i can be just what you want / apricotflower

  • CKRBhHS.png
    shoutout to me forgetting everything that goes in here

    gender: cisgender female ; she/her ; most comfortable with feminine pronouns and terms.
    orientation: pansexual panromantic
    rank: permaqueen of riverclan / formerly warrior of riverclan
    affiliation: riverclan (born prior to the clans) ; relatively loyal to riverclan. has little aspiration to venture outside of her home, but thinks the constant defensiveness of the borders is a bit much.
    age: 45 moons ; created on 29/11/2022 at 24 moons / ages realistically every 24th

    last updated september 7, 2024 | penned by mercibun​
  • CKRBhHS.png
    an average-sized domestic longhair. surprisingly lean under all of her fur- can fit through smaller spaces than expected. because of this, often has burrs or twigs caught in her pelt. slouches slightly so that she doesn't stand out. nearly all of her lilac patches are actually covered by her white spotting, save for a fleck on her tail. the cream you can see is on the back of her head, a flower-shaped patch on her rump, and a large spot on her tail. warm yellow-gold eyes, a pink nose and pawpads. shuffles her paws when standing still. smells like river-soil, milk and moss.

    toyhouse // a fluffy white-and-cream molly with golden eyes.
    — lh lilac tortoiseshell w/ high white (carrying cinnamon, point)


    — always in motion, often gestures using her tail.
    — paces when she's thinking.

    claw-scar, left shoulder. gained when
  • CKRBhHS.png
    stuff and things

    deep dive: sheepish, kind, has high standards for herself but is incredibly understanding when let down by others. was quite relieved to find out she was pregnant, as it meant she could take a break from warrior life and not stress about her confidence issues. has settled into the life of a permaqueen. slightly jealous of her clanmates who have found love already, but finds it hard to distinguish between platonic and romantic love. lacks self awareness. enjoys swimming. stubborn as all hell. quite sweet, especially towards kits.

    morals: order of priority is kin > herself > clan > starclan.

    on the warrior code:
  • ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ — strength (+3)
    ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆ — dexterity (+0)
    ★★★★★★★★☆☆ — endurance (+3)
    ★★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆ — hunting (-1)
    ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆ — fighting (+1)
    ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ — swimming (+2)———
    + good swimmer
    - den weaving
    - hunting

    won’t start fights / will end fights
    will flee / will show mercy
    will defend an ally / won’t forge ahead

    — attacks are underlined and relevant posts will tag the characters being fought.
    — peaceful powerplay (nudges, background cameos, etc) and healing powerplay are allowed unless otherwise noted. if you aren't sure, feel free to ask!
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    ALICE xx HEAVY STONE ; gen 2 | family tree

    — raised by both parents, with heavy stone a permanent member of skyclan and with alice visiting regularly.
    — littermate to orangestar, applefrost
    — older sister to honeysplash, cloudberrythorn, blueberrybounce


    ─ always open to platonic relationships.

    children: robinheart, undetermined x3

    — mentoring none / mentored none
    — mentored by beesong prior to clans


    close friends with:
    notable friends:
    notable enemies:
  • ▶ SONG, artist
  • old bios:

    pinboard: link
    motifs include

    faceclaims / theme weeks:

    naming list: (dependant on active / census'd characters)
    — reminds her of riverclan: creek-kit, shorekit, rushingkit, reedkit, fishkit, stonekit, duck-kit, goosekit
    — appearance: brindlekit, leafkit, twinklekit (torties); firekit, brightkit, daykit (red/cream); dustkit, pebblekit (lilac)
    — after others: honeykit (beesong), dappledkit (alice), snakekit (snakeblink, will not do this lucidly)
    will not give fruit names; give the same name as a windclanner she knows; name directly after a clanmate, living or dead.