I CAN LIFT A CAR UP || "fishing"

ᓚᘏᗢ When Ratkit woke up that morning she had decided that she wanted to try to be useful, and what better way to be useful than to catch fish for the rest of the clan to eat? She had seen a small group of fish gathering at the bank of the small island they called home the day prior, so she was hopeful that there were still some fish there today. Quickly heading from the nursery towards the bank, she ran down the edge of the water, ears pricked and tail high in the air as she stomped over to the gathering minnows, stopping when she noticed her shadow (and probably her stomps) were causing them to scatter at first. Ears pinning back, she waited and watched as they slowly came back, before lifting a paw, holding her breath, and smacking the water on top of a fish. When she brought it back and lifted it up, she knew she had done it, she had caught a fish! But she couldn't find the fish she caught, since there was nothing in her claws.

A huff left the feline's nose, and she turned back towards the water, eyes squinting at the fish before scooting closer and trying again, and again, and again, all to no avail. She was horrible at this, which meant she'd never be able to do it, and she was on the verge of giving up. In her trying to catch the fish, however, she had ended up scooting close enough that while she was sitting, the tip of her tail was in the water, and there were a small amount of minnows curious enough to come towards it. She watched as they swam closer, stalling for a moment before they pecked at her fur, thinking it was some kind of food. When that happened, Ratkit quickly stood up startled. She didn't want the fish to eat her fur! She needed that fur! What for, she didn't know, but she needed it!

Looking at her tail for a moment to see that there were no hairs missing, Ratkit looked back towards the water to see that when she had stood up, somehow she got one of the minnows out of the water. That's when the little lightbulb lit up in Ratkit's brain, and she turned around, back facing the water and eyes towards the camp and quickly sat down in the water, tail out. She'd wait a couple seconds before turning around and watching as the minnows began flocking towards the stray furs in her tail, claws digging into the sand in excitement. It was working!

If anyone were to walk up to the white kitten, they'd see her twisted around staring into the water, not paying attention to anything going on in the camp.

… . . ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ [penned by tikki]

Petalnose had been watching the kit from afar, she was quite amused by the endeavor. Atleast, the kit had ambition and tried over again when she had gotten it wrong. However, there was a possibility a big fish could swoop her away in a moment with her technique which made her sides heave in an annoyed sigh. She took a stance behind the kit, staring down at her with furrowed brows. "Ratkit." She announced, peering over her shoulder to see the minnows nipping at her tail. "There's better techniques of doing this." She informed, making her way to the youngster's side and settling down with a huff. "If you keep doing this you're going to lose your battle to a big fish. And have an aching tail, we don't want to make Ravenpaw more busy." She added, "There is two ways of going about this, either you can stand in the water for a long time and stay still like a heron- then ambush. Or you can go somewhere where your shadow isn't visible. The sun is what makes your shadow."

Did she ask for any advice? Not particularly, but the kit was basically asking for it with her dangerous technique. It was her responsibility as a lead warrior to help lead her clanmates and assure their safety. "If you're snatched by a pike I'm not going to be happy and so friendly with you." She continued to watch the minnows with a snort of dry amusement, rolling her eyes. It will take her all day to flick those things onto land. Atleast the kit has determination.

"Will the minnows summon a pike, Petalnose?" Flutterkit asked from beside Ratkit, facing the water so he could marvel at the little fish the encircled the tip of his den-mate's tail. He hesitantly reached a paw out above the water, trying so hard not to create a shadow like Petalnose had advised. He had no such luck, and the minnows scattered until he withdrew his paw - at which point they returned to their tail inspection.

"Boy, Ratkit! I wish I could make that many fish like me..." He breathed, the lead warrior being forgotten in his kittish wonder.

Boredom was beginning to prickle at Fernpaw's mood, though it was a bitter feeling that thrashed in tandem with the knowledge that he had done this to himself. It was unjust to complain, wasn't it? When every minute he spent recovering was ultimately borne of his own doing. He was at least glad that his Classmates were kind- that Ravenpaw was his friend, that Sablepaw came to visit, and that the camp was often bustling with sources of entertainment. He never strayed too far from the medicine cat's den, ensuring he'd be nearby if there was- something wrong, but as far as he was concerned taking came under the bracket of resting just as well as lying down did.

He hoped his injury wouldn't scare Ratkit- for a fleeting moment he reconsidered walking over, feeling an unfamiliar jostle of discomfort under his skin. But he braved the feeling, padding over as his eyes creased with his smile, and his uninjured pupil settled upon the unconventional technique of the kitten. Fernpaw lingered a little behind Flutterpaw and Petalnose, head tilted a little in idle interest.

"Luckily the big, nasty fish don't really show up around camp," he murmured, half-hearted smile forced as bright as he could manage. It wouldn't do to scare Ratkit about pikes before she'd even begun her apprenticeship.
penned by pin
unlike fernpaw, silverkit thinks it very much would do to scare ratkit about pikes. she scampers forward, blue ears swiveling to catch as much as she can of the conversation. what does silverkit know about pikes?! hmm. they're big, and they snatch kittens away. and —

"PIKES ARE BIG, AWFUL CARNIVORES!" she shouts as she splashes to a stop near ratkit. "they will eat you right up, like foxes but in water! actually they're BIGGER than foxes! and fernpaw is wrong, they DO come to camp. they swim right up to shore. they eat naughty kits! when they know there's a naughty kit, they even flop their way up onto the sand, like this — THUMP, THUMP, THUMP! — with their awful bubbly fish eyes, and they look for you, and they flop RIGHT INTO THE DENS and THEY'LL EAT YOU UP AT NIGHT, IN YOUR SLEEP!"

" ... so i hope you've been good."

all dramatics, she sobers up for her final sentence, delivering the warning with a deadly serious look in her kitten-blue eyes.

she hopes to strike the fear of starclan into ratkit. that would be the best outcome, here. innocence is sweet but silverkit knows it's better to learn these things sooner. oh, yes. better than being caught off-guard by bloodthirsty pikes. the world is a scary, scary place.

"are you catching minnows?" she asks as an afterthought. "i am good at that." she is not. this is a lie. "can i help?"


  • • abandoned by the border, sibling to otterkit, adoptive daughter to pikesplash • 3 moons old • silver tabby & blue tabby chimera with a dusting of white freckles • meticulous, attentive, opinionated, LOUD!! • peaceful powerplay welcome • wants to make friends! •

  • Haha
Reactions: Tikki and Petalnose
ᓚᘏᗢ There's better techniques of doing this.
The sudden voice by the kitten's side - or rather above her - caused her to jump slightly, scaring the minnows away once more before her head turned to actually look in front of her, then up towards Petalnose. It took a second for the words to register in the kitten's head, but a smile was soon on her face and she tried to think of a response. Smile fading she was in thought for a moment more before shaking her head, "But what if a big fish doesn't come, and I coulda caught all the little ones?" She'd hate to not have fish just cause she was scared of a fish that may or may not come. She hadn't seen a big fish that wasn't dead and brought in by the warriors, so how would she know if they were even real when they were alive?

She listened to the wise words Petalnose gave her, and was about to turn to look at the sun for confirmation before Flutterkit came over, saving Ratkit from temporary blindness and pain as she looked over towards the fellow kitten. "Oh I don't think they like me Flutterkit, I think they like tails, they kept swimming away earlier. I think they'd like your tail too cause our tails are both bright! They get scared by shadows, Petalnose said, so maybe they like bright things?" Like their white tails, or the sun, in which she was tempted to try to look towards again before Fernpaw showed up.

Distracted by everything, Ratkit noticed Fernpaw's injury, but was too absorbed by the amount of cats coming to talk to her about her fishing technique and by the fish that were starting to get bored of their tail inspection to really fully absorb what it was. It registered as weird and not normal, but she had also learned to not ask too many questions about the things she found "weird" and it worked... sometimes. "I bet you if they did I'd notice them too, right Fernpaw? Cause they're big and I saw these ones so I'd see a big fish and then Ravenpaw won't have to fix my tail." Just as she finished her own question towards the apprentice, Silverkit came over, and Ratkit found herself standing up, scaring the minnows temporarily.

Eyes focused on the other kitten while she spoke, ears flicking back for a moment as Silverkit told her story. Every now and then Ratkit would try to interrupt with a `but`, but was soon silenced as the other kept going. Speechless for a moment, Ratkit shook her head and looked towards the others there for help before suddenly Silverkit asked if she could help catch minnows. Glad for the different topic than pikes, Ratkit turned around, getting out of the water completely before sitting down once more, this time facing it. "Yeah you can help! Petalnose said how I can catch some too, so I can do it now too right?" She'd be great at it, and she'd catch every fish. She was told how to do it, so now she knew, one hundred percent, how to catch fish. "Do you want to help too Flutterkit?" She turned to look towards Flutterkit in this moment, eyes crinkled in a slight smile as she wait by the water.

… . . ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ [penned by tikki]

Flutterpaw came to take a seat beside them and asked a question, glancing down at him with her confident posture. Fernpaw had answered a bit for her and she flicked her tail in friendly acknowledgment, "Sometimes, but Fernpaw is right. They rarely show up around camp but there is still a possibility I don't want you both to take." Unlike Fernpaw, Petalnose wouldn't sugarcoat anything. She was as honest and blunt as her claws, she wouldn't outwardly scare both of them but she wanted to make sure the two took cautionary in fishing with their lack of strength and knowledge. It took only one moment for any of the kits to be swept away by a large fish, and if they spit them back out, it was then a problem with no swimming skills. "It's better to see what's coming for you in the first place. You can catch whatever size you want to strike but always be ready for it. Minnows aren't bad to catch since a couple may feed you. Just don't kill them and let them waste away. They can grow to be a big fish."

Silverkit busted into the conversation with loud confidence as always, her eyes immediately narrowing in annoyance and tail flicking. She quickly spun her head in her direction, "Silverkit!" She snapped, giving the tiny terror a stern look with a slight bare of her teeth, "I won't hesitate to punish you if you keep this up."

She let her expression slowly fall as she looked back down at Ratkit, huffing softly and puffing her chest, "She's only half right, the story is rubbish. Just keep your eyes on the water and you'll be fine. If you pounce at them they'll swim away, just pay attention."

Silverkit asked to help in a lower tone and she nodded towards her in an appreciative way. She swore the younger feline never failed to give her a headache, but it was best to acknowledge the good behavior as well. Her and her clanmates couldn't always be correcting her all the time and ignore her best behavior. Maybe she'll learn once her apprentice ceremony comes around the corner. Atleast the kit showed she was fierce, she wondered how the two would be. It seemed they both were far more respectful and polite. Ratkit then showed bravery despite Silverkits tangent, which made her hum in approval.
