i can hardly see the moon // foxglare

A new mentor.

The prospect was absolutely terrifying.

Sunlitpaw's previous mentor, the one that had taken them from Wolfsong's den and introduced them first to Clan life in it's entirety, was one of the cats that had bared his fangs at their father and fiercely declared loyalty for Sootstar. They did not train often at all, at random intervals whenever Thornrunner got around to them. But when they did train, it was tough. Lots of little nicks and cuts, being expected to figure it out the hard way. That if Sunlitpaw couldn't figure out how to protect themselves, they'd just keep getting picked at. They never had the courage to ask any of their littermates if they had a similar experience with their own - they recalled Bluepool holding down a rabbit for Featherpaw to kill, shortly after they had all entered apprenticehood. That must not have been an easy entrance to tutelage. Similarly, Sunlitpaw could not imagine Rivepaw had an easy time with Snakehiss, especially with how she had also been swiftly reassigned off of the cat that had at one time so ardently supported Sootstar.

Sunlitpaw had not gone out of their way to touch noses with Foxglare upon their reassignment, too busy compartmentalizing the loss of their father from Sunstride to Sunstar, many steps above them while Sunlitpaw was teetering on an edge of disappointing the strongest cat in all of WindClan. Too busy worrying about what their future with Foxglare would spell, about how all of her flaws would be pulled out from her and laid at his feet to fix. What if they just... weren't meant to be? What if Sunlitpaw was too much of a failure, what if Sunlitpaw couldn't perform to Foxglare's expectations? The idea made the apprentice tremble, although they tried their best to hide it where they sat next to the camp's entrance. They had woken up early for this - their nerves did not let them sleep long, drifting in and out until deciding to pull themselves up as the sun sat low in the horizon. Whenever Foxglare was ready, Sunlitpaw would also be ready. They wanted so badly to make a good first impression, to make Foxglare like her and maybe even go a bit easy on her. Her paws knead the well-trodden snow, feathery tail wrapped tight around them to hide the antsy movements.

Red and white moves in her peripheral, and Sunlitpaw straightens her posture as her eyes swivel to fix in on Foxglare. Her paws stop kneading, toes trembling too intensely to move with the dexterity needed to churn the snow. Their heart beat hard against their ribcage, staggering their breathing. Oh, please, please StarClan let Foxglare be kind. Let Foxglare be patient. Let Foxglare be... be... good.
  • *

    they / she, moor-runner apprentice of windclan. mentored by foxglare
    a large yet timid chocolate tabby-tortoiseshell with spring green eyes
    sunstar x wolfsong, sibling to rivepaw, bearpaw, singedpaw, & featherpaw
    full length tags
    penned by izanami, contact on discord @nullmoons for plots or threads :)
⁀➷ Foxglare neither, had remembered to touch noses with his new apprentice, embarrassingly enough. He had... forgotten about that aspect of the ceremony in the rush of the moment, busy wrapping his head around the weight of his bestowed responsibility and the trust he now bore from their leader to guide and protect one of his own children. Also, it had been... quite a few moons since they'd had an "official" type meeting... Well, he hoped his brief slip-up did not forebode any ongoing themes in his training of Sunlitpaw.

He was surprised to see that the apprentice was already awake when he arose with the light of dawn. "Hope you weren't waitin' too long," The tom said as he padded up to them. Were they just an early riser, or were they just eager to get started with training? He straightened a little, hoping not to temper down her seemingly enthusiastic approach to early-morning training sessions. "Let's get goin', then."

He would allow a (hopefully) comfortable silence to sit between them as they exited and made their gradual way toward the training grounds, but he did want to touch on a few things before just jumping in. Sunlitpaw had a previous mentor, he knew. A loyalist, likely a sharp-clawed power-salivater or a dimwitted victim of Sootstar's cult of personality. His own former mentor was a turn-claw as well, and though Shalestripe's bestowed roguish combat prowess served Foxglare well enough in his arsenal of knowledge, he was not surprised that his leaf-thin moral integrity led to him becoming one of the former tyrant's snapping dogs. He hoped that Sunlitpaw hadn't been too swayed by any of the sycophantic drivel that likely wormed into her ears at one point or another. If he had one goal going forward with their training, it would be that Sunlitpaw would be able to stand upright on her own four paws when their clan needed her to.

"So," Foxglare broke the silence after a few minutes, "What would you say you're best at, and what do you gotta work on?'

