He was so in love he thought he might explode- one day, he knew he and Sablemist would settling into the sort of contentment in each other that his mother and father had shared, but in these beginning moons of their relationship Ferngill imagined he might never slip from the river of clouds that he swam through. Sleeping at her side every night had done wonders for easing his night-time worries, the apprehension that in the dark the walls might start closing in. Being awake in her presence helped him see the beauty in everything.

The day began to wind down, their duties relieved... now they took comfort in the warrior's den, sharing tongues before bed. Ferngill had made it very much a point to dote on her completely- she'd groom him eventually, but he'd insisted on pampering her first. "How was your day, honey?" he asked her between licks, tail flicking lazily. Yeah, he had to crane his necks for a few spots, what with her having a few inches on him... but it was no bother at all.

"I was thinking..." A green eye darted to their stones, exchanged so long ago, now carefully placed side-by side on their nest, not to be forgotten or discarded. That'd probably be the only way to get him to chew someone's ear off. "About our stones. You know how most cats get each other mating stones?" A little giggle stuttered from him, then. "We kind of already did that." Were they supposed to get new ones, then? But the one he had got Sablemist was so, so perfect... and the one she had given to him even more so.

\ @Sablemist <3
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If you'd told her several months ago that she'd end up becoming mates with her best friend, Sablemist would have laughed at their perceived joke. Back then she was content to simply pal around with the blazing sun at her side. After being friends for so long how could they be anything more than that? The cap had been reached and when others thought of the ultimate best friend duo they probably thought of her and Ferngill. Until she began to pursue him and the domino molly was oh so glad that she did. He was everything she could have needed. His tender compliments were always the perfect morale boost for her fleeting moments of uncertainty and his company was sweet as honey. He was a constant on her mind and she wouldn't want it any other way.

Her hulking ebony form lay twisted around a sea of mandarin, blue eyes closed as her head rested within Ferngill's forearms. Locked in his embrace she felt safe. Loved. Ferngill's doting was a healing balm against the sore muscles received after a long day of work. She adored his pampering, truly. But she desperately wished to show her appreciation as well. Several times she insisted on grooming him and every time was met with delicate rejection. So, she let him continue his work while silently waiting for the right moment to eventually turn the tables.

His voice rumbles within her ear and Sablemist's eyes begin to crack open, stirring from her realm of heavenly bliss. "It was nice, the weather was perfect for fishing. I even managed to catch a salmon for the first time." She had a certain proficiency for trout, but landing something new made pride swell within her chest. "There was a little crab on the bank too. I should have caught it and brought it back so Crabkit could take a look." She chuckled softly. "How was your's? Surely you have more work than I with being on Smokestar's council." She chimed, beginning to lift her head as his attention was redirected.

Her gaze fell upon the glittering stones proudly displayed within their nest with a fond smile. Gifts, that's what they were at the time. Who could have known it would blossom into something more? "We did." She agreed with an amused chirp. Unraveling an ebony limb she scooped the stones closer, separating them according to ownership. "What if we do it again? Actually declare them as mating stones to each other I mean." Sablemist asked, searching his face for an answer. It wouldn't be silly to rededicate the stones would it? She didn't want to look for new ones, not when the two they had mirrored one another so perfectly.

≖≖ riverclan warrior / eighteen moons old / she/her ≖≖

A salmon was a fantastic catch, and kept Ferngill's grin persistent upon his face. That Sablemist had thought of Crabkit made Ferngill's heart swell- she was endlessly caring, that he knew already, but for her to affirm it made him feel even warmer. His kin were important to him, Iciclefang and her brood especially- a purr rumbled even louder through him to hear that she knew it. "Oh, he would've loved that! But we'd have to make sure it didn't pinch him..." Ferngill murmured... he could imagine that would probably set his nephew off into floods of tears. "It was... calmer than usual. Everyone's in a bit of a better mood now newleaf's in full swing, I think." Being on Smokestar's council had its challenges, yes... but just like any warrior, some days were a little slower than others.

