i can see it in your eyes // 'swimming'

Mar 25, 2023
stalkingpaw | 05 months | polygender | any pronouns | physically easy | mentally medium | attack in bold crimson
Like most of riverclan, Stalkingpaw loves the river. The peaceful lull of waves crashing upon the pebbly-sandy shore, the soft splash of fish and frogs and cats leaping about. It's all so alluring to the child - and they are more than eager to begin lessons at the water front now that the ice is thawed - now that it is safe. Or as safe as the river can be.

Green eyes glitter with excitement as the white and black molly steps into the cool waters - watching the ripples that spread outwards and multiply until they vanish into nothingness. Its a pleasant sort of feeling- a nice change from the heat that builds up in long moonlit coat from spending time out in the sunlight. Once within, they wait - simply taking in the sights. Today is fairly straight forward in their mind - a memory in their mind, of ravenpaw, of sablepaw. They'd seen how well their sister could swim - and they'd felt jealousy rising up within their chest despite their best efforts. Skunkpaw is a drypaw - but they have no such excuse.

A deep breath and a determined look upon their ink-marked face, they flop forwards - limbs flailing about and splashing. They're - swimming, though to others it certainly looks more like a fish flopping about upon the shore, the apprentices movements clumsy and uncoordinated as they doggy-paddles their ways forwards, worrying their lip between needle sharp teeth. they're quick to tired out however, panting sharply, and splash their way back to the shore - turning wide green eyes upon @rosewater in anticipation of- guidance? praise? correction? They're not sure actually, as they stand in the shallows once more, positively beaming. They'd swam.

From the nearby reeds, a mottled nose pokes out, sniffling as Crappiepaw pushes their way to the riverbank. The sound of splashing draws them near, and the source of noise becomes apparent. Stalkingpaw, a clanmate who the calico does not yet consider themself familiar with, paddles through the water—quite the feat, they think, for a child of ShadowClan.

Stepping fully into the shallows of the river, round green eyes settle upon the other apprentice. Stalkingpaw looks pleased with themself, and Crappiepaw cocks their head. "Is that your first time in the water?" Their voice cracks as they ask the question, going a pitch too high before they snap their maw shut. Unfortunate.

"That was a good try," they supply, an attempt to recover from their prior comment. They are trying to be encouraging; they were once the apprentice who was just barely learning to swim.
[ dancing in the panic room ]
જ➶ "You're doing well, Stalkingpaw." The molly's voice slips through the air as she steps her way closer to the scene. Gazing at her child, one born of this place and not her former home, she gives an encouraging smile. One must crawl before they can walk and run and this is no different. Her child is making strides and she is pleased to see this. Sitting down she then curls her tail around her paws, taking in the way the water moves. She has yet to be too much of a swimmer but with time she is sure she will master it. The molly never talks of Shadowclan around her kits, at least not too much. She has no reason to worry though as they do not share a border with her former home. Here they can thrive and do well she is sure. "Keep it up and you will be swimming better than the fishes I'm sure." A rare moment. A rare smile before it is gone just as soon as it arrived.
( ) perched on the bank beside boneripple, willowroot gazes approvingly down at the black and white child as she gives it her all. emerald eyes fix on the molly next to them, nodding along with her words. "your mother's right, stalkingpaw! you're doing very well!" for a first attempt, it is not at all bad. the girl's paws are floppy and her breathing is ragged from stretching her neck out of the water, but in the warm newleaf sun, anything feels possible. rosewater is working well with her apprentice. slipping down the bank on feather light paws, the lead warrior sinks into the shallow water with a purr. "there's no better time to learn than newleaf," they tell the apprentice, noting crappiepaw's presence as well. "you'll both be expert swimmers by the time the leaf-bare months come once again." smoke fur darkens as they submerge, then pop out a few tail lengths further along the river.

beesong hides a laugh by clearing his throat, one paw covering his mouth as he watches stalkingpaw flail through the shallows of the river like a concussed fish. sure, the drypaw healer is no expert on swimming— he can swim to save his life, if need be, but it is without the grace and fluidity of those more skilled— but he does know that that is more akin to struggling to stay afloat than swimming.

of course, their clanmates are nothing but encouraging. crappiepaw, boneripple, and willowroot do not mention the floundering as stalkingpaw pulls themselves ashore. beesong hums. must be out of politeness, or in boneripple's case, being blinded by motherly love. "you'll get better if you keep practicing," the cinnamon tabby chimes in from where they stopped to watch on the riverbank, a bundle of herbs momentarily forgotten at their paws. it might seem like a backhanded compliment, but there's no malice behind it; beesong believes it to be encouraging, just like the rest of their clanmates' words.