i can show you the world | denali

When Howlfire had been asked if she could show Denali the SkyClan territory, she had been a little taken aback by the initial request. Luckily, her shock had given way to delight, and she had eagerly accepted. It probably helped she did not have to worry about any apprentices for a while, and as such had a little time to spare to indulge in the tour.

Even though Denali had been in camp for a few days now, Howlfire began with a brief rundown of camp and what all the dens were for. She knew it was likely he had already gotten it figured out by now, and was more going through the motions. "How are you finding camp life so far?" Howlfire would ask him, as they made their way towards the exit of camp. As far as she could tell, he seemed to be settling in well enough. They walk a little further from camp before Howlfire asks "Which direction do you want to head in first? Left or right?"

જ➶ "It's definitely very lively. I really like it and the others are certainly very welcoming." At the current moment he hasn't met an unfriendly face. Maybe some reserved ones but no one that has been outright mean and aggressive. It makes all of this so much more gratifying to be able to be here and become a part of the clan even if it will take some time before he is a full warrior in his own right. He is right now considered an apprentice and he takes this to heart and wishes to prove himself to learn all that they can. Lifting their head a bit he makes sure that he understands once more where everything is as Howlfire directs them before they start to head out of camp. Jittery paws follow them and they try to shake of the nervous and excited nerves that make them tremble so.

Flicking their tail he shifts his sea colored orbs to the other as he is asked which way that he wishes to go. Turning to look one way and then the other he shuffles his limbs before leaning toward the left. "Maybe start left and perhaps we can circle back around?" Most certainly he does not know his way around the territory but a few lengths out and where he first came to their border so seeing all of it rather today or tomorrow will be good for him.

Howlfire smiles at his thoughts on camp and her new clanmates. It is strangely quite gratifying to hear such, especially after recent issues with rogues. That wasn't to say Denali's place here would be questioned because of his former status, but she could have certainly understood if tensions had arisen among some of her clanmates amid the recent problems.

When he finally answered about which direction to take, Howlfire gave a curt nod, "Left it is then!" She responded in a chirpy fashion. "I would probably take us most of the day to cover the whole territory, so let me know if you want to continue this another day if it gets too much." With a small tilt of the head, she gestured for him to follow, pushing through the ferns and brambles to get outside of camp before heading in a westerly direction. The first place to visit would be the Tallpine, which wasn't too far from camp and would likely be a place Denali would see often if he became fond of climbing like many SkyClan cats. "Are you much of a climber?" She asked as they walked. Howlfire had scarcely given him time to think before adding, "Many SkyClan cats can climb...it's sort of our special skill." There is a slight conspiratorial grin on her face as she says that, before it drops upon realising Denali might not know of other such skills, such as WindClan having tunnelers and many RiverClan cats being capable of swimming.

It wasn't hard to spot the Talllpine. It had certainly been aptly named because you would see it a long time before you reached the base of the tree. In fact, when the top of the tree became visible, Howlfire pointed it out to her charge, though left any further details on it until the reached the base of the pine tree. "This is the Tallpine," Howlfire mewed, lifting her gaze skyward for a brief moment. "As you can see, it is far taller than all the other nearby trees, and probably all the trees in the forest. It's a pretty sturdy tree to come and practice climbing on, though some of our more daring clanmates will on occasion taking turns seeing how high up they can go."