i can shine a little brighter | thistle



"Are you sure you don't mind helping with this? I don't want to take up too much of your time.." came the hesitant follow-up to a question already asked, the voice as aged and worn as the pages of an old book and coming from a muzzle grizzled grey.

"Aye, it's no problem ma'am. I'm happy to help out." replied the patched tomcat, words polite and the smile of reasurance genuine despite the bitter, coppery taste left in his mouth from cracking ticks for the last three minutes.

"Such a sweet boy. I asked two different apprentices earlier and both were too busy to help get these darn things off me. it's been driving me crazy for half the day."

Another quiet crack! of a bug beneath his teeth, and a frown tugged at his lips. That did sound right, did it? Johnny couldn't pretend to be anywhere close to an expert on these things, but he couldn't imagine Skyclan warriors encouraging their apprentices to leave an elder hanging over a task that literally took five minutes at most.

"Is that so? I'm sure their mentors would find that to be interestin' news." the bobtail replied as he began to look the old shecat over for anymore of the nasty little critters, and was pleased when she seemed to agree.

"Yes, I think they would. Youth used to have a bit more respect when I was younger, you know?"

And the words brought the ghost of a smile to his lips. He'd been at the other end of that speech more than once in his life for his recklessness, and it was nice to not be on it now.

"Their still young- give 'em time and I'm sure they'll turn out okay still. They just need a kick in the tail to get them goin'." he chuckled, offering the old shecat a playful wink that insinuated he'd do it himself if he had to, to which she laughed in return.

"Good news is, I think your good and clear of those bloodsuckers now. Should be able to eat your lunch in peace." he announced, whisker twitching in accomplishment as he stepped back to admire his work.

"Thank the stars. And may Starlcan bless the rest of your day."

Johnny uttered a parting 'thank you' for the words as the two went their separate ways, though he wasn't really sure what she'd meant by them. What on earth was Starclan? Oh well. He didn't want to offend her, and it was always nice to have something blessing, right? Now, time to find something to drink so he could rinse this taste out of his mouth...