A straightforward pair of questions, perhaps his ever-narrowed glint of eyes would suggest he had some trick to be pulled from their answer, but in reality, the questions were asked in earnest. He mostly just wanted to gauge the apprentice's self-awareness, and get a clearer sense of where they needed to start.

  • OOC:
  • sun . fox . foxpaw . foxglare
    — he/him. 15mo moor-runner of windclan. currently mentoring sunlitpaw.
    — a large, scarred white and golden tabby tom with grey eyes
    — smells like dewy oak and sedge
    — sounds like leon kennedy, with a vague texan drawl.
    — the straight-faced and taciturn adopted son of houndthistle, lived as a twolegplace loner until 7 moons old, now a moor-runner of windclan. steadfast and reserved, in an era of attempting to forge bonds with others and create a future to look toward.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — fullbody and chibi by antiigone
    — penned by eezy
Foxglare speaks softly, speaks to her straightforward. Sunlitpaw is caught off-guard by the candor, blinking in silence as they wrack their mind for a response. He slips past them, beckons them on, and Sunlitpaw quickly rises to their paws. "N-no, not waiting," they stutter, struggling to find anything further than a placating acknowledgement. Foxglare beckons them onward, and Sunlitpaw answers swiftly to the command. "Coming," they murmur, trembling paws falling into step behind much more experienced ones. Sunlitpaw is deeply grateful Foxglare leads the way, isn't casting a shadow over her own steps and watching her their entire journey.

She expects something more from Foxglare, something else, something that isn't just a quiet between them. But silence with Foxglare feels... a bit different, but the sun-dappled apprentice can't parse if the difference is a good or bad thing. They were used to not being addressed directly - their previous mentor had much more pressing matters than answering a smattering of questions from the (at the time) newly-apprenticed Sunlitpaw. They don't expect much more from Foxglare - that's their entire experience, after all. She didn't nestle into other apprentices and ask them of their own experiences, didn't try to compare mentors or training. Although, a large part of Sunlitpaw held their tongue likely because they knew they'd be disappointed by what they heard. Envious, sad. Sunlitpaw instead settled into what she knew best; she followed quietly, questions buzzing between her ears but dead on her tongue. She offered sweet, simple little words that would make Foxglare happy enough to move on.

Foxglare breaks their silence, and Sunlitpaw's ears perk forward to catch the words. They're expecting a command, they're expecting to have to prove themselves or show off a skill - but... no, Foxglare sidesteps another expectation of theirs. Fern green eyes blink rapidly again, chewing over what they could say in a way that would make Foxglare happy. But having to admit a flaw... Sunlitpaw had many, many, enough to line her nest thrice over, but to bear them to her mentor was horribly daunting. They knew what would come after this. They knew they would be put to the test, forced to prove their words.

"Um..." Sunlitpaw's brows furrow slightly, swaying their head from side to side nervously as they dodge looking directly at Foxglare. They wanted to be honest, they want to learn and sharpen their dull and underdeveloped skills, but it was almost outweighed by the desire to not be a massive disappointment to their freshly assigned mentor. "I'm good with... my paws..." They muse quietly. Sunlitpaw feels as though they would've been better off as a tunneller, had their size not been so inadequate. They were deft with their paws, dexterous and patient with things such as repairing the camp walls and weaving grass. Sunlitpaw omit those details - Foxglare would have no use of an apprentice who just wanted to braid all day. "And hunting, I'm a good hunter..." They include, to not sound like a total loser. While lots of their prey slipped between their paws, Sunlitpaw's patience and dappled fur lent well to creeping after mice and birds. She was not brave enough to chase a hare just yet.

"I'm bad at..." Sunlitpaw stalls. Everything, she wants to say, but nothing comes out instead. Yet another disappointing answer. They were afraid of this truth the most. The source of all their problems. But... well... maybe Foxglare could help, pick up what Thornrunner had left. Terrified or not, fearful or not, there was only one way to learn... right? "... FIghting. I can't." They choose to not elaborate on their own failures and shortcomings that time, turning their head to the side to look across the moorland. As far away as they could from Foxglare.
  • *

    they / she, moor-runner apprentice of windclan. mentored by foxglare
    a large yet timid chocolate tabby-tortoiseshell with spring green eyes
    sunstar x wolfsong, sibling to rivepaw, bearpaw, singedpaw, & featherpaw
    full length tags
    penned by izanami, contact on discord @nullmoons for plots or threads :)