private I bet on losing dogs ♡ Nightbird

Mar 30, 2024
*+:。.。 "Nightbird"

He speaks with the softness of one who wishes not to be heard, and yet despite the moss in his mouth, it's still unbearably loud in his ears. It feels like a whole other life since their conversation in this very den, talking about a future where Wrath-howl could somehow climb the ranks and earn the respect of his clan enough to deserve the rank of a lead warrior. He feels like that life was shoved into the river alongside...Wrath-howl sighs, dropping the moss onto the ground with a wet squish. He cringes at the association between soaked moss and a drowned leader, but he doesn't let himself hide away from the memory.

The killer knows his place, he promises he does. A part of him almost wants to vocalize it as he passes the wet moss towards Nightbird, ensuring the queen and her kits beat this scorching green-leaf heat - the same merciless color as their new leader's eyes. Perhaps if he tells Nightbird that he understands there's no use in apologies, the woman will somehow find it in herself to forgive him nonetheless? Praise him for his self-awareness, pat him on the head, and tell him that the guilt he feels is punishment enough and it's okay.
He wants so desperately for the lead warrior he'd scorned to tell him it'll be ok.

"'ll be okay" he finds himself meowing, almost dizzily as the wires don't quite cross correctly in his thoughts. He pushes onwards anyway, robotically pawing at the nests as he prepares to clean them up- prepares to make his escape in the guise of doing chores - "O-once Skyclaw...." the promise dies a premature death before it can so much as breathe. Once Skyclaw...what? Finds his footing? As if all the cruelties the man has done and put Thunderclan through were but only the clumsy stumbles of a sympathetic gentleman struggling with growing pains in his new rank? That, after Skyclaw somehow "settles" into the role, things will get better? That Antler...that Fallowbite's sisters and the new warriors will grow accustomed to their blasphemous names and find the joy in them as well as the rest of the clan might with the loss of their kitty-pet brethren and the lives lost - taken?!

"Things will get better" he tells the woman he knows wouldn't fall for such a bare-faced lie, unsure if he's foolish enough to actually think she'll believe it or just hopes so badly it'll be true he can't stop repeating it aloud?
True...true...when has anything true ever been clear to Wrath-howl?

"It has to" he digs his claws deep into the mossy nest that smells of milk and kitten down and thinks with a painful twinge about Gentlestorm's prediction. Somehow, in some way, Wrath-howl has to make it better. But aside from weakly clawing at moss and throwing empty reassurances to a woman who would rather see him pushed into a river, he isn't quite sure how.

  • //don't let the length fool you I'm so sorry this is also rushed aughhh

    DMAB— He/Him
    10 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Brother to Lovelight, Joywing, Laughblossom || Pridepaw, Merrypaw
    Thunderclan — apprentice
    Mentored by Wildheart

    Physically mediocre | mentally very easy
    Attack in bold #4a59ff
    injuries: None currently , mentally unwell
  • Crying
Reactions: vayle
⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ hidden in the nursery, children sleep to avoid the sweltering heat. it is busier now, three more kittens placed at tansyshine's flank. they had only known brutality, from what nightbird had heard. how cruel it was that they were promised peace only to face violence again.

the queen couldn't tell if her own litter was more or less fortunate. they knew only warmth, shared tender moments with a grandmother who looked at them as if stars embedded themselves in familiar tabby swirls. they should have had more time. that was stolen from them, torn out from their destinies by the claws of corruption. and now, one of these pretenders dares to show face, to drop sodden moss at her feet as if it would douse the fire crawling up her throat.

once again, she was proved wrong. and for a moment she feels a pang in her ribs. grief for the warrior who could have been, the one who didn't wear a mockery of a noble leader in his name. it isn't strong enough to placate her, nor are the soft promises of which he spews. nightbird's tongue runs across her teeth. she had kept her head down. raccoonstripe's strained plea pushes to the forefront of her mind, 'don't give them a reason to hurt you.' nightbird had never seen him so resigned. something vengeful tears through her chest all over again.

"it has to? why. so you can cleanse your guilt- so it wasn't all for nothing?" she'd make sure it was even if she spent her dying breath doing so. the queen lets out a bitter sound, somewhere between a scoff and a sigh, watches him carefully before continuing. alone, wrathhowl was no threat. his crimes had been committed with help, someone to diffuse the blame. he wasn't strong enough to bare the weight on his own.

