I can make promises - hunting


he's out of pocket
Apr 26, 2023

one of the promises he made shortly before his warrior ceremony was that he would do better, he would try harder. and if it was not for himself, it was for her. to genuinely make Sweetybee more proud by the day- even if he couldn't say she mentored him anymore. the other was one that he had gotten closer with day by day throughout his apprenticeship.

he had been so anxious that day- scared that Blazestar would be forced to let him go back to being a kittypet. fearing the words that he was not good enough to be a warrior. but the leader had even proven shrewflights thoughts wrong. he was good enough, he just had to believe in himself. sweetybee was right, and he knew this, but it was harder every day, dreading the day when the chocolate marbled cat would be relinquished.

he wasn't, he was here. he was a warrior now. he had done it. he had seen the pride in their faces, and it lit the world for the first time in what felt like forever. and how it took so long for him to see it- he didn't know. but all the weight in his shoulders seemed to fall loose, and he had started approaching each day with a positivity that he had lost from overthinking.

the tiny warrior paused mid step, immediately crouching down as he noticed a small skittering noise. green orbs would lock onto the unsuspecting target a few fox lengths away. he had butchered this so many times. so, so many. he couldn't screw it up this time. he'd inhale softly, holding his breath as he crouched and moved forwards toward his target. a coat of speckled brown and black sniffed against a frosted ground- and only a quick squeak of surprise would escape the mouse as shrewflight managed to catch it, jaws snapping down on it to kill the little creature before it could make more of a fuss.

his first catch as a warrior. and many more to come- but this one was special. this catch would mark a change in shrewflights life- a well needed one at that.


Radio Silence ♥

Making promises to do their bests, its all every warrior did. They all wanted to prove themselves to those who watched them grow up or even train them, to surpass them as well. Bumblebee knew they had made their own silent promises the day he had become a warrior, and so far kept to it. The cold ear nipped at the mute's nose before watching Shrewflight take down a mouse which he'd whistled in an impressed way, green-blue eyes brightened up shimmering as a way to congrats to the other for the first official catch as a warrior.

"Nice catch!" he silently mouthed with some gesturing of the catch, a smile flooding on his lips. Of course sometimes it was tough communicating with the others here but he was sure to attempt to make it clear to Shrewflight what he meant with his gesturing. Hopefully he too could catch something on this run out, especially since the clan needed every catch one could get.

It was always something quite heartwarming, even in the harsh months of Leafbare, to see a new warrior thriving. And hunting in these colder climates was complex even for talented hunters. As prey became scarcer, as the air was harder to parse- Daisyflight had always said he was a talented tracker, but in leafbare it was difficult to tell. Watching Shrewflight, though- he felt no pang of envy in being outperformed. Any prey was to be thankful for, and though it wouldn't fill more than one belly, it'd at least keep a few going.

Trembling from jitters and the cold, Twitchbolt offered Shrewflight a grin, patchwork at Bumblebee's side. "Here's to, to many more where that came from," he hummed, pleased, a sway of his kinked tail accompanying. Having hope was a struggle in times like this, but... it was nice to be slapped in the face with undeniable reality, instead of spiralling into terrible possibilities. What was real, and in front of Twitchbolt now, was a new set of claws to search for food. A promising warrior. The worrying about starvation was put in stasis, if only momentarily.
penned by pin ✧
just because i carry it so well doesn't mean it's not heavy .
“Oh! Congrats!” He chirped, padding toward them, empty-mawed, but determination sprinkled through a pair of odd-colored hues, subconsciously kept downward, but the view never deterred the warrior, gait smooth as it can be with three limbs.

Plumed tail twitching, Tatteredlight offered a soft smile toward Bumblebee and Twitchbolt, ears angled toward Shrewflight, letting a quiet hum in agreement. With the cold draft of leafbare in full swing, the cream-ticked tabby hadn’t had a day where he wasn’t cold, nose numb and cracking paw pads, tucked in his nest with nerve-wracking shivers, usually warded off when his brother came to bother him, claiming he couldn’t sleep with Shiori’s muttering did he taste the first sign of warmth seeping through brittle bones.

He hurt all over from fights long past, most of them he lost, protecting another from something permanent. Blinking, Tatteredlight bounced on three paws. “Maybe we’ll get lucky today.” He laughed softly, not quite believing his optimistic words, but it didn’t hurt anyone to hope.
thought speech