He could hear in Sablemist's voice that she was as amused as him. Two stones, perfectly sought for the other, and given at the time in complete, innocent friendship. What had other cats thought of them? Would anyone else have prediced the path they walked on, based on that, even though at the time it hadn't meant anything?

What if we do it again? Ferngill paused his grooming, eye landing on the stones she had scooped closer to them- and then, to the twin lagoons of his mate's eyes. For a moment his face bore a look of awe, but it soon transformed into one of thrill. Sighted verdancy glimmered with stars, his skin already prickling with the excitement. "We should!" he chirped, as if she'd just suggested the solution to all the war in the world. Really, it felt just about as wonderful as that, which was probably a little bit selfish. But it made perfect sense to do... to ascribe these stones new meaning, to give them the same journey as their friendship-turned-romance had travelled.

She'd already separated them- Ferngill admired his for a few moments, before his gaze lifted to look back at Sablemist. "Okay, um..." Well- there was always a lot in his head when it came to his mate, but- how much was too much to say? "Uh, how're we supposed to do this? " He felt himself getting embarrassed all of a sudden, his ears sheepishly flattening, as he looked to his mate apologetically. That moonlight in her eyes, it was distracting him from everything! Was he supposed to list all the things he loved about her? They'd be up all night!
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Her smile remained in the presence of his cheerful chirp, she was happy to hear him agree, static even as it bubbled beneath the surface of her dark pelt. Sablemist's paw stroked the smooth glossy surface of her stone, silently admiring its beauty as Ferngill began to fumble over his words. "How're we supposed to do this?" Was there a right or wrong way to declare mating stones? She'd never thought about it before and now they were barreling straight into uncharted territory. But, like always, they would face the unknown together. "I don't know." She answered truthfully. But her lack of knowledge would not stop her from doing what felt right.

The night air is silent, pregnant with a heavy pause as the molly contemplated her words carefully. "Ferngill," She began softly, sheepishly. "For as long as I can remember, you have been one of the few constants in my life." Peeling her gaze from the glittering stone at her paws, Sablemist locks eyes with her mate "Your shoulder was there to lean and cry on. Your silly jokes and sweet smile brightened my day. You truly were the best friend I could ever ask for." She chuckled briefly, recalling fond memories of the past.

The rock flipped, revealing its underside as she continued to prod the precious stone, and it was here that her vision returned to the ground below. "I missed you so much during the journey. Every time the reeds rustled I hoped it was you. When it wasn't, I prayed for your safety." The longing she felt for him to return ate away at her daily. His absence made her appreciation for him increase as her heart grew weary. But thank Starclan he came home in one piece. "I was so relieved when you came back. But...I believe my heart knew more than my mind did." She confessed. Looking back on it now she could hardly stay out from under his shadow. But it was the added closeness that gave birth to the relationship they have today.

Dark lids hooded periwinkle eyes as the smile on her face softened. "I can't imagine most cats say I love you to their best friend. But I'm glad you did. Starclan knows I'm the happiest molly alive since your proposal." Although her ears burn and butterflies dance in her belly she continues. "There are not enough words in all creation to describe how you make me feel, Love. But I adore being by your side, nothing compares to it." Sablemist murmured as she placed her paw upon his own. " For those reasons and more, I ask, will you accept this mating stone?"

≖≖ riverclan warrior / eighteen moons old / she/her ≖≖
  • Crying
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It seemed like they were always hurtling into uncertainty, side by side. Sablemist, his shadow- his support, ever there and never forgotten. And even though she didn't know, by her own admittance- just like him- words flowed out of her anyway. Like spider silk, they wove their silvery way out of her mouth, and a single eye of green watched her face, softened by every sentence.