"the nerve you have to show face here, where my children grieve what you took from them." nightbird pushes herself to sit, eyes lingering on the way he anxiously shreds the soft moss of a nest. good. her own flex under paw, tail tapping at a steady rhythm. "you're lucky they are here. you're lucky that there is something stopping me from returning the favor." it's a threat she'd follow through on if given the chance. if wrathhowl ran off to skyclaw and cried like the coward he was, she'd continue following through on it until thunderclan was cleansed of this evil. and the look in her eye dares him to retaliate, to give the vile creature lurking the space to rear its head.

she wants a reason to stain her paws red, but wouldn't dare land the first strike. as a warrior, she may not be so hesitant. but as a queen, a mate, she owed it to her family to show some semblance of restraint, even if it was fleeting.
  • ooc ↛
  • NIGHTBIRD she/her, lead warrior of thunderclan, 36 ☾'s
    a small black smoke molly with a white paw and pale silver eyes. currently a queen residing in the nursery.
    mate to raccoonstripe / / currently mentoring none.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
*+:。.。 Wrath-howl had learned quickly after interacting with Gentlestorm that he was owed nothing.
Perhaps he should've learned that even sooner. After all, what had he provided Thunderclan before he took so much? He'd thought the exhaustion in his paws was more than enough; that the hunger in his stomach paid for his worth, surpassing his value above those with kitty-pet history. Hindsight is a hawk's eye, isn't it? Even so, the part of him that refuses to accept he no longer deserves basic love and kindness still leaves him flinching when Nightbird greets him with a snap. Words materialize into claws that dig deep into his cranium, snapping his head - and eyes - towards reality without mercy.
He accepts it.

"Yeah" The word drops from his lip like a heavy stone upon a muggy lake, doing nothing to ease his burdens. Like striking her claw straight through a beetle's wing mid-flight, he won't deny her accuracy, although the reminder of how wrong he is still left him feeling shaky. He sighs, the energy leaving him as though the tail end of his soul tickles the tip of his tongue, "I really did think I was making things better" Words tasting like bile he digs his claws deep into the moss as though it's marbled brown fur - dusky grey only a moment earlier - he wonders when he finally figured out that it wasn't. Probably when Pebblestep stopped moving.
There had been so much time between then and Howlingstar for him to act on that newfound realization.
There had been even more time before then when he'd first been relayed Skyclaw's plan.
There'd been so, so much time...

The killer flinches bodily, nearly tripping backward, when Nightbird mentions her kits. As quickly as he can, he snatches his gaze away from Nightbird's nest and the rest around her, before he can search for the kits she mentions. The kits he's betrayed. Bayingkit, Twilightkit...growing up without a grandmother - will they forget her, because of him? His mouth tastes like sand.
Nightbird continues, and though her threats shake him to the core - to think a clanmate he'd grown up with would speak with such detestation for his life...he knows, he knows he has no right to feel betrayed. This is what Pebblestep must've felt like, after all. But Pebblestep, unlike Wrath-howl, was given no mercy.

"I'm sorry" he chokes out, before snapping his mouth shut. He can't bring himself to look at her, he knows what he'll see and he...he isn't sure if he ought to look anyway, accept his punishments as small as they are compared to what he truly deserves but...but damn it he can't, he just can't! His eyes sting, his throat clenches, and he still can't help but think of himself as a kitten. Starclan, he wishes he could go back and be a dumb kitten again.

Still, he quickly amends, "f...for coming. I know I'm - that you - this isn't...I'm still an apprentice and" he struggles to explain, to change the subject from what he truly wishes forgiveness for - for what he has less than any right to speak of- so he asks for forgiveness for the lesser of his crimes, "Skyclaw is keeping the other apprentices busy so I - I thought I...I still want to help" he looks at the soaked moss, then returns his focus to the bedding he's still gathering.

Quickly, the killer resumes his work, clawing long strips out of the nest until he knows he can't hold anything left. "Ill have another apprentice finish the job" he says, rolling the moss he did gather into a larger than average ball, "I'm..." he looks at the milk-scented bedding, at the uncovered earth scored by a million current and ancient kitten claws, at the universe as a whole, ever-expanding, marching along into a picture of his design - because this was his design. His choices shape the future from henceforth, and for as much as he cowers at the consequences of it all, he knows, ultimately, the ones suffering the greatest...are those who can't join their paws in the weaving of that tapestry.

Wrath-howl deserves nothing.

With his tail, he sweeps at a divot he'd left in the dirt, before looking up, finally, to meet Nightbird's eye. "I'm sorry" he tells her. For not finishing the moss-collecting job. For doing this job. For killing Howlingstar and Pebblestep. For betraying you. For still wanting more. For - for -

"For everything."

He doesn't deserve forgiveness, so he won't ask for it.
But even so...the guilty should always apologize. Infinitesimally small punishments, after all.

    DMAB— He/Him
    10 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Brother to Lovelight, Joywing, Laughblossom || Pridepaw, Merrypaw
    Thunderclan — apprentice
    Mentored by Wildheart

    Physically mediocre | mentally very easy
    Attack in bold #4a59ff
    injuries: None currently , mentally unwell