. She hopes she will not follow.
" I-if you could just point me in the right direction... " she meows again, her head beginning to fog. Could her kits be this hostile? " I would welcome the opportunity to leave your territory- I did not think anyone was out here. I did not think- you had kits, I’m sorry. Pity please! " her words were more formal, a stress induced vocabulary pressing against her chest. She found a sharp thought lodged into her helm, and stores it away for thought later - which she is hopeful for. She might get time to consider that thought if the cats are kind enough, and some seem to be. She turns to the kinder cats, trying her best to appeal to them.

" I would like to repay the trouble I’ve caused if possible. I cannot hunt as well as you, but I would be happy to leave your territory and not return. My kits might be in a group similar to yours, if so, and if I am able to join them, I would be more then happy to repay with prey. Please, I meant nothing by this. Haven’t you made mistakes in your past? [/outline] "