His own ears burned, but her words were the gentlest sort of fire, soothing and warming... encircling and glowing in periphery, always present. Anticipation wavered- and so did the glimmer of a little tear- when she met his eye. As soft blue eyes fell to the stone, he followed her gaze- the stone turned, but then he found he could no longer look away from her. I missed you so much during the journey. Ferngill's heart, even now, leapt at that thought... that she had thought of him just as often as he had her. My heart knew more than my mind did. Wisdom glowed from her like starlight- transfixed by every word, he watched her with soft contentment, with idyll-green love.

When her paw brushed his, he felt a tear roll down his face- sentimentality always managed to pierce right through his heart, and Sablemist had the cleanest route to it. "Of course I will," he purred, blinking at her with overflowing joy. "There's nothing I wanna do more." A pink nose touched the cool surface of the blue-and-green stone, now heavy with meaning ten times what it had held before. Green eye dewy, he realised how big the pawsteps he had to fill were. How was he supposed to match that?

Ferngill cleared his throat, adjusting himself into a better position- or what felt like a better position, anyways. With the strength she gave him- for she was the waves pushing his swimming strides, the swiftness of his paddling limbs, as he encroached these unfamiliar waters- a green eye met two moonlight blue.

"Sablemist." He began the same as her. It just felt right, didn't it? "I couldn't count the times I looked to my side for support, and found you there waiting for me." His smile was sheepish and earnest, aglow with adoration. "When I hurt my eye.. you didn't make me feel stupid for getting myself hurt. Instead, you lifted me up and helped me look to my future, where I was a brave, one-eyed warrior of RiverClan. I couldn't have imagined that I would be sharing that future with you."

Because she'd been right, hadn't she? Just like she always was. He was here, and alive, and something more than the thoughtless apprentice who'd thrown himself into a fox's jaws. "In the mountains, every flower made me think of you. Every night I prayed to StarClan that you were safe, that you hadn't gotten sick..." And she hadn't, thankfully... stars, he didn't know what he would've done if she had. That was a future he wouldn't dwell on for long.

"I love you," he told her on no uncertain terms. Sunbeam grin upon a sunset face, he held her moonstone eyes. "I love how strong you are, how resilient you are, how smart you are, how kind you are... you're a bright spot in even my darkest memories. I'm yours for as long as you'll have me, and for every lifetime after that."

Bringing his head forward, Ferngill brushed his muzzle against hers, warm silence embracing them. That would have to do... if he kept going they'd die of old age before they got to live their life together! Everything he felt was gathered up and woven within that one promise... to be there for her, forever and ever and ever, if she'd put up with it. "Will you accept this mating stone?"
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  • Crying
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As her words concluded, a lone tear traveled down his cheek, staining the fur deeper orange than before. Her intention was not to make him cry, nor weep over her silk-woven speech. But it warmed her heart all the same. In her vulnerable honesty, he cherished every spoken syllable, which in turn melted her heart. The paw that lingered upon his lifted to wipe the tear away with a tender smile. His purr ignited one of her own as he accepted the shimmering stone with a touch of his nose. And, as silly as it sounds, relief blossoms within the depths of her chest. He had chosen her, picked her, to live out the rest of his days with. When, in reality, he could have selected anyone else. The thought alone prompts tears to spring from the corners of her own eyes as he speaks her name like she'd done his.

Confession, after sweet, honeyed confession drips from his maw. His compliments dressed her, portraying her as the brightest star in his darkest night and she felt the same. She couldn't begin to fathom a reality where he wasn't the one she could turn to. What kind of path could her paws have possibly tread down if not for him in her own darkest moments?

She holds his emerald gaze, seeking to twine her tail within his. "I love you too, Ferngill. Forever and always." She emitted with a breath laugh, her smile stretching wider as the tears freely fall. Her muzzle collides with his and she relishes their connection. If it were possible she would remain like this forever, without the dangerous responsibilities to pull them apart daily. She would remain here, curled in his embrace. "I will both accept and cherish this stone." She purred, pulling back so that she may touch her nose the blue-black rock cradled delicately against her chest.

≖≖ riverclan warrior / eighteen moons old / she/her ≖≖
  • Love
